41. If I Perish; I Perish


41. If I Perish - I Perish - Notes


41. If I Perish - I Perish - PP

Audio instead of Video

Because of the content of this session, I am concerned that YouTube could remove my channel and all my other videos with it if I were to post this as a video on YouTube. For that reason, I am including only an audio of the Zoom meeting session. Feel free to scroll down as you listen, and you will see the same text that would have been on the video.

God’s people, throughout the Persian Empire, but especially those in Shushan, the capitol and the tens of thousands who had made Babylon their home, were targeted with death by their enemy. This enemy had the law and backing of the king behind him. He had tens of thousands ready to aid him.

Only Esther might win the ear of the king. Yet for her to go before the king without an invitation was illegal. Her execution was the most probable outcome.

Her uncle said, “Maybe you were sent for such a time as this.”

Costly as Anything. This was no light matter for Esther. Her enemy had the ear of the king and the law on his side. The chances of failure were so high that to stand for her people was a choice to die.

Her final statement, “If I perish; I perish,” was no light thing. It was as costly as anything given personally in history. Esther had little hope of success.

We sang it in the move – “If I perish, I perish, but I’m going to see the King.” On the one hand, we had no idea what those words meant. On the other hand, I knew hundreds of people in that fellowship who paid every price to be part of what God is doing in the earth. I now understand how rare that quality is.

The Greatest Sorrow. It became clear a couple of years ago that God has not anointed me to minister the word I share to potentially interested believers.

It has now become clear that God has not anointed me to be the beginning of a Community of Christ. This second is probably the greatest sorrow of my life.

“If anyone comes to Me and does not love less his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:26-27).

Many Good Reasons Not. This is God’s question of me, and I do not know how to give Him answer.

Jesus made this statement just after giving the Parable of the Great Supper in which those who were invited into the Feast of Tabernacles, when the time came for them to enter the Feast, suddenly, they all found good reasons why it was not convenient for them to be part of what God is doing in the earth.

To “go in before the King” for the sake of God’s people is the costliest thing I have ever faced. Yet this is what Jesus is sharing with me in the present time.

The Decree. Here is the decree of the King. – If anyone worship the beast and its image, and receives a mark upon his forehead or upon his hand, he will also drink of the wine of the passion of God, having been mixed undiluted in the cup of His opposition; and he will be examined inside of fire and sulphur, in the presence of holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their examination arises into the ages of the ages, and they shall not have rest day and night, those worshiping the beast and its image and if anyone receives the imprint of its name.

If we go before this fearsome King to obtain a countering law, as Esther did, will it cost us everything we hold dear?

The Present Serum. I think you understand that what they are calling a “vaccination” for the present cv-scare is not a vaccination at all. In fact, this serum has been in development since 2001 and the cv-scare was made for it, not the other way around.

This is a genetic engineering serum that alters the RNA, the working genetic code, of those who receive it and that injects tiny radio chips into the blood. Of course, now I read that these chips can be blown into the air and easily inhaled by anyone.

To accept this serum is to make your body the legal property of the U.S. government, that is the beast, and to open yourself not only to becoming something not-human, but also to thinking thoughts put into you by evil men.

An Irrevocable Decision. Is this genetic engineering serum, that turns one’s body into something not designed by God, the mark of the beast?

On the one hand, I am not wise enough to make such a grandiose claim, but on the other hand, I suspect that taking the serum is a step over the slippery slope down.

You see, there are times in one’s life when a simple, little decision is set in front of you, and in that moment, the consequences of your decision are vast, devastating, and irrevocable. All who receive this present serum cannot now change back. It is an irrevocable decision.

Consider Eve. Consider Eve. Taking the offered fruit was a simple and wise decision. She had eaten a lot of fruit in her short time with Adam. One bite was hardly different from the next. Yet the advantages of that bite were so good and important.

It’s the same with the serum. If you take the serum, just a little vaccine shot – what’s the problem with that? – then you will be free to visit with your relatives, to receive your government checks, to go to the store – all the good and important things in life.

Yet this serum is designed to be irrevocable. If it’s in your body, your body is no longer the one God gave you.

A Sliding Scale Concept. I now realize that the “mark of the beast” might well be a sliding scale concept. That means that at its beginnings, it seems normal and benign.

But then you have to go back for more, and each time, your body is altered even more and your mind is ever more open to the world wide web and to the programming of your thoughts by some very nasty people.

I read a wide range of people commenting on what’s going on in the world. These many vary considerably in their views of many things. The one thing they hold in common, however, is integrity of heart and a clear mind that thinks logically. Absent either of those, and I stop reading.

The Facts. I have never seen a complete agreement on one topic across this spectrum of world commentators like the agreement on the facts concerning this gene altering serum. None of them would “predict the future,” as I will not. Nonetheless, the facts are staring us in the face.

The majority of those who have received the serum will likely be dead within two to three years. It is designed to trick your immune system into fighting against your body.

That is a “known” consequence, because every animal they tested this on died. That’s why they stopped testing it. The animals did not die right away, but over time.

No One Knows. However, ALL genetic engineering over the last three decades has demonstrated one fact. No one knows or can predict what the consequences of altering the genes of the human body will be. Those consequences will go in different directions in every different body; they will be many; and they will be irrevocable.

Fifty percent of the American population has agreed to allow the government to alter their genetic structure. The goal is 70%. Seventy percent dead is also a stated goal.

Yet some will not die. And those, likely in the millions, will become what? No one knows, including the ones who designed this whole thing.

The Most Terrible Year. Now, no one that I read, and including myself, is saying that death over the next two years is inevitable, for that would be non-scientific. The only answer science can give is to wait and see. By the end of 2022, we will know.

The year 2022 might become the most terrible year in human history, that is, during the last 3000 years. Yet I think that this death could well be the grace of God. I do not want to think about those who have altered genes and brains tied to the Internet, but who do not die.

Yet we all have friends, loved ones, and family members who have taken the jab.

Union with Christ? All these are as Eve, that is, deceived. They all think they had a good reason to take the jab; some even quote Bible verses and wave “the peace of God.”

If I have ever caused anyone to think that “union with Christ” means that “I get to do any wicked thing, and it’s all part of Christ,” please forgive me. I have tried to indicate that union with Christ will cost you everything you hold dear in this world, but I realize now that I have been lacking in my stewardship to you.

The consequences for Eve were instantaneous, overwhelmingly devastating, and irrevocable – except – !

Hit in the Forehead. Except – Eve was not the one upon whom all consequence was laid.

I am convinced, now more than ever, that if Adam had walked away from Eve, set his face upon the tree of life, climbed up into its branches, piercing his hands and feet, thrusting his brow up into the thorns, and thus obtained the fruit of life; I am convinced that God would have given to Adam life for his foolish, foolish wife.

And then I am hit in the forehead with a two-by-four. And I know that everything stands on a knife’s edge, that life or death are dependent upon us.

Who Knows? And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14).

And I am struck with the realization that if I despise my brothers and sisters in Christ who have taken the jab, then I am no different than Adam.

I don’t want to die, yet I have no wisdom. “God, save me from death.”

Save Me From Death. This One [Jesus], in the days of His flesh, offered, with loud crying and tears, both heart-felt prayers and an olive branch of peace towards the One able to save Him continuously out from death… (Hebrews 5:7).

As I have shared, I did not choose to insert 1 John 3:16 into my writing, yet it has inserted itself. I don’t like it; I don’t like to humble myself before God.

I don’t like to refuse condemnation of others; I don’t like to lay down my life. I don’t like paying any kind of price, let alone paying everything. I don’t like commitment; I don’t like to die.

Shall I Despise? Yet I realize that my brethren who have taken the jab have made the biggest mistake of their lives, a mistake greater than any human has made since Adam and Eve.

Shall I despise them for their irrevocable mistake? And where was God? Why didn’t He stop them? Should I despise God for not intervening?

The revelation of Jesus Christ is two or three walking together. It’s not two or three meeting on Zoom or talking on the telephone. No one will ever know the revelation of Christ on their own, nor anything close. Please forgive me for failing to communicate this with you.

Union with Christ. The Bride, union with Christ, is NOT “Jesus and me.” Union with Christ is NOT loving other people. Union with Christ is NOT being blessed and overjoyed.

The Bride, union with Christ, is several of equal knowing, walking together, committed to one another, paying every price in this world, walking away from everything else to be part of one another’s lives. Being the Bride married to Jesus, that is, union with Christ, costs us everything. It will even cost us our lives.

But most of all, it will cost us contempt for others.

What Can We Do? Adam despised Eve for how stupid she was, and he despised God for letting her do something so wrong.

Jesus humbled Himself, stumbled forward under a cross He could not carry, and, hanging exposed for all to see His nakedness, He joined Father and these foolish people together inside His Heart. And we also are committed to doing the same for our brothers and sisters. – And we also. Whatever Jesus did for us – so we do for our brethren.

But what can we do for our brothers and sisters who have received the first downward step to the mark of the beast?

Can We Humble Ourselves? The wine of the passion of God, having been mixed undiluted in the cup of His opposition.

We know Father, yes, but we never leave the knowledge that He is a fearsome potentate or that He means business or that you can disobey Him without consequence.

Can we humble ourselves? Can we place ourselves, as Jesus did, in-between this fearsome God and our brothers and sisters? We stumble, and we do not know how. Yet we know that Jesus knows how and that we live only inside of Him, that He causes our inability to be God’s great ability.

Christ Community. Salvation has nothing to do with “what God does to you in the future.” Yet this nonsense is what most mean when they say or hear that word. Salvation is knowing the Father through knowing Jesus Sent and Jesus Sent is Christ Community.

You and I will never know the Father unless we walk together with others of like precious faith. Indeed, I realize how foolish I am to continue writing as if I know anything.

Yet God has not anointed me to gather a community together around me, though I have sought for it with tears for 23 years. 

Only One Thing Left. And so even this costs me everything. Indeed, I have no doubt that Maureen and I will soon face great hardship because we will refuse the jab. It takes great strength to survive if we are not able to buy or sell or visit with relatives, strength I do not have.

Only one thing is left for me. And that is to join with Jesus in the loss of everything that I might win LIFE for the sake of our brethren.

I have no wisdom; I have no strength. But I do have the Lord Jesus, my Savior, arising always inside of me and showing Himself to me through all the course of my life.

Surrender Already Complete. And that is what the Lord Jesus has shown me over the last while, that everything we have learned about sharing with Jesus for the sake of our brethren is right on point.

Indeed, I experienced almost like flashbacks to words and moments in decades past when I wrestled with surrender until the Lord prevailed in me. Then Jesus, in the present moment, showed me that my surrender has long been sufficient and complete. And He showed me to rest utterly in Him. We don’t have to know what we are doing; we just have to know Jesus.

We are called for such a time as this and God has given us a very specific task to do.

The Entrance of Word. If God has not anointed me to minister this word to His Church, and if He has not anointed me to begin a Christ Community, then what has He anointed me to do?

I am beginning to understand the critical importance of the entrance of Word into the human sphere, into the voice of humans alive in the present time hearing and speaking in agreement with that Word.

And so God has anointed me to find that Word arising inside my heart and coming to me out from the heavens, and He has anointed us together to believe and to speak that Word inside our world.

Breaking the Curse. Others will do, but the Spirit will speak and do through them only that which has already entered through us. And the Word that we receive from the King is that Word of Life that counteracts all death in creation, beginning with our fellow believers in Jesus.

God spoke the curse, but He also spoke His Son. And as we allow God to place us inside His Son in setting forth our souls for the brethren, so Life prevails over all curse and all victory enters the human experience.

I am convinced that God will give us that very thing that will break the curse our brethren have received.

Let us Pray. I don’t know if you wish to join with me in this prayer, for it is a prayer out from the loss of all things dear in this world. If you wish only to listen, that is also the grace of God. The seriousness resting upon us is greater than that resting upon Esther. We are countering Adam in full.

“God, our Father, You are mighty and fearsome. We do not stand inside Your presence lightly, for we know the great costliness of Your Salvation. We ask first for ourselves, Father, with strong crying and tears, as Jesus did, that You would save us from death, and especially from the death of holding contempt for others.

A Word of Life. “You who carry all, we stand here inside Your presence as Esther stood before the king. Your people, O God, are under overwhelming attack from an enemy they do not comprehend.

We know, Father, that You spoke the consequences of sin into our world. We know that Your Son, this Jesus who lives inside of us, crafted, by Himself, all cleansing away of sin. And we know, Father, that You now speak through Jesus inside of us a new Word, a Word of Life for the sake of our brothers and sisters who have been fatally wounded.

But we know as well, Father, that Jesus must find faith in the earth.

The Cleansing Away. “It is for one reason only, O God, our Father, that we would be that faith of Jesus in this earth and that is that we might know You, through knowing Jesus Sent as He reveals His mighty Salvation through us.

“Father, we would SHARE, all through our experience and in every practicality, the meaning and power of the cleansing-away wrought by Jesus, that our brethren might live and not die.

“Lord Jesus, we would know the full meaning of the Ekenosis, of this Redeeming God coming through us, making us part of His poured-out Love.

The Loss of Everything. “We know, Lord Jesus, that the redemption of our brothers and sisters will cost us everything, as it did You. Yet as we suffer the loss of everything we value in this world, Lord Jesus, we are absolutely confident that everything is being turned by us together into the salvation of Your Church.

“Lord Jesus, it is You alone who causes us to share with You the same loss of everything, and the same faith that everything we are and every circumstance coming our way is absolutely and only coming out from our Father.

“And this narrow and confined place You now share with us, Lord Jesus, we know that it is Father’s Heart.”