11.1 The Father Made Known

Salvation revealed is the Father made known.

God alone is God. He is the only actual Agency in existence. What God is, He is; what He does, He does. Yet God is invisible and cannot be known. No created quality can perceive God. Thus, we must be immersed into His Spirit. More than that, by speaking the word, Subdue, God divested Himself of authority inside of creation, transferring that authority to mankind, first through Adam, and second through Jesus.

To be known, Salvation revealed, God must have a passageway. God is Symmorphic. God reveals Himself through other persons as part of their very fabric.

The Blood Covenant. In order to be known, God enters into a Blood Covenant with individual humans through Jesus. In that Blood Covenant, He gives all of Himself to them and receives all that they are for Himself. Now God is subject to that human, all of God, and to the authority He invested in Jesus inside of them.

I have access to all of God, to all of His power, His wisdom, His knowledge, His glory, His love. And along with having full and unlimited access to all that is God, I have authority over all that is created. Even more than that, I remain free of God forever; He will never control me. I can do anything I want with all that is God; I can do anything I want with His Word and His Spirit.

The Real Question. And so the real question of Salvation revealed, of the resolving of the Age of Gods Patience, is this. Is God safe with me? Jesus asked that same question in this way. When the Son of man comes, will He find faith in the earth?

But lets back up a bit, for we have had this completely wrong. Jesus did NOT come to save us from God, as in, God wants to throw you in hell, but Im here to save you from Gods wrath. Jesus came to save God from us. And what did WE do? We killed Him. God has never been safe with us, His authority inside of creation. Even the Christian Church abuses God-with-them for power over others, to manipulate and control.

How Do They Live? God gave us all authority in creation and hearts to rule, but He withheld all power. All human lust is the reach for power. Yet the one who is sent of God knows all power flowing through them. How do they live and think, as Jesus did, in experiencing all power, yet in holding none for ones self?

There are seven great issues God has with me, whether He would be safe in opening my eyes to see all that is in my hand, all my access to God and all my authority in creation. I am going to make this personal, God speaking directly to me. You place your own name in the text and hear God speaking the same to you.

Is God safe with you?

My Word. Daniel, what are you doing with My Word?

Your Word, oh God, is my Source, my only Source. Your Word comes to me as the Lord Jesus, my King, dwelling inside my heart. I honor Your Word above all, my Father. Your Word shapes my being and orders all my steps. When I read Your Word in my Bible, oh God, I am silent concerning myself, as if I might control Your Word. I place my face upon the ground before You, meek and lowly of heart, and I respond only with Let it be to me according to what You mean by what You say. You have given to me the ability and the right to receive Your Word into myself to be written by Your Spirit all through my heart as the Lord Jesus. I fellowship always with Your Word.

My Life. God, my Father, You alone possess Life inside Yourself, yet You have granted to Your Son also to have Life inside of Himself, this same Jesus who is now given to me and who is the only Life I am. I come from nowhere else, but You, Father; I walk through no one else, but You; and I return always and only into You. You alone energeo all inside of me. I acknowledge no other.

Yet You have lifted me up, oh God, and placed me inside of Jesus at Your right hand. You have made me equal with You in heart, sharing the same soul. Father, I am now Your Life inside of creation, for You are inside of Jesus inside of me, reconciling all things to Yourself.

My Way. Daniel, do you love My way with you?

I give You all thanks, oh God, for the way You designed me and for the purposes for which You brought me forth. You made me like Yourself, meek and lowly of Heart, that You might fill me with all that You are. You made my form weak, so that the excellency of the power flowing through me might be of You and not of me at all. I rejoice in the lowliness of my form and in each of my disabilities, as You designed me, that I might need others to walk with me. I honor You inside the abilities You gave me, that I might give to those walking with me. I have no need to be anything of myself.

My Unfolding. I know, Father, that every next step and circumstance in my life I share with You, and we together turn our next moment into goodness for the sake of others, whatever it might bring. Father, every next step we share together is the unfolding of Your Kingdom, a place wherein all might safely dwell.

Even when I forget and act foolishly and stray a bit, You alone keep me, You alone make me devoted to You. Therefore, I give You even my foolishness and all my mistakes, for they belong only to You. In great wonder, Father, You and I together, through our confidence in the Devoted Spirit, turn even my foolish mistakes into goodness for others. The unfolding of Your Way is safe with me, Father, because I am safe with You.

My Gift. Daniel, is the sacrifice of Jesus enough for you?

Oh God, my Father, the gift of Your Son to me has won my heart; my heart belongs to Jesus, and to You, in the full bond of the Blood Covenant. The Blood of Jesus is enough for me, Father. Jesus alone removes my sin from me. The cross of Christ is enough for me, Father. I am already crucified with Jesus; I need no other death. I enter through the cross into all the Life of Christ. Regardless of what I feel, oh God, nothing of the old remains. All things in my life are brand new; all things are of You. And the Life of Jesus is enough for me; I am saved by His Life.

My Salvation. God, my Father, You have given me Jesus, my all-Salvation and my only life. I actively place the Lord Jesus Christ upon all that I am, past, present, and future, heaven and earth, in all the certainty of His faith inside of me. Your Salvation, oh God, is enough for me.

Then I turn and see that, in all my Christian brethren and in all creation, all that is contrary to You has already been crucified with Christ. Its all gone. The Blood of Jesus has already cleansed away all sin and sinfulness. You have already reconciled all to Yourself. I see the entire universe and everything in it dwelling inside of Your Salvation, and it is enough for me.

My Process. Daniel, will I be free to give to others through My Gift to you.

My heart says Yes, Lord, but I know the form You gave to me, that I am weak. For that reason, I never trust in myself, oh God, but I cast myself utterly into You, for You alone are my Salvation, You alone cause me to be just like Jesus. Inside of You, and by Your grace, Your presence always with me, I give to my brothers and sisters, and to each one whom You bring to me, that which You have given so freely to me, Your Love, Your grace, Your Spirit, Your kindness, Your help. I do not give myself to them or to anything else, but only to You, yet to You through them, and for their sake, which is always for Your sake, Father. I give all.

My Response. Daniel, do you receive Me and others as I receive you?

Lord Jesus, I receive You into myself with all gladness. You are my Lord, my Life and my Provider. I come only out from You. It is You who has entered into union with me, with all that I am, giving Yourself to me first. I give myself back to You in utter gratefulness, for You have prevailed over all. I refuse any thought that is contrary to You, Lord Jesus, I do not regard it. Yet I am not justified by my refusal, but only by Your acceptance of me. With all my heart, Lord Jesus, I am willing, with Your willingness, to receive all whom You bring to me as a sacred trust from God, to carry each inside my heart all the way through the darkness into all the Life of Christ.

My Likeness. Daniel, as you carry your brothers and sisters in your heart, are you always setting them free of yourself?

Lord Jesus, I see my brothers and sisters, that they are as You, as Your likeness to me, each one. My sister looks like Jesus to me; my brother looks like Jesus to me. Lord Jesus, I share with You all the costliness of their entrance into knowing You Sent into them, never ever imposing any costliness upon them.

My brother, my sister, you are entirely free of me, free to rise into the Father in all glory, free to shine as the brightest star, far brighter than me. I release you into God and into His likeness.

My Heart. Daniel, will you share Hheart with Me?

God, my Father, I know that You have brought me into Your Heart and have commanded me to apprehend boldly for myself everything I find here. Your Heart is pure and devoted, oh God, utterly good and filled with favor. Your Heart is for others, Father, to give and give and give, yet always expecting a return back into Yourself. And in Your Heart is found no shadow of turning. Then I look again, Father, and see all the sorrow of the universe throbbing inside Your Heart, for every single pain inflicted on any created thing is pain inflicted on You. There is no place I would rather be, my Father, then here inside Your Heart, inside our shared Hheart together.

My Perception. I look again, Father, and see that Your Heart rules over all inside of justice and inside of mercy. This also You share with me and I with You. I see everything through Your eyes, oh God; I judge everything by Your desire. I discriminate one from another according to Your understanding of the heart of each.

Father, by Your Word, You energeo Your desire inside of me, and out from our shared Desire, we share all good pleasure. Then, out from our shared pleasure together, oh God, You and I go forth into all creation, in every moment, to everything, with Compassion and in Abundance. Father, You are Yourself through me.

First Personal. Now, we are talking about Salvation revealed, about God made known. God known is always Personal as the Lamb through us for others. There is no other way that God might be known than through us, His Body. And God through us is Love. Thus it is the qualities of the Lamb alone, now our own beings as well, that allow God to become what He is inside of all creation Compassion and Abundance.

Notice, in this response to Gods contention with us, that everything is first and foremost personal, personal to God and personal to us. This recognition of personalness, even of pain and joy, is the beginning of respect, the beginning of Love.

Three Essential Qualities. Then we see three qualities that are essential to the visibility of God, three qualities that enable everyone to see that it is God showing Himself through our togetherness. The first is the absolute respect we give to His Word, to all that He speaks, and the certainty with which we know God-with-us, that He always hears us, even as we always receive His Word as the only description of our hearts and lives.

The second is the absence of any sufficiency in ourselves, that we always cast ourselves upon God as our only Salvation, that He alone causes us to be what He intends. And the third is our willingness to turn with God, and to give our lives to Him for the sake of others, that we might carry them, in all costliness, all the way through death and into Life.

My Appearance. Then that brings us to the outward appearance of God made visible, which is Christian Community, life together inside of Jesus, believers in Jesus loving one another with pure hearts fervently, the Jerusalem of God. Lets add an eighth concern of God. Daniel, do you like Me? Do you like the way I look and carry Myself, when I come to you through your brethren?

Lord, I have loved the habitation of Your House, how I love the place where Your Glory dwells. Father, I look at my brothers and sisters gathered around the dinner tables, conversing together in joy, and I am amazed at how beautiful You really are. I like You, God, I really do.

What Is about to Hit! This is the heart of the matter, the ZEAL that RULES the next few years of human history. Our passion for Gods Appearance inside of creation Christ Community. Is the Church safe for God?

At whatever the cost, this is the consuming Purpose of our lives, of every moment of our days, that the Church of Jesus Christ upon this earth would be SAFE for God. That the knowledge of God might be birthed out from her into the knowledge of all God being Himself inside our world.

What shared Hheart, what shared Zeal, what shared Love is about to hit the affairs of humans upon this earth!!!

Reading for Next Time. The next lesson is titled By the Second Witness of Christ. Please read/listen to Lesson 3.2 A Home for God. Here is a quote from that lesson. God alone is Salvation, God made visible, God through His Church, God as Christians loving one another with pure hearts fervently. There is no other life; there is no other Salvation; there is no other future for anyone. And then God, You alone must build this House.

Thus we know that the second witness of Christ, the fulfillment of the second half of the ministry of the Lamb, can be nothing other than the zeal of Jesus through us, by which God brings His Home, Christian Community, into its full expression as God among us.

Let’s Pray Together. God, our Father, You have sealed us into Yourself, deep inside Your Heart, in the secret place, looking out only through Your eyes. We trust utterly in Your Salvation, placing ourselves into Jesus and Jesus upon us in all. Zeal for Your House, Your appearance in all heaven-earth, consumes us.

We call You forth into our world, oh God. You have made us safe for Yourself; be safe through us, for we will never use You to exalt ourselves to control others. You have made such doings utterly abhorrent to us. Father, glorify us, that we might glorify You. Father, glorify Your name.

I have glorified it and will glorify it again.