Symmorphy VII: Completion

I recognize that I am an ambitious man. I like to write, and I like to know God through writing.

I have envisioned a third book to follow in the same form as Knowing Jesus as He Is and Set My People Free. That third book will be Our Glorious Salvation. My problem is that everytime I have considered that third book I knew that I did not know our glorious salvation well enough to accurately write about it.

I wrote all five of the Symmorphy texts before I was able to write Knowing Jesus as He Is. And I wrote two books, Designed by Word and River of Life in order to have the clarity I needed to write Set My People Free. For that reason, in order to be able to write Our Glorious Salvation, I have set myself to write two more Symmorphy texts, just like the first five in approach and layout, Symmorphy VI: Mankind and Symmorphy VII: Completion.

I must finish my autobiography, Prepare a Path, and Symmorphy VI: Mankind, but that doesn't prevent me from starting this text out from the season of Passover in the year of our Lord 2022. This text is the most wondrous I have ever considered and its guiding idea has me on edge in intense excitement. 

Meanwhile, here is a tentative outline of the chapters of this text as I envision it now. The outline will most likely change when I actually write it.

Symmorphy VII: Completion
Outline of Chapters

Part 1: Focus and Meaning
            1. Perspectives and Layout
            2. Defining Completion
            3. The Father’s Completion
            4. An Experience of Completion
            5. A Perfected Opposition
            6. A Complete Victory

Part 2: Salvation
            7. Considering Human Folly
            8. Redemption – A Love Story
            9. The End of the Age
            10. What Victory Has Wrought
            11. Salvation Revealed
Part 3: Building the Kingdom
            12. A Pattern Language
            13. The Authority of Love
            14. From Faith to Liberty
            15. Patterns 1-3 Spaces
            16. Patterns 4-6 Movement
            17. Patterns 7-9 Belonging
            18. Patterns 10-12 Inhabitants

Part 4: Justice & Resolution
            19. The Silencing of Accusation
            20. Justice & Restitution
            21. Setting Creation Free
            22. The Ages to Come

Part 5: Tabernacles
            23. The Age of Tabernacles
            24. Being Resurrected
            25. The Church in Her Glory
            26. A Framework for Society
            27. Being Firstfruits
            28. The Joy of God