12. The Anointing

© Christ Revealed Bible Institute

Here is another element in this great puzzle of the presence of the serpent’s ruling words in the minds of dear believers in Jesus, and that is this thing we have called “the anointing.”

The serpent was anointed of God. Buddy Cobb was anointed of God in my own life, above the anointing of the Spirit upon many. Yet both preached a word that was contrary to Christ our life and that turned those who heard it from being designed by Christ to being designed by accusation.  

While I was writing The Two Gospels, I happened upon a website on which I read these words, “God will anoint that word that is of Him.” I witnessed to those words even as they separated me from God in my thinking.

A few days ago, I made the mistake of going to the Facebook page of someone who clicked a “Like” on my little bits from Knowing Jesus as He Is. On their page I saw a prophetic word given by “Prophet Brother C,” a brother who grew up in the same move communities in which I lived, though I had never met him. [I have felt of the Lord to replace his name with “Brother C.”] As I read the prophecy, a witness of the anointing of the Holy Spirit sprang up unbidden inside of me.

The prophecy, however, was straight out of the white paper written by the evil men who are working to bring forth a one-world government specifically for the annihilation of Christianity, though the words were altered to fit a “prophecy of God.” In that prophecy, Brother C was affirming that God was working through President Trump against Syria, Iran, and North Korea. Of truth, I could have paraphrased his words to a more accurate statement of what he was actually saying.

Here is the reality of his words. “Jesus will bless us as we murder those people whom the wicked rulers of this world, who use Trump as a distraction, have declared to be our ‘enemies.’” And everyone was saying, “Amen.”

It took several hours for me to get over the horror.

What is the anointing?

We have to put three words together to understand.

“Subdue all things (in that He put all things under man’s feet, He left out nothing…)” – “The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” – “I will pour out of My Spirit upon ALL FLESH.”

In the exact same way that we can do whatever we want with each word God speaks, so we can do whatever we want with the anointing of the Spirit of God upon our human capacity.

God does not anoint His word. God anoints the human minister of His word, and that minister is then free of God to do whatever he wants with both word and anointing. God has put specific elements of Himself at the disposal of humans to do with as we wish.

Here is the picture Jesus gives us.

…For the one walking inside the darkness does not perceive where he is going. While you have the light, believe into the light, so that you might become sons of light.” These things spoke Jesus, and, having gone away, He was hidden from them. – The one ignoring Me and not seizing hold of My words has one judging him. The word which I spoke, that will judge him inside the last day (John 12: 35-36 & 48).

Jesus speaks and then hides Himself (to our outward sight; He Himself always remains). We are left with His word. And we are free to do whatever we want with that word, yet the word itself will judge us, whether it came into us as the Lord Jesus or not.

And thus the anointing (the light) is not upon the word, but upon the man or woman who is sharing that word, and they are presenting that word entirely as they wish.

The anointing is the enablement of the Spirit of God given freely and without control to the human, an enablement resting entirely upon their human abilities, that is, Spirit upon flesh. Thus the anointing is simply an extension of the human person, capacities, and intentions into the heavens in power. That power is the power of persuasion.

We must define and understand persuasion.

Let’s start with godly persuasion, as in “I am persuaded” (Romans 1). Godly persuasion would be better called “connection.”

This is exactly what Jesus was always attempting to do – to connect His hearers with the Father. When He said, “Your faith has made you whole,” what He meant was that He had served only as the catalyst, only as that element that allowed the faith inside of this person to connect fully with the love and life inside of Father. The life came from Father through that person’s faith and healed them. All Jesus did was help the person believe.

Here is a clear representation of persuasion as connection. – “Do not be troubled in your heart; you believe into God, believe also into Me” (John 14:1). Jesus was using Himself in a “reverse psychology” sort of way to connect the disciples to Father through Himself.

Sometime around 2004-2005, my family and I attended a Spirit-filled church for about a year. The praise there was wonderful, and the presence of the Holy Spirit was fully known.

Nonetheless, every Sunday for a year, I tried my best to hear God speaking to me through the word that was shared, something I am very good at doing. Only one time was I successful and only a little bit. At no point did the words spoken by the preacher connect me directly with God and God with me. After a year, we just gave up.

Then, in the summer of 2006, we began attending Lakewood Church. In every service of our attendance over seven years, I connected directly with God and God with me through much of the word spoken. I left every service with a deep sense of God having spoken to me, regardless of anything else in the service.

And so here is a critical truth I have never understood before.

Every anointing that is pure and holy is of God. BUT the words coming through the persuasive power of that anointing might be of God and they might not be.

I witnessed to the anointing upon Prophet Brother C. Yet his words were connecting his hearers, not with Christ arising as life inside of them, but rather with the wickedness of this world, connecting “God” to that wickedness. Prophet Brother C was using the power of the anointing to connect God’s people to the design of anti-Christ. Yet he is just one in a very large strata of the present church, the very same Spirit-filled people for whom our hearts are moved.

Now, let me reference Sam Fife and Buddy Cobb. I do that because this is the path God took me through to teach me of His ways. I cannot share with you what God is presently showing me any other way.

Sam Fife was the most anointed preacher of the word I have ever known. Let me define what I now mean by that statement. The anointing of the Spirit of God is upon all flesh. How much we make use of that anointing is determined entirely by our own human characteristics and makeup. Sam Fife was a man of fierce and single-minded faith. I saw the intensity of his faith up-close and personal and was inspired by it. In fact, that quality has come from Sam Fife to you if you have been reading what I write over the years.

The power of the anointing on Sam Fife was as much Sam Fife in his human makeup, his flesh, as it was from the Father. And that is God’s reality all the way through; it’s called symmorphy. God is always sharing Himself in power with all who call upon His name because of and through the Lord Jesus.

And so, as I sat there in the grip of the anointing flowing through Sam Fife, I was caught in the open heavens of God. I was NOT connecting with Sam Fife. I was always and only connecting with my Father Himself. Nonetheless, the words coming inside that anointing were being formulated entirely by Sam Fife. As I see it now, about a third of those words were God to me, about a third were just Sam Fife, and about a third of them were contrary to the gospel.

Now, we have learned in symmorphy that God comes into union with us to share with us all of our human characteristics combined together with His divine characteristics. And our human characteristics are very much a mess. God has no problem with the mess, even though we do.

So human characteristics coming through the anointing as spoken word are perfectly normal and of God. The differences between John and Paul in their persons, in their ways and expressions, are enormous. And I am convinced that, inside the anointing, inside the word of life coming through him, Paul also threw in a bunch of his own stuff that has worked to make a real mess of the Christian church all the way through. In fact, he said exactly that to the Corinthians (“This isn’t from the Spirit of God,” he said, “this is just my own ideas.”) And he said to the Galatians, “If I [Paul] preach anything other than [Christ our life] then throw it out.”

Some of the words Sam Fife was preaching were coming straight from God to me. And some of the words he preached right alongside those God words were peculiar to Sam Fife as a human, perfectly fine with God. But some of those words coming in the same anointing were completely false, specifically, the perversion of the cross.

Now here is what I am realizing. At that time, I did not know the difference – in my head. BUT I did know the difference in my spirit. I knew when it was my Father speaking to me. What I didn’t know was that the words which I did NOT know as from my Father were not from my Father. I just thought it was one complete package.

Then, the anointing of the Holy Spirit in that fellowship continued upon Buddy Cobb after Sam Fife was killed in a plane crash in 1979. It was not as great of an expression of the anointing; nonetheless, when you were around Buddy Cobb, there was a tremendous witness inside of the depths of the Holy Spirit and of a humble and godly man. EXCEPT – and this is the oddest thing – never once did any word coming through that anointing from Buddy Cobb connect me with God and God with me.

The words were words of powerful PERUSASION, but they were never words of connection. In fact, they were the opposite. Every single word I heard Buddy Cobb preach, even in the anointing of the Spirit, served to disconnect me from God, not the other way around. By those words, all hope was removed from me, bit by bit over the years, until that darkest of winters, 97-98 when I had no hope at all, that moment when God told me to give His people hope.

Then, just a few years ago, well inside of my present season of writing Christ our life, Buddy Cobb’s daughter was in our home here in Houston for a meal. In her presence, instantly, the same knowledge of the precious and powerful anointing upon Buddy Cobb leaped inside my heart. The anointing was entirely of God – I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. But the words never were.

Never trust the anointing.

You see, when the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon Prophet Brother C in power leaped as witness in my own spirit, I could have become utterly confused. The words even sounded as if they were “from God.” Only they weren’t. I was not confused, but I was compelled to write this article. We must understand and place the anointing, for powerful people have used God to trick us many times.

In order to understand that last statement, let’s talk about the other form of persuasion, the persuasion of the evil one. As Paul said, “The prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2).

What is the power of angels? Do angels have “super-powers?” Can an angel zap you with power that overwhelms you and forces you in one direction or another? NO! and NO!

All “power,” other than physical force, is one thing only, and that is the power of suggestion.

The power is entirely inside of you, and that power is the power of decision. There is no other “power.” When we decide that God is telling us the truth, we have access to all that God speaks inside of us. That is not and never will be “super-powers.”

Look at all “super-powers” in modern day movies. Every element of that expression of power is violence. The super-heroes accomplish their purposes by one means only – violence. They don’t even attempt to persuade, ever, they just hit and hurt and turn by force.

The idea that there is such “power” in the heavens is sheer fantasy.

Angels have one “power” only – they can speak. Yet they can cloak their words in subtlety so that the words, entering into the human mind, trick that human in two ways. First, the human believes that those thoughts are actually his or her own self. And second, the human believes those false words. Best of all, for the unclean angels, is when the human believes that those words are from God.

A demon will speak to you through your own words, words familiar and comfortable to you, words coming with feelings you have known as “your own” all your life.

It is an extraordinary thing to me when a preacher claims that “Christians can’t ‘have’ a demon,” even while speaking words that are utterly contrary to Christ our life, words originating from demons.

There is NOT a “spiritual power” emanating out from the darkness, outside of yourself, pushing its way into you to force you in directions against your will. You are sustained every moment by the good-speaking of Jesus coming into you as your substance. You are alive because you live inside the Spirit of God.

When humans make use of demons, they are doing so entirely as if the demons are their own person. The demons only speak; they make a suggestion. All “power,” then is the human’s own. The power is in the human psyche; the darkness is the vast edifices of what the human “knows” to be “true.” When you see someone laboring under gross spiritual oppression, you are seeing the result of that person believing all through their own person things that ARE NOT TRUE.

Okay – I can easily turn this article towards understanding demonic oppression, but that is not my purpose. My purpose is that we might understand persuasion.

If we are persuaded of anything, we are always persuaded of that thing by words. The “anointing,” then, causes us to hear and to understand those words at whatever level they are spoken – when we are young Christians. But in maturity, the anointing cause us to hear and to understand those words at the level we ourselves live.

The witness of my spirit connected with the same Spirit upon Prophet Brother C. But the anointing in me understood his words to be what they are, completely not from God.

And the key to understanding this extraordinary contortion is the three verses together I gave above. – “Subdue all things (in that He put all things under man’s feet, He left out nothing…)” – “The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” – “I will pour out of My Spirit upon ALL FLESH.”

Let’s talk about my own writing. It is my continuously expressed hope that my words serve one purpose in your life – to connect you with Jesus and Jesus with you. If that happens, then your joy is my reward. But if it does not happen, that is also fine, for I know that Jesus alone is your Savior and your Salvation, and He knows exactly what He is doing in and as you.

Because I know that you will receive life only as you connect directly with God for yourself, I intersperse through my writing, on a regular basis, specific exercises of speaking or praying the word yourself that you might engage directly with God.

The anointing that is upon me is the anointing to write. If you had a phone conversation with me, you would not find that same anointing coming through my halting words – unless we knew one another well face-to-face AND I felt fully comfortable and free sharing over the phone with your faceless voice. Sadly for me, that would not be the case with most.

Yet through my anointing to write, there comes to you two very different kinds of words. It is my sincerest hope, however, that there are only two and not three kinds of words. The first type of word, in my earnest and committed hope, is words coming to you directly from Father, words that connect you with God and God with you. The second type of word is the expression of Daniel Yordy. Those words are of great importance to you, not that “I am right” about anything, but because Christ is made personal in us. If you do not see me, you cannot see Christ in me.

And inside of words that are of me come the things that are interesting to me. So you get lots of books and literature, and quite a few movies being used to illustrate the word from God to you I am hoping to share. Sometimes those illustrations are exactly what one reader needs for the lights to turn on, but not another reader. The second reader might understand their connection with God through an entirely different aspect of what I write.

But then I also throw in things, from time to time, that are just my interest and that do not serve to connect you with God. I am speaking of things like the electrical theory of the universe, natural health, current events, and other interests of mine. I do not share anything with you that I am not first convinced for myself by evidence. Yet none of those things are “from God,” and all of them are presented to you for interest only.

I would like it very much if you would study the electrical theory of the universe so that you would be convinced of it for yourself entirely by evidence. But if you “believed in” the electrical theory of the universe, just because “Daniel Yordy said,” that would be absolutely awful to me. And I fill my writing with referenced Bible verses in bold because I want you to connect, for yourself, with what God Himself actually says.

Don’t ever connect yourself to me regardless of what God might speak to you through what I share. We are brethren and friends, but we build nothing upon our friendship; we build only on life-laid down for Father’s sake.

But there are words I could include in my letters, words that are familiar to me, words I have spoken or written in the past, words that still go through my thinking, that I carefully watch for to prevent them from entering my writing to you or that I cut out the moment I discover that they have crept through my defenses. And those are words that would separate between you and God, words of cursing, words of accusation, words of performance, words of God far-away.

The anointing that is upon me does not determine the words, but only my careful shepherding of those words coming through me inside the fear of God.

The anointing upon me, then, is measured entirely by my own human frame. It I had the same human forcefulness that Sam Fife had, then the anointing of God would be upon that human quality and thousands upon thousands of people would be persuaded by my words. In complete contrast, IF you are hearing directly from God to you as you read or listen to what I share, that is entirely because of the anointing inside of and upon you. You hear from God, not because of me, but because of you, God and you together.

Let’s bring this back, now, into the human bubble of self, a story of words rolling around inside of a spirit self-awareness. And, in fact, a verse that has always been difficult fits right here. Let’s use first the JSV version of that verse.

Living indeed is the Word of God, and energeoing, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing through as far as the distribution of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and judging the pondering and purposes of the heart. {This is NOT a negative, but the positive writing of Christ all through our beings and upon our hearts, a living and energeoing Word.} And there is no created thing unseen in His presence; all, moreover, are uncovered and laid bare to the eyes of Him to whom we give our account [our word, our story of self in return] (Hebrews 4:12-13).

But here is verse 12 in the New King James. – For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is FOR the Word, never the other way around. But the Holy Spirit is given to the human to present through that anointing any word they wish.

So here I am, inside my bubble of self, thinking endless thoughts about myself and about everything related to me. Those thoughts are out from innumerable words having come into me over the decades of my life. Some of my thoughts are governed to this day by words my own dad spoke to me when I was a child. Some of my thoughts are governed by words of darkness I spoke aloud against others (if I have not placed the forgiveness of the Blood of Christ upon that place). Some of my thoughts are governed by Word God Himself made alive in me as the Lord Jesus Christ. And some of my thoughts are governed by theology preached into me under the anointing, words of a serpentine gospel.

Yet look at the vast array of sources of words coming into me my entire life. I have sat in school classrooms, let’s see, somewhere between 16-18,000 hours. I am a word person and I have almost always eagerly drawn into myself whatever the teacher is saying. I don’t take notes; I just absorb those words and ideas with great personal interest.

Every single one of those words remains as part of my own story. And that’s just a portion of all the words that have come into me. But we must expand the definition of “word” to include the impressions given to us by images on the television screen. So include all the thousands of books I have read and all the hundreds of thousands of pages of news information I have read over the years and all the movies and television shows I have watched.

That’s a whole bunch of word.

And beyond that, there is the estimated 30,000 hours I have been immersed in the study of the Bible in one form or another. Word flowing into me through every moment of those hours.

And you are quite similar to me. If you could count or measure the amount of word that has come into you your whole life, you would be astonished.

You see, apart from the absolute reality of Jesus Himself, by His own volition, having come into union with us, with ALL that we are, then Hebrews 4:12 would be a horror to us, as it has been for many years.

I will give an account of every idle word? Let’s see – let’s come up with a woefully inadequate guess. Let’s guesstimate 100,000 hours of word coming into someone in their sixties through the course of their life, at an average of, say, 3000 words an hour, to make a total of 300 million words that have become part of my own story of self. Then, let’s divide that arbitrarily by 6 to get 50 million different ideas that have become part of my human consciousness.

Most of those 50 million ideas I have rolling around inside of me would fit readily into the category of “idle words.”

So basically, what the writer of Hebrews is saying is that God’s word enters into us alive and active to pierce through the tens of millions of idle ideas we hold all through the fabric of our human souls. Now, if God’s Word were anything other than Jesus and if Jesus were anything other than the One who has come into union with us, then we, in our endless meaningless words, would be, to say it mildly – fried. We would be living entirely inside of hellfire.

Wow. Okay. The Lord just gave me a new and wondrous definition of the anointing.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit upon us is that quality of God that takes all the tens of millions of thoughts bouncing around in our own self story and brings them all together into the glorious personal expression of one Word – Christ Jesus.

It is Jesus who has done this.

And thus we do not fear in ANY way that because “I watched this movie or read that book,” that darkness has some sort of claim inside of my endless self-story. The only kind of words that God has to break us free from would be the words of agreement we made with evil at one point or another through our life. And those words are broken by the Blood inside the action of each one of our agreements with God through the steps of the Covenant. Those words are broken as we surrender step by step to Christ our only life and as we believe that God is telling us the truth.

Let it be to me according to Your word,” spoken each time, breaks all former agreements we might have made.

Eve believed, and most Christians believe with her, that the words coming through the anointing of the Spirit of God have to be words from God to them because of the anointing.

They are wrong.

The ONLY words that are from God to you are the Words coming into you as the Lord Jesus Christ connecting you directly with the Father and the Father with you.

And the anointing upon the person through whom those words might be coming is measured entirely by their human persons. That anointing does not have to be “great.” It just has to be faithful and true.

Humans are moved by greatness, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit amplified by the persuasive qualities of the human vessel; God is moved by Words that are the Lord Jesus, faithful and true and by hearts that connect with Him alone in spite of all the buffeting of everything else.

And so Paul says, “Not many wise according to the flesh were called, not many powerful” (1 Corinthians 1:26). Yet some clearly are – and those some who are powerful in their human frame have as much access to the anointing of God upon them as anyone else. And thus, by their own sense of power, they become the leaders of the church and the anointing is upon them according to the measure of their humanity.

Inside that anointing, then, and with great persuasion, these who are capable in their flesh speak some words of Christ mixed with many words of the serpent into God’s church, and dear believers in Jesus receive all of the words, believing with all their hearts that it must be “God” speaking to them.

The anointing IS the Spirit of God, and you can and are connecting directly with God by that anointing. But the words are so easily not the words God Himself speaks.

Never confuse the “anointing” with the Word that is Jesus Himself entering into us to connect us in all ways with the Father.

Now, I work my way through all this because I believe that having some understanding of these things is important to us as we seek to plant Christ into the minds and hearts of our brethren. We are planting a Word of Life that is, in fact, competing with all sorts of other words for a place to grow inside their hearts.

One of our greatest enemies is false word having come through true anointing.

And against every such word we plant Christ with one response – “Let it be to me, God, according to what You mean by what You say.”

And the anointing that is upon us is not the persuasive anointing of human power, but rather the tender kindness of God, carrying the immense power of respect.