A Highway for God

What if?

What if God does what He actually says in the Gospel in our world today?

What if God takes the initiative and enters our world in a way no one is expecting?

What if He has been preparing His own ones for decades in ways few have foreseen?

It happened that way two thousand years ago; it’s happening the same today.

No one expected God to show up on this earth inside of all human weakness and when they saw God as He is, they rejected Him, for He did not meet their requirements.

The same thing is happening today and in the same way, except for two things. Two thousand years ago, God entered our world through Jesus. Today, God enters our world through His Church, the fulness of Jesus who fills all inside of all. And two thousand years ago, it was the beginning; today it is the completion.

What is a world in which God is known? What is a world in which the Father is welcome? 

It’s happening; it’s happening, ready or not.

What if Jesus did return on the Day of Pentecost and no one knew the hour of His appearing? What if the church actually is the body of Christ and Jesus has been here all along? What if salvation is already complete?

What if we are just like Jesus as we see Him as He is? What if God is telling us the truth. What if God is coming through?

What will it be? What will a world filled with the knowledge of God look like?

Isaiah spoke of a highway, a highway built for God. And he told us what would happen when that highway is ready and God comes rushing through. This is no “highway to heaven,” for such a concept is not found in the Bible. This is a highway for God into our world.

What if God has a people already on this earth, regular folk no different from you and me, except that they believe with all reckless confidence that God is telling us the truth in the gospel? What if those people have placed the Heart of the Father as the most important thing in their lives? What if they honor His Word? What if they refuse any other thought besides Father at Home in our hearts?

Would you be among them? 

Would you know the Father, if you could?

Would you share Heart with God, if such a thing were possible?

What if God put this book in your hand for His purposeful determination? What if God wants you to read it on your knees before Him? What if God wants to come into your world through you? What if “love one another” is the next season of your life?

What if giving an account of your life in the presence of God is the most important thing you will ever do? What if the Apocalypse is the most exciting day in all the history of the world?

You owe it to yourself to read this entire book. You will find in it things you have never considered before. You owe it to yourself to know the Father. You will discover that there really is nothing else.

What you will find in the chapters on the right is a mighty Wind of God blowing through you.