9.1 The Issue - Faithful and True

There is no question in my mind that we are inside the final dispensation of time given to the age of folly and that the next few years will see great transition. The term is “the completion of the age,” even though most want to call it “the end of the world.”

God has one issue inside this age of human folly, only one. Even though we have covered it many times, it is essential to weave it in again. “Who do you say that I am? “What do you do with My Word? – When I speak, the Lord Jesus, I am telling you the truth. My words are faithful and True. I do what I say. Jesus as every Word I speak is My revelation here and now. Believe into Him.”

Every Word. In this lesson, we want to tie together three things. The first is Jesus as every Word God speaks proven faithful and True. The second is this world right now and over the next 3-5 years. And the third is God’s Completion, that all things, whether Truth or lie, must come to fulfillment and fulness.

Let’s put it this way. – All the ruling Gospel verses with all their companions, New Testament and Old, are marching across the earth right now demanding entrance in full. “Who do you say that I am” is pressing hard against every individual, who, if their eyes were opened, would see that nothing else in their world has any meaning. If we have believed, it is because we have given way to God pressing in as every Word that He speaks.

Through Faith. Jesus said, “When the Son of man comes, will He find faith in the earth?” Jesus becomes visible to all as every Word God speaks fulfilled, faithful and True, only through the passageway of faith, through those who believe Him, as He is, inside of them.

Yet here is that NARROW passage, a pin-point opening in a wall of hardness and refusal. “My Grace, My presence with you inside of you, is all you need, for My strength is made perfect and comes to its full completion inside of and through your human weakness.” Isaiah 55 and Revelation 12 both testify that the Word comes through the weakest parts of the earth, and the most receptive.

Every Mouth Closed. Consider all the noise of all the conversation taking place right now among all humans on this earth. NONE of that argument and contention has any meaning regarding what is ACTUALLY happening.

Here is what is happening. – That every mouth might be closed, and the entire cosmos brought under judgment before God (Romans 3 – rough JSV). Everyone on this planet must say, I am utterly, completely, and irrevocably WRONG! And then they must shut their mouths. God is not violating any human as He does this, and thus He is free to bring this weight to bear through us upon all.

How Things Actually Work. When I was twenty one years old, I heard a word preached that the sons of God will direct the authority in the heavens through the closing out of this age. From then until now, the Bible and the present Word of the Spirit confirms that reality.

When I was twenty years old, I read None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen. From then until now my study of ongoing current events has only confirmed that Allen described accurately how the world works. The fake “pandemic,” the subsequent lockdowns, and the genetic engineering serum forced in almost all countries simultaneously happened only by careful and coordinated planning. The chances that these things happened “accidentally” are zero.

A Growing Phenomena. I just witnessed a savage blow dealt to freedom in Texas by deceit, Netanyahu on the right and Soros on the left, tricking the government of Texas to violently attack college students on Texas campuses in opposition to freedom of speech. The two individuals directing the two sides may not have communicated personally, but each were instructed by the same controllers, whose strategy of directing both sides of every conflict has been clearly in operation for over two hundred years. I see continual evidence of these things.

Over the last two years, however, I have been puzzled by a growing phenomena in world events and in the conduct of “leaders” that has become pronounced through the last few months, a phenomena that can only be called madness.

A Frenzy of Madness. This growing madness actually makes sense to me. Of truth, I am convinced that we have some hand in it with our prayers. The visions that were shared with us after each session of prayer during the deliverance times at Blueberry, and visions shared by Annie in “I Looked and I Saw Visions of God,” share the same truth, that when evil rises up to seize control, it discovers that it has no power to do so. The result is a frenzy of madness that has no effect.

God’s principle of reciprocity is not just how He operates inside Himself, but it is the only way anything created by God can operate. Paul expressed it this way as it effects the world. “What you sow, you will reap” (Galatians 6).

Falling into Pits. Solomon voiced the same thing in this way. – Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him (Proverbs 26:27). The United States government dug a pit for the Russian nation to fall into, that we might steal their abundant wealth, but every specific action taken by the US has resulted only in a stronger Russia, whereas the US and Europe are the ones being destroyed by the very actions they are taking.

God has no regard for the conniving of political groups in their wicked antics against each other. He has one regard – His Word, pressing against every individual person, each of whom is far more face to Face with God than they can imagine, that His Word be proven faithful and True.

Our “Side.” We ourselves are on one side only. Our “side” is God coming through as Love among us, the knowledge of God opening to every human alive on this planet, the revelation of Jesus Christ. The issue is the Word, every gospel Word God speaks. But that issue is not an intellectual exercise, neither is it just a matter of seeing the truth. We are speaking of power, how it operates, and how things are actually influenced inside the visible realms of creation.

Consider this statement I just made. – “All the Gospel verses are marching across the earth right now demanding entrance.” Paul said that this very Word is in our mouths, and the writer of Hebrews indicated that our confidence is the authority through which God comes.

The Entrance of Word. The entire next section of this text, starting with Chapter 12, is a study of how living Spirit Word shapes the Kingdom of God into and through the Age of Tabernacles. The entrance of that Word entering into all the avenues of power and influence in the heavens over this planet is coming now through us. By its very nature, that living Spirit Word, entering our world through the confidence of our faith, strips the power to act from the authorities and influences that have ruled the age of folly.

What I mean to say is this. Let us speak Christ made personal as us, let us speak the authority of Christ into the heavens surrounding all humans, and let us do so in absolute confidence inside of God.

Our Christian Brethren. But always, we speak Christ towards and into the Church on this earth first, for she is our only concern.

One of the spokesmen for the failing powers of this world, a former Ukrainian, made this comment recently, I paraphrase. “We, the elite, will enter into a technological ark where we will be kept safe while all the masses of this world drown in what’s about to hit.” He certainly knows his Bible; he just has things switched.

We, the sons of God, are drawing our Christian brethren all across the earth into knowing Jesus as He is, into the knowledge of Father with them, into the secret place of the Most High, where they will be kept safe even while all vestiges of power are stripped from those who scream against God.

The Word Complete. Again, we are considering Jesus as every Word God speaks proven faithful and True inside this present world over the next few years as God through us brings all things to Completion, whether True or lie. Consider this line from Ezra, in Psalm 119. – The entrance of Thy Word giveth light.” Here is the same thing from John, in Revelation 1. – The apocalypse of Jesus Christ.” The Word complete, the lights turning on, Love made visible.

Think of that, every Word complete, the lights turning on, Love made visible through the Church, the evidence of God. These things have outward effects, yes, but they are inward realities, inside the mind of every human in heaven-earth.

What Does God Want? What does God want from every human on earth, each one personally, in order to be satisfied that His Word is honored? Consider these two scenarios.

Then the kings of the earth and the great ones, the commanders, the rich and the strong, and every servant and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall upon us, and hide us away from the face of the One sitting upon the throne and away from the opposition of the Lamb because the day of Their great opposition has come… (Revelation 6:15-16).

God does NOT want more lying and hiding.

Justifying God. Then this – Therefore, also, God highly exalted Him and favored Him with the name above every name, that inside of the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, every heavenly knee, every earthly knee, and every under-earthly knee and every tongue should speak the same thing, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:9-11).

To bend the knee is to say, “I am the one who has been lying.” To speak the same word that is Christ is to say, “God, You are the One who has been speaking the truth.” In each, it is a simple acknowledgment out from honesty of heart, a quality little known by most.

– Justifying God in all things and finding Him right and True.

Acknowledging God. That is everyone in general. But what about the Church, what does God want from believers in Jesus alive today? That’s an easy one. – This is My full completion, that you love one another in full reciprocity just exactly as I have loved you (John 15:12).

If Jesus said these words, then Christians, just like the Lord Jesus, loving one another in full reciprocity through the ins and outs of daily life together, ARE the evidence of God, the proof of Jesus faithful and True. The acknowledgment of God as Love among us, by the Church, is a far deeper meaning than the simple acknowledgement of lie and truth God wants from the world.

Into Salvation. What God wants of all is simple, and I know it well, for God has proven these things in my life, though they are very costly. To speak the same Word, the Lord Jesus in my mouth, I must surrender my story of self to Him, that it might be His across the whole span of my life. And to love my brothers and sisters reciprocally requires the surrender of my heart to the Father, that He might make it His own, that I might know Him.

What God wants is no more than the simplicity of the gospel. – If you speak the same word in your mouth, that is the Lord Jesus, and hold confident faith inside your heart that God raised Him out from the dead, you will be saved. For the heart persuades into just innocence; and the mouth speaks the same word, speaking Christ into salvation.

Reading for Next Time. The next lesson is titled “The Completion – the Apocalypse.” I have written these two lessons together; I needed the next lesson to complete the present one. As I wrote the next lesson, God gave me His answer to all the troubling questions I have held concerning this present age. There is only one contention, God against all, “I speak the Truth, and here is My evidence.” I have no reading to suggest, but meditate on these things.

In our prayers, now, let’s return to the stance of authority, that we might speak the Words of God into the avenues of power and influence, that we might take possession of the Kingdom.

Let’s Pray Together. “God, our Father, Your Word has pressed against us our entire lives, and by Your Grace, our foolish resistance has given way and You have entered into our lives in Triumph. And now, Oh God, Your same Triumph goes forth from us as the testimony of Christ everywhere we go.

“God, our Father, it is time for all accusation against You to cease forever. It is time for Jesus through us proven faithful and True as all that You speak. And Father, we begin with this wicked demon that turns the redemption of Jesus into consciousness of sins in the minds of our brothers and sisters. Inside of the name of Jesus, we cast that demon out from the entire Church of Christ.

“Your Word, Oh God, is Jesus in our hearts and in our mouths, and we speak Him forth in all the confidence of His faith inside of us. As we speak the words of Your Gospel, now made personal as us, so You are making us part of that very Word as it moves into the heavens surrounding every human on this planet.

“We sing, with Jesus, the Song of the Lamb. And out from His Triumph, shared utterly with us, there goes forth Rivers of Power, released by all authority, bringing every wicked accusation into SILENCE inside the presence of God. The time of hiding is over; the time of thanksgiving is come. Give thanks in all, for God is always good. Speak Christ as all, for He alone is Life. For God our Father has answered us.”