5.1 Contradiction Triumphs

© 2019 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

No sin or death entered God’s creation until that moment that Adam’s teeth pierced the skin of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The moment Adam’s teeth pierced into that fruit, Eve and the serpent were sealed with Adam into iniquity.

Adam still could have responded to God by walking out into the light and saying, “I have sinned.” Things could well have taken a different course. The fact that Adam sought only to hide and to lie in Father’s face shows us how false he had become. And from that moment on, death flowed out from Adam, spreading into all creation, into both heaven and earth, into both angels and animals.

Symmorphy with Angels. Here is the condition, then, of the human race, from that moment until now. – And you, being [once] dead {living in a false story separate from Christ} in your own falling short, in which you once walked according to the cosmos of this age, according to the ruler or source of the authority of the air, the spirit now energeoing inside the sons of willful unbelief, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the desires of the flesh, doing the wishes of the flesh and of its thinking; and were by nature children of angry opposition, just as the others (Ephesians 2:1-3).

Humans are symmorphic. Either we are inhabited by Father and Son or we are inhabited by unclean spirits of fallen angels.

Unclean Spirits. Consider this line – the spirit now energeoing inside the sons of willful unbelief. We know there is not one “universal” unclean spirit, but rather, that many angels chose the serpent’s path of manipulation and abuse, very likely for the same envious reasons.

Yet, by the nature and construction of God, these unclean spirits operate together with word, just as the Holy Spirit is always together with Christ Jesus as every word God speaks. Thus, we find that it is impossible to come up with a more specific, universal, all-underlying set of ruling definitions that govern the thinking of all humans than the words the serpent spoke to Eve.

Ruling Definitions. But let’s reset our premise and the purpose of this book. We have found that one thing only keeps our fellow Christians, represented by “Christian,” from knowing Jesus as He is and walking as the revelation of Father. That one thing is the thinking of their minds. And the thinking of the mind is a story of words governed by specific ruling definitions.

Then, when we understand the thinking of the mind in almost all Christians, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and deeper truth, we find ruling definitions from more than one source. In most, two ruling definitions come from the gospel, that is, redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus and a knowing of the grace of Jesus inside the heart.

Defining Truth. Let me define truth. Truth for us is either that which is found, first, inside of “Christ lives inside of my heart through faith,” or, second, coming out from that one Source-Word into becoming all that God speaks. In other words, if Christian were to throw out every definition ruling every idea that he has concerning God, the Bible, and Christianity, except one – Christ Jesus lives inside of me, inside my heart because I know that He does – then, and only then, can Christian begin to know the truth.

Here is my assertion in this book. Other than those two ruling definitions from the gospel, redemption and knowing the grace of Jesus in our hearts, all other ruling definitions in the minds of our brethren come out from this scene in Genesis 3.

The Source of Ideas. These ruling ideas, coming out from Genesis 3, are the fabric and weave of what is called “Christian theology,” the rules governing everything going on inside Christian’s mind.

Inside of the story of words that Christians imagine to be “Christian theology and thinking,” we will find the mis-placed trust of Eve, the same rebellion of Adam for the same reasons, all of them now “Christian” reasons. We will find the rule of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, now called “God’s way.” But most of all, we will find, ruling over and under all, the overwhelmingly powerful ruling definitions that are found inside of the words of the serpent in the garden.

One Verse to Rule Them All. Much of “Christian” theology begins, not with Christ alive in our hearts, but with the foundational core premise that the serpent spoke the truth in the garden. And in fact, the serpent’s words ARE the ruling verse of the Bible over Christian’s thinking and over how he or she reads every other verse in the Bible. For this reason, I have borrowed J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary device by calling the serpent’s words – “One verse to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.”

Here are the serpent’s words. – “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’? – You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:1b & 4b-5).

Why Do Christians Refuse? Now, these are powerful and overwhelming claims that I make, claims that most would strike down, not only as arrogantly presumptuous, but as wicked. Yet I can prove these claims all the way through down to the finest detail of thought and out from what God actually says in the Covenant He has made with us.

Why do Christians refuse to live inside of the Holy of Holies, knowing Christ as the only life they are, walking as one together with Father, setting creation free? It is because another set of thoughts rules in their minds as “what the Bible says.” Those ruling thoughts, striking down every one of the ten most important verses in the Bible, are found inside this one anti-verse.

The War of the Universe. We will not include Eve and her mis-placed trust (what “being deceived” means) until a later chapter. The serpent’s words were not meant for Eve, but for Adam.

Here is the war of the universe. – Which words will rule inside the human mind?

But the two sets of words on offer come into all through spirit power, either of a Holy Spirit or of unclean spirits. The serpent contradicts, that is, speaks against Christ at every point. Anti-Christ is anti-Word delivered by anti-Spirit. The evil one produces nothing of himself, but only twists every word God speaks, making it just enough different to be not-Christ.

Contradiction. Never, in all the history of the universe, was a mightier blow struck against the Lord Jesus Christ, against every Word God speaks, against the very Heart of our Father than the first four words of the serpent in the garden.

Here are the first four words that are Christ, coming out of the Father’s mouth – “Let there be light.” And striking hard against all that Christ Jesus is come these words of overwhelming CONTRADICTION out of the serpent’s mouth – “Has God indeed said?”

These four words are designed specifically for the human mind and have proven themselves to be triumphant over every word God speaks all through six thousand years of human folly.

Anti-Christ. Position yourself hearing these words of the serpent for the first time. This is hard to do, for you have heard these words innumerable times and in many different forms.

Yet you KNOW that every Word God speaks, every word on the pages of the Bible IS the Lord Jesus Christ flowing out from Father and entering into us through our faith to be Himself written all through our hearts. And to every Word that is Jesus, you respond in one way only, “Let it be to me according to Your word.”

Has God indeed said? – Yea hath God said? – Did God really say that? – Let’s talk about what God said. – Isn’t what God said a good idea, what do you think it means? – Let’s have a Bible study and discuss what the Bible means to us. You “believe” that, but I “believe” this.

Driving Jesus Away. With one mighty BLAST, Jesus as every Word God speaks is DRIVEN FAR AWAY, and the words flowing out of God’s mouth are now become mental ideas for the human intellect. Even faith is ripped out of our hearts and placed as mental “believing.”

The serpent was desperate, his new-found envy could be satiated in only one way – “GET AWAY from Life, Adam.” In that moment, if Jesus as every Word God speaks had entered into Adam as Life and Joy, the game would be over, the serpent would yield to his place as a servant.

The serpent’s words were not for Eve, but for Adam. “Hey, Adam, let’s talk about what God said. Let’s see if we can arrive at some mutual understanding of what He meant.” Adam’s choice, in that moment, was between Word as a Person and word as ideas for the mind.

Person versus Ideas. It is the Spirit giving life, the flesh, that is, word as mental ideas, profits nothing. The words I [that is, Jesus alive in your heart] speak to you are Spirit and they are life (John 6:63). – A new covenant, not of letter, but of Spirit; indeed, letter, that is, word as mental ideas, kills, but Spirit gives life (2 Corinthians 3:6).

The war rages. Go again into Christian’s mind. Does he receive every Word God speaks as Jesus alive inside of him by the power of the Holy Spirit? Or, rather, is there a profound rule saying that having the right ideas about God and about salvation (the Nicene Creed) will make you safe and having the wrong ideas (heresy) about God and about salvation will imperil you?

The Battle Rages. Is it knowing God and knowing Jesus Sent versus not knowing God in every present today? Or is it having “correct” ideas about God versus having “false” ideas about God?

Is Jesus in Person Savior AND Salvation, all here now, alive inside the hearts of each one who belongs to Him? Or is holding to the right ideas about Jesus the ticket to some future salvation someday?

The BATTLE rages across the battlefield, and it is fierce. “Let’s talk about what God means by what He says – and get far away from – Jesus as Word fulfilling all that God means by what He says inside your heart through KNOWING that He IS.”

A “Bible” of Death. Here is what you will find inside the minds of most Christians, completely contradicting the Jesus who IS alive in Person inside their hearts. You will find that – “Jesus as Word fulfilling all that God means by what He says inside your heart through knowing that He IS” – that “idea” is simply not there.

In its place, irrespective of the glorious Person filling Christian’s heart, you will find this sad and satanic definition of “the Bible” all through Christian’s thinking. “God gave us the Bible as His instructions to us, so that we could know what is good and do it and so that we could know what is evil and not do it” – In other words, the knowledge of good and evil matched with the mental conception of a faraway Jesus.

Next Lesson: 5.2 Accusing God