16. The King of Glory Enters

Releasing God into creation in power is a simple, normal part of the normal Christian life. It is as simple as giving a cup of cold water - and seeing Christ move in power with our minds.We know it is happening because we believe it to be true. We have lifted up our heads and opened our minds to the entrance of the King of Glory, and He is riding through!

© Daniel Yordy 2010

Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, The LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory. Psalm 24:7-10

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14

The unity between ourselves and Christ is complete. We have an eternity to discover more and more what it means, but nothing can ever be added to the unity with the Lord Jesus Christ that we presently enjoy; it is perfect and complete.

Now, “Open the gates” is from Isaiah and is followed by, “that the righteous people who keep the truth may enter in.” The reference to the King of glory is here in Psalms 24, prefaced by the phrase, “Lift up your heads, O you gates!”

We sang both phrases put together in gospel songs. As I considered what Annie Schissler saw in her vision, that the sons of God needed to open the gates inside of them, and as I considered the role of the mind in the salvation of God, that we are being renewed in the spirit of our mind, that song came into my heart in full force, only it put the two phrases together, “Open ye gates — that the King of glory may come in.” Combine that with seeing our spirit as the largest part of us, and knowing that from God’s point of view, the Holy of Holies fills the universe and that the outer court and the earth beyond it are tiny in relationship, it is apparent that the King of glory is coming out of that which is heaven and entering into that which is earth.

Jesus said, “He that believes in me, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.” Those rivers of living water are the King of Glory entering into all creation, bringing into the earth the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

I found this explanation on the Internet: “The words ‘lift up your heads, o ye gates’ can also be translated, ‘Yield, you princes at the gates’.” However, the phrase “lift up your heads” is a wonderful phrase. To lift up Christ in every possible way inside of us IS the entrance of the King.

Now, when we lived as if we ourselves were separate from the Lord Jesus Christ and were required by God to bring ourselves into alignment with His word, we sought for the Lord with all our hearts, yes, but we lived always under a shadow of condemnation and all our teaching came out of that shadow of condemnation.

But now everything has been turned around for us. We know that we are not separate from the Lord, but that in God’s incredible purpose, Jesus Himself entered into the earth and became us, the human us. Now He is rising up in us, in our humanity, transforming us from the inside out. Our part is to rejoice with all expectation, to keep our confidence high, to sit boldly upon the throne, the mercy seat of God, and to speak all that God speaks as Christ made personal in us.

Our part is to lift up our heads, which is lifting up Christ.

It is the reckless confidence of David that alone pleases God. Our joy and our freedom are what makes us pure.

The responsibility granted to us by God, to open the gates for the King of Glory, is no longer an obligation as we once thought it was, but it is an honor and a privilege that God has extended to us. There is no greater honor in the universe save that which belongs to Jesus alone, and all honor and glory that belongs to Him, He shares it fully with us.

For those of you who continue to read, there is no doubt in my mind, the gate of your will has been swung fully wide for the King of Glory for many years.

The opening of the Gate of the Mind is the essence of sanctification, redemption completing its work in the salvation of our souls. The opening of our mind to the Lord Jesus Christ is not the obligation or duty it once was, “Stop thinking, you sinner, you’re mind is carnal!” It is the incredible privilege given to us who, as God says, “have the mind of Christ.”

The confusion through the years concerning my own mind and its role in my life was almost as great as the confusion concerning my will that I shared with you in the previous chapter. Discovering that I am Asperger’s has answered all the questions (and accusations) concerning my mind that I could not understand for years. Asperger’s do not intuitively know how to respond and communicate with people in a social setting. That lack is different from normal shyness.

As a teenager, I liked to be around others my age, yes, but I learned quite soon to keep my mouth shut – always. No matter how reasonable I thought my words would be, they always turned out to be the completely wrong thing to say. The only way an Asperger’s can know how to communicate in a difficult or “political” setting, that is, dealing with authority, is to figure it out mentally. But that takes time, and you have to rehearse what things may or may not result in unexpected pain hurled back at you. You have to figure out what was said, what it meant, how you should respond, and all that takes place some hours after the event.

Meanwhile, the outward appearance of one who is Asperger’s (a form of autism) resembles “pride.” Those who are Asperger’s are almost always defined as “proud and unsubmissive,” even though they are often pouring out their hearts in giving, happily tootling along in their own little world of serving others, without any knowledge of how people are defining them. And when those definitions are thrown back at them, they have no idea what it means or how to answer.

Teaching school, in my classroom, behind my teacher’s desk, is a safe place for me. If a student says something personal, I can always respond with the safe and easy, “Is that so?” They think I’m weird, but at least it’s okay.

So all the preaching against “the carnal mind” could only confuse me. The defining moment came in an elder’s meeting, sitting next to another elder who turned to me and said, “Daniel, your problem is you think too much. You need to stop trying to think everything through.” He repeated himself several times, with all the other elders in the circle nodding their agreement. I sat there like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I had no idea what he meant. I didn’t know, then, that everyone else in that room had a normal human capacity that I did not share. I didn’t say anything; I just walked home that night totally confused, convinced that there must be something desperately wrong with me.

So when I discovered that God says that I have the mind of Christ, but He never, ever says that I have a carnal mind, rather, He says that I am not in the flesh, I am in the Spirit – that discovery was such joy and freedom for me, a truth I latched onto with all my strength and commitment.

I absolutely do not like preaching against “the carnal mind.” It is pointless, it takes no one anywhere, it does nothing for anyone. No one has ever been delivered from “their carnal mind,” by any and all of the boatloads of worthless exhortation in that regard. Preaching against the carnal mind has never brought anything but confusion to anyone. We do not preach against; we preach Christ. We lift up our head!

Christ is my life; I have no other life. When I am preached against, that preaching is going against something that died and was buried long years ago. What a waste of breath! To preach Christ is to fill people with hope and expectation, with confidence and joy. Christ saves to the uttermost.

God will never violate your mind. He will never ask you to put your own mind on hold. To violate your mind or your will is to violate your person, it is to rob you of your conscience, it is to deface the very image of God. Only Satan would ever do that.

Your mind, my mind, is so precious to God, that He honored it with the most important task given to anything in the universe, outside of the task given to His Son upon the cross.

David said, “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God…”

My mind has been given the honor and the privilege by God to open the way to the King of Glory, that He might enter in to the full possession of all that belongs to Him. I am – my mind is – the doorkeeper of God’s house.

Our previous view of our mind was that it was the thing that needed to be renewed. Our present view of our mind is that it is the thing that releases the Lord Jesus Christ into all the world. That is what a renewed mind means.

The union between the Holy Spirit and our human spirit IS Christ in us. Our born-again spirit is the largest part of our makeup. It fills and pervades and gives life and energy to every part of our soul and every cell and organ of our body. If you remove the frequency, the life, the energy, which the spirit imparts to the physical body, the body itself instantly ceases to live. Jesus did not die because His body ceased. His body ceased because Jesus willed His spirit to depart. Many saints do not die because their body fails, their body ceases because they lift up their arms with joy to the entrance of the Lord Jesus into the room, and they leave the body because they have somewhere better to go right then.

But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:9-11

Now, the fact that the body lives by the frequencies of the spirit energizing the cells and organs is equally true of the unregenerate. Only, their spirit is still fallen, still the old man. Yet that fallen spirit, that “old man” in them, gives the same life to their bodies as we who are believers seem to experience in our bodies.

Paul, in Romans 8, is suggesting that as believers, we have a far greater power giving life to our mortal bodies than the unregenerate have. Our spirit is joined in a fused union with the Holy Spirit; our human spirit is the Spirit of Christ in us. Therefore, our spirit, energizing our physical bodies with its frequency, is something so far beyond that which keeps the bodies of the unregenerate alive that there is absolutely no comparison between the two.

So what is it that keeps our own physical bodies operating at the same low, sick frequencies as the bodies of the unregenerate? Our minds. Our minds remember the wrong things. Our minds remember what ought to have been forgotten, and do not know the truth of what God says, so clearly, in His Covenant with us.

Life, immortal life, eternal life, abundant life, is in our spirit. Everything pertaining to life and godliness is in our spirit, everything. God Himself is one Sspirit with our Sspirit. Yet our mortal, dying bodies live only because our spirit energizes and gives life to the cells and to all the operations of the body. From whence come the low frequencies, the sickness, the death? Those things do not come from our own spirits, they do not come from the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. How do they get into our bodies?

Now, someone might think, “Well, this is all focused on our own bodies and not on all the needs of people in the world out there. Shouldn’t the focus be ‘unselfish’ and on how we can help others?”

There is the statement, “Physician, heal thyself,” that has some merit. In other words, God has given us our own physical body to practice on. As we learn to open the gates of our mind to the Spirit of Christ in our spirit that it might bring life and healing first to our physical, mortal, dying body, then we will also know how to bring life and healing to all things in creation.

Before I talk about how we do that, I need to lay two foundations. The first is the most important.

I am not separate from the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is not separate from me. When I am doing something, He is doing that same thing. When He is doing something, I am doing that same thing.

In that day you shall know that I am in the Father and you in Me and I in you.

It is impossible for us to arrive at the end of what that means. There will never be a moment in all of the ages to come when we will arrive at a wall and God will say, “Well, I guess your union with the Lord Jesus Christ stops here. Jesus continues on the other side of that wall, but you do not.” All of His glory, all of it, He shares fully with us; He can do nothing else, for Christ and we are one.

When we get excited about the meaning of Christ revealed as us in our humanity, we can fall into the deception of thinking, “Well, I’m just little old me, and if something wondrous is going to happen, it will be God doing it.” But when we get excited about the meaning of Christ revealed through us in His divinity, we look at ourselves and see the tiredness, the sickness, and we moan, “Oh you of little faith,” and soon fall under condemnation.

Neither of those two ways of thinking have anything to do with Christ. Let’s leave them both in the dustbin of what must be forgotten by our minds.

When I open the Gate of my mind, so that the power and glory of God can move out of my Sspirit into my body, and through me into all the earth, bringing life and healing to all – that “I” operating my mind is the Lord Jesus Christ, AND that “I” is me, Daniel Yordy.

My will is already opened without reservation to the Lord Jesus. The gate of my emotions swings wide open with joy, with confidence, with overflowing peace and love, once my mind is opened to Jesus. The issues involved in the opening of the emotions are healing and restoration, for which we must extend full and total forgiveness to all others. But it is the operation of my mind upon which God has hung the wheels of the universe. It is through the Gate of my mind through which the Lord Jesus Christ rides into the possession all His inheritance.

But again, our SAFETY, and we do need safety, is this – the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior, the One upon whose breast I lean my head. He is my life; I have no other life. I cast myself entirely upon Him, and I know that not only will He keep me, not only will He save me to the uttermost, but that He seats me with Himself upon the throne of His Father. There, and only there, am I safe. I cannot, I dare not, tarry anywhere else. Let us know we are in Him with all our heart.

And let me open the gate to Him, for He will pass through me into all of this world. He will come no other way. What He does, I do, and what I do, He does.

And whenever I use the word, “I,” in these confessions of faith, I know that you use that word to speak of yourself as you read them. Better yet, as you speak them out loud. – And that you replace my name with yours.

Now I want to speak briefly of the emotions, which are the third and final gate through which the King of Glory comes. All the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, all these are expressed through the emotions. God is a very emotional Person, and He formed us the same way.

Our emotions are on the side of our soul next to the body. Now, our spirit gives life to our body. James said that the body without the spirit is dead. A corpse has the outward appearance of the person that once lived there, but it is clear that when the spirit let go of the body, the person departed as well. Since the body gets its energy from the spirit, one could surmise that spirit-body is all there is. But this is not true.

When spirit comes into union with body, it gives energy and frequency to that body so that the body is alive, yes. But something else takes place right at that junction, the union, between spirit and flesh, between pneuma and soma. That something is me, my soul — my will, my mind, and my emotions. That something is the psuche. But there is no such thing as a line where the spirit ends and the soul begins or another line where the soul ends and the body begins. That’s not how it works at all. Rather, the soul is found all through the merger and the union between the spirit of a man and his physical body.

Modern medicine is beginning to discover (though most won’t admit it) that the human personality is found inside of organs besides the brain. Part of our person is found, literally, in the physical organ of the heart. Those who receive the heart of another into their physical bodies, receive also a part of that other person’s personality. The Bible suggests that more of our personality is also found IN the kidneys, the pancreas, and so on.

While our will is more involved with the spirit side of things, the emotions are more involved with the body side of things. In other words, emotions are tied up in the condition and functioning of the cells and organs of the physical body, and vice versa. The physical body responds directly to the condition of the emotions.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine,” is not just a saying, it is literal.

When the cells and organs of the body are operating at a low frequency, when they are out of balance, when they are sick, the emotions “feel” very low. At the same time, when bitterness and anger, resentment and unforgiveness grip the emotions, the frequency of the cells and organs of the body lowers, and we become sick in some way or another.

There is a direct connection between bitterness and unforgiveness held strongly in the heart and certain physical diseases. There are times when a person forgives from the heart, and the disease disappears. And that happens to the unregenerate as well as the believer, the healing has nothing to do with a “miracle.” The miracle was the forgiveness that came.

But physical sickness can come from emotions that are not unforgiveness; it can come from deep unanswered pain as well. Natural health, which tries to understand how God created us, – contrary to allopathy (modern medicine) which loves to drug and cut the body with human invention – is convinced that viruses and bacteria do not “cause” sickness, they only take advantage of sickness that is already there. An un-sick body, operating at its normal high frequency, easily throws off invading viruses.

Demon spirits, external low frequencies casting their shadow upon our bodies and souls, work the same way. When I am always putting everything I find in myself into Christ and Christ into everything, by an act of my mind, demonic spirits bounce off me like water off a duck’s back. But when people see themselves as separate from Christ, when they live under a shadow of condemnation, then the voices of other spirits sound reasonable to them; they view those “frequencies” as their own, as belonging to themselves, and they become sick.

So, here is what I am saying. We know from Romans 8:11 that the Spirit of Christ is always giving life to our mortal body by the power of the resurrection. Now, some try to limit the meaning of that verse. “That’s not talking about the transformation of our body into immortality, into LIFE.”

In contrast, we say, “Yes, God. Let it be to me according to all that You say.”

It’s the most dangerous thing that we can do as far as this world is concerned, but let’s do it. Let’s commit ourselves not ever to limit God or ever say to Him, “You can go this far, God, and no more.” It is Jesus alone who keeps us safe.

So now, let me arrive at where I’ve been going.

I have been physically weak, a debilitating emotional and physical weakness, for eighteen years. I have learned to live with it. I eat healthy; I have explored every natural health avenue and have learned much about how the human body actually works, but though I have found ways to maintain, I have never really gotten better. Doctors have never given me an answer, none at all. They won’t even say anything useful, except, “Here’s some drugs, be stoned.” (Not quite their words, but to the same effect.) I have pursued every form of Christian healing, and have found much blessing from the Lord, but no relief.

The last year has been too much (when I wrote this); I simply have not had the stamina to produce half of what even a physically simple job like teaching requires. I gave the little strength I had entirely to my students, with none left over for the school’s requirements. That didn’t go over too well. Yet I can still function well enough that I appear to be fine.

I refuse to condemn myself. I have closed my ears to many “Job’s comforters” over the years. I will not condemn myself; there is no life found in that. I justify God in all things; I am weak, that I might know His power in me.

A few days ago, I picked up a book on adrenal fatigue that I had read before. I have known for some years that my adrenal glands do not work, but there is no “cure,” and the medical system does not even consider such a thing.

I read these words.

“A sense of powerlessness or helplessness is the most debilitating and stress-inducing emotion there is. Any situation, no matter how bad, is more tolerable and less stressful when you feel you can do something about it.” And “the particular kind of rest you need when you have adrenal fatigue comes not so much from lying down, but from standing up for yourself.”

I shared with you concerning the first years of my marriage when I felt completely powerless in every aspect of my life and responsibility towards my wife and my son. It was a most difficult valley of the shadow of darkness. Yet, in all things, at every step along the way, I justified God and gave Him praise for His goodness. I failed, badly. But He said to me, “Son, you passed the test.” I said, “How can you say that?” He said, “In all things you justified Me. You blamed no one.”

I carefully select the things I share with you about the places my Father takes me through only because I think those things can be useful to you to understand the great joy and wonder and power of the glorious and holy thing God is doing now in you. I expect that you apply the truth to your own experiences in life.

I sat there in my chair, a few days ago, and remembered, fully, that debilitating, crippling sense of powerlessness, with no ability whatsoever to stand up for myself or for the integrity of my person. I felt it as fully in that moment as I felt it through all those years. But that was not all that I felt. Much more than that, I felt the power and love of My Savior, filling my heart with Himself. I then took Him, my spirit, stretching His kindness in my heart, with my MIND, I placed the life and goodness of Christ over that pain, that feeling of powerlessness. I placed, with my MIND, that feeling into Christ; and I placed Christ into that feeling.

That deep-rooted, pervading emotion vanished, and I cannot find it again. Its memory is gone. A few days later, I sat and visited with one whom we knew from that time, and I could only remember good things.

The cells and organs of our body have “memories.” That is, the electrical frequency by which they operate picks up and records the various deep emotions that we experience through life. A bad experience will lower the frequency of the cells and organs. Just like a magnetic strip carries information recorded on it, so our cells carry information recorded on them. That is easy to understand.

What I did was use my mind to open the gate so that the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ that fills my heart, that is one Sspirit with my spirit, could move upon the literal cells and organs of my body and erase the bad frequency that had lodged itself inside of them, erase it with the love and presence of Christ. That is literally how it works.

This is not mind over matter. It is the mind opening itself as a Gate so that the King of Glory, who fills my heart with Himself, can bring healing, that is, the erasure of negative frequencies and the re-writing of the frequencies of life and peace and joy upon the cells and organs of my body.

The power of God and natural science work together in complete harmony. We are not talking about “miracles,” but about the normal Christian life.

[God later showed me the much deeper reality of this practice as I wrote about the Mercy Seat and the Pillar of Fire in my book, The Covenant.]

Why stop there? Christ fills my heart. As I rest in His joy and peace, using the gate of my mind, I open my heart to extend His life and goodness upon every feeling of pain I have known in my life, both emotional and physical.

I see, with my mind, Christ in that pain and that pain in Christ. Some might call it visualization. But we do not take our definitions from those who climb over the wall apart from Jesus. We see Jesus, and He lives in our hearts. I call it: Open the gates, the King of Glory comes into His own!

I can take every particular lack in my body and place it into Christ and Christ into it. Or whatever pain or emotional or physical affliction that you might know. And I can see healing.

Even modern medicine is beginning to realize that physical healing comes from the mind. That if you see yourself whole, you will become whole; and if you see yourself sick, you will become sick. I was sick because I could see no way out. That sense of powerlessness was so strong and went so deep into my cells that it takes the present revelation of Christ God has brought me to in order for me to see something different.

My will has opened itself wide open to the Lord Jesus because I have stopped trying to exist as a self separate from Him, trying to line up with what I think God expects me to do. My emotions still go up and down, yes, but as the King of Glory rides through, that gate swings wide open in joy and in peace. Forgiveness is a way of life that became part of me many years ago.

But it is by my mind that I open the door to Him into every part of this world. As I see Him in all things, as I mentally place Him there, the Lord Jesus Christ in all things and all things in Him, the King of Glory rides through and takes possession of all that belongs to Him.

God always leads me to lift up the victory of Christ in every situation. That practice is an exercise conducted by the mind.

And it extends far beyond healing for our own emotions and physical bodies. When my son is troubled, resulting in disturbance with his mother, can I not place my hand upon his shoulder, open my own heart to reach out over him and place the Sspirit of Christ all around and through him and to place him into that same Spirit? And if I see him in Christ and Christ in him, can I not believe that the spirit of Christ IS, in that moment, erasing the negative disturbance?

That is the application of grace coming through the gate of my mind. It is Christ, far superior to the application of the law through punishment.

But the mind does not work alone; it works hand in hand with the tongue and the voice box. When I speak Christ, that is an exercise of the mind.

The mind has been given the great task of opening the GATES for the entrance of the King of Glory into all His inheritance. It is the Spirit that flows through as rivers of living water, but it is the mind that opens the floodgates.

Jesus said, “Whatever you ask the Father, believe that you have received it, and you shall have it.” He said, “If you have faith as much as the very tiniest of seeds, you will move mountains.”

We have made that into an abnormal, “deep” occurrence given only to a few particular mighty men and women of God. But Jesus was saying that the entrance of God into the earth comes so simply and so easily. Releasing God into creation in power is a simple, normal part of the normal Christian life. It is as simple as giving a cup of cold water – and seeing Christ move in power with our minds.

And here is a critical point. We neither “expect” to see nor “not expect” to see a physical change in that moment. We know that God is working in power the moment we speak Christ into anything. That is an absolute given. And we know that what we have asked for is absolutely coming into creation. The moment of its appearance, whether immediate or delayed a short time has no bearing on the fact that good things are the path of our future.

We know it is happening because we believe it to be true. We have lifted up our heads and opened our minds to the entrance of the King of Glory, and He is riding through!