About What I Write

Christ Revealed Books

The first portion of this website is my writing to teach. This is current material, written or re-written after I passed half-way through writing the Symmorphy texts. It is only since writing "A Highway for God," that I, for the first time, understand the gospel and actually have something to teach.

Turning the Ages Books

The second portion of this website is current writing that is not introductory and thus is writing to learn. The primary question in these series is how will the Feast of Tabernacles be fullfilled now in the Church, that is, how does God enter through us into our world to be seen and known by all.

Symmorphy Books

The "Symmorphy" portion of this website is, in many ways, the most important. In these five volumes, written as college textbooks, are my exploration of what it means to live with Jesus and Father inside of us and we inside of them, as applied to the Kingdom, to the Covenant, and to Life together as the Church.

Covenant Fulfilled Books

The "Covenant Fulfilled" texts began with that moment when God turned me right side up in the fall of 2011 and I began to know God in a way I had not known before. These books are my first attempts to set out an understanding of Kingdom and Covenant, and of the real meaning of both reality and the gospel.

Our Path Home Books

The "Our Path Home" set of books begins with The Jesus Secret, my first view of speaking Christ as the only life we are. After that I wrote weekly letters for my email list on various topics, all of which I finally cobbled together into books of similar themes. These texts are my first path into the knowledge of God in us.

The following "Lessons" are different attempts to explain the background or sources out from which I write or to explain what you will find in my various books.

The Premises from which I Write is an explanation of some of the sources of my understanding of the Christian experience (written prior to the fall of 2011). 

What I Believe: I is the list of "rules of Christian thinking," words from God by which we humans are designed, a list that I brought to completion in writing Knowing Jesus as He Is.

A Current Account of My Writing is an explanation of each of my books in order, what each contains and why I wrote it. It includes some I am working on but have not finished. (Written in June of 2019).

What I Believe: II is a layout of 100 "points" setting forth "what I believe." Although I created this list with my first website, it remains current to my present understanding. This is NOT the Nicene Creed, but what I actually believe out from what God actually says.
I write in order to learn. I must know what God actually says in the Bible and especially in the gospel, and I must have Him show me by His Spirit what He actually means by what He says. Knowing Jesus is the only life there is; I must live.

Most of what is on this website is simply my attempt to learn by writing. For that reason, most of the articles are long. I begin an article with something I know God must teach me, not knowing for sure what that is. And thus I continue writing until what I know inside that God has for me has come into view. Very often, the best part of any letter or chapter is near the end.

The articles on this website are, primarily, rough drafts. The printed books contain a more edited version of them.

Because I write to learn, my understanding of God and of what He says in the Bible has grown over time. Some things have only deepened in my understanding, but other things have shifted just a bit as I have learned to see all things out from Life alone.

Nonetheless, Salvation is, in part, a journey out of wrong thinking and seeing and into seeing all things through Jesus' eyes. For that reason, I do not change my earlier writing even if my understanding has changed a bit. Others are on the same path and Jesus will speak to them what He wishes as He has done with me.

But I have learned something along the way. Most Christian teaching is an attempt to use the verses of the Bible in order to answer the wrong questions. To someone who insists on knowing what God actually says, however, such use of the Bible is frustrating, even if the teaching is "good." Then, as I look at my earlier writing (primarily the Our Path Home set of books), I see that sometimes I was attempting to answer questions that have now vanished from my mind as having any meaning at all. Nonetheless, the teaching is "good" in our journey to know the Lord.

Learning to Teach

Seeing all things out from the Tree of Life, that is, out from living inside of Jesus alone, requires a change of thinking regarding everything. That change does not happen overnight.

We are transformed by the renewing of our minds - from glory to glory. Actually, we become what we are by seeing and knowing as God sees and knows.

I wrote the books of "Our Path Home" hoping to learn to see as Jesus sees. Then, I wrote the books of "Covenant Fulfilled" as the process of learning. In all of those, I bounced around quite a bit, primarily because I had no idea what I was talking about.

My approach to writing changed, then, when I began Symmorphy I: Purpose (the most important book for you to study). Now I was attempting to write to teach, even though I was still learning a whole lot in the process.

Nonetheless, all through my hoping and writing to learn, I knew what things I wanted to know. Those broad subject areas are reflected in the titles of the books.

For that reason, many of my "teaching" books are a second attempt at the topic I was searching out in my earlier books.

Symmorphy I: Purpose is an expansion of my first version of The Ten Most Important Verses, which were the primary topic of the book, Our Path Home. ~ Symmorphy II: Essence is a re-write of the main concept of The Two Gospels.

Symmorphy III: Kingdom is a re-write of The Kingdom Rising. At the same time, I was able to present the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles more clearly than I could in my earlier book.

Symmorphy IV: Covenant is a re-write of The Covenant. ~ Symmorphy V: Life is a far better exploration of the concepts I first attempted in Gathering to Life.

Writing Knowing God by Scripture came out of writing Symmorphy III: Kingdom, and writing Knowing Jesus As He Is came out of writing Symmorphy V: Life.

At the present time, I am going back and forth between writing to teach and writing to learn, a mix that benefits both. And so, I wrote Designed by Word and The River of Life, and I am writing After My Own Heart, in order to learn. From this writing then, I was able to carefully craft Set My People Free and Tabernacle Teaching as writing to teach, along with a future book I hope to write, Our Glorious Salvation.

I am also working on two other books of great value to me, both of which are a long process. One is my autobiography, Prepare a Path, and the other is The Jesus Secret II, showcasing just how beautiful God's word really is.

Finally, I am creating a series of mini-courses depicting the gospel of Jesus Christ as it really is, which I hope to place on Teachable.com and make available to the general public.