About Christ Revealed Website and Ministry

This ministry, registered as Christ Revealed Bible Institute and based right now in Houston, Texas, consists primarily of my early morning hours spent writing onto the computer screen as the word of Christ our only life wells up from my heart and into my fingers, sending out to an email list, and then turning those letters and articles into printed books.

I have little or no ability, then, to extend these precious truths of the revelation of Jesus Christ in any further ministry. Nonetheless, I write with all expectation of faith that God will plant me and my family, very soon, into a Christian Community with like-minded believers in Jesus from which a larger ministry for Christ Revealed can grow.

But my inability simply means that I need you, my brother and sister, to walk with me as you give to this same word the gifts God has given you. We are members of one another, and Christ revealed happens only through our togetherness.

This website, then, contains (almost) all of my writing from 2006 until the present day, all the chapters of all my books, as well as articles that were not included in any book. As such, this website serves as a companion site to the online Bible School I am working to create, Christ Revealed Bible Institute, an online school which I hope with all my heart will grow into a face-to-face classroom inside of Christian Community.

I have included an audio recording with almost every article on this site. If you are not big on reading yourself, you can still listen to the audios. 

In the pages below, I have expressed further invitations to you to be a part of this ministry of Christ Revealed as well as the larger revelation of Jesus Christ through His body upon this earth.