~ Total War I


Total War I - for Notes


Total War I - PP

For seven years, from the summer of 2006 to 2013, I cast down my enemy, and for seven years, from the summer of 2013 to 2020, I filled my 'house' with the knowledge of Christ Jesus causing Father-with-me.

Then, in August of 2020, God made me a captain of War. — I had no idea.

Filling my house with Christ began in August of 2006, however, and was the cause of that all-out assault of the evil one against me. Christ is always all first, before anything not-Christ could ever vanish away. Christ-All is the cause.

No Survivors. I did not realize it until just recently, but I have slain my thousands, and I have slain my ten thousands. Yet I most certainly had help, an army of mighty angels taking down every powerful, familiar, and desperate demon ordered to insert its words into my sphere. There were no survivors.

I do not boast in myself, for there is no 'my' self in which to boast, but only Christ Jesus. Yet the more I see the straight pathway of my life, the more I place my face in worship — "Oh, my Father!"

We are at war! And you are MIGHTY sons with me.

A Strange Interest. My dad believed in non-violence, deeply and at cost. My brother chose to be a conscientious objector rather than to join the butchery of the evil one.

I have not known violence. Well, I hit my sister in the back once because she made me mad. Other than that, it has never been in me to strike against anyone. Nothing would give me greater sorrow than that I should hurt other people, even in self-defense.

Yet from the time I was a little boy, I have been fascinated with war, with military strategy, and with great stories of battle. I have long thought this weird.

Knowing What to Do. Don't get me wrong. I am entirely an amateur and armchair 'student' of such things. I like my bigger adventures to be found in a good book or movie.

But suddenly, in this year of our Lord 2020 and now 2021, I find myself thrust into the frontlines of real war and I am astonished that I KNOW exactly what to do.

We started in August, and I knew that the thing to do was an Admiral Horatio Nelson — "Attack." But sir, the French outnumber us and we are not ready. — "I am confident that every man will do his duty. Attack."

But now, in January of 2021, I hear the voice of Russel Crowe playing General Maximus in my ears.

Hold the Line. And so, here on Zoom, I want to play for you a short clip from the movie, Gladiator. In the lesson video, I will include only the audio so you have Russel Crowe's voice in your heart speaking the words, "Hold the line. Stay with me. Hold the line."

Most movie battle scenes are dumb, because they show two sides completely intermingling into single soldier against soldier fights. Even this one does that.

But no real victorious general ever allowed such a thing. In real war, "Hold the line," even in a mad bayonet charge, was the only option for victory.

Stay with Me. Keep that word in your mind, "Hold the line — Stay with me," because it is the only strategy right now that WILL defeat the enemy.

Consider Sun Tzu's advice in The Art of War. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

I know the enemy and I know myself and I stand in confidence of all victory. — "Stay with me."

The Great War. Let me explain that knowing and that call very carefully, for I mean only our victory over all evil. The Great War, the War of the Ages, the Great Victory that is the driving of every single unclean spirit out from all human experience, binding them with chains — IS — a War of Words.

Homo-Logia > Anti-Logia
Same-Word is greater than Anti-Word.

Speaking the-same word-that-is-Jesus defeats all word that speaks against Jesus, that is, against Christ as us and against the Father, that He 'knows' evil.

A Sharp and Eager Sword. First let me show this from Scripture and then I will make it practical.

And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the speaking (logia) of God (Ephesians 6:17).

These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is the Lord of lords and King of kings; and those with Him are called and chosen and faithful. — And out of His mouth goes forth a sharp and eager sword (Revelation 17:14 & 19:14).

The Word Is in Your Mouth. The word, that is, Christ, the Word God speaks, is near you here and now, inside of your mouth and inside of your heart; that is, the word of faith, persuasion, and confidence which we proclaim. That, if you speak the same word in your mouth, that is the Lord Jesus, and hold confident faith and persuasion inside your heart… (Romans 10:8-9). (Paul's gospel RULES John's vision.)

The speaking of God that slays all that opposes, is INSIDE OF your mouth. This is profound, it is absolute, and we must know it. — Hold the line!

My Overwhelming Need. John's vision always and only gives us a visual and heavenly picture of what PAUL'S GOSPEL means. Let's start with knowing the enemy.

From November of 2008 on, I have been driven with an overwhelming NEED, almost unknown to me, to prove that God does NOT know evil.

Now, there are plenty of gospel verses that say that God knows no evil, but that horrifying accusation RULES Christian 'thinking' in such a way that the definitions of everything have been grossly perverted. And I have suffered by the awful words they speak.

God Cannot. You know how I have labored over the fall and over the existence of evil actions, that I might know, in agreement with what God actually says, how these things are NOT out from God, despite what Christian's claim.

God cannot sin; God cannot rape. It never enters God's mind to alter what He speaks; God does not know evil.

There is NO evil substance or source or 'nature.' There are only evil thoughts, evil words, and evil actions, and all are momentary and do not remain.

Turning Against. Yet there is one other facet that fallen angels possess; they are spirits and thus they have the ability to 'anoint' words with an unclean power.

Demons CANNOT do evil actions; they have no such ability or power. Only humans can do evil actions. And, in fact, speaking false words out loud is an action, something demons cannot do without a human voice.

All fallen angels are sustained every moment by the good-speaking of Jesus and have their being only inside of the Spirit of God. And they turn their backs against that knowing with violence every moment.

Anti-Words. Demons have one ability only; they can whisper words into the minds of their human masters and then anoint those words in the minds and emotions of the human with an hypnotic power that we call a false 'anointing.'

Demons anoint the anti-words they whisper, yes, but they cannot force their masters. The spell is cast by the human seizing those words as his or her own. A false and delusional — "This is me!"

That's it. Our enemy has no other power or ability except to entice humans into imagining that false words, anti-logia, are actually real. Humans do all the rest.

A Wondrous Gift. It is highly likely that you still speak demon words, even though you are seized in God's determination.

Bill is one of the many wondrous gifts God has given to me. I have been in his home three times, and he has been in ours twice. Bill calls me a couple of times a week and I am comfortable visiting with him on the phone, something extremely rare.

In our conversations over time, however, Bill has inadvertently spoken serpent-words because preachers have spoken them into us our whole Christian lives.

It's Not You. And each time, I have waited for the right way to gently say to him, "Bill, I would never say it that way." Bill is a gift because he would rather hear me say that than anything. It's not against him, but rather against our enemy who has hurt us our whole lives.

The primary thing Jane Miller conveyed to us was that the demons and all their words and feelings ARE NOT YOU.

You remain after they have been banished. There is no 'death to self,' a demonic argument that always kept us bound, but only a casting down of gibberish.

What Are Words? I feel as if I have failed to impart to my readers the most important reality I received from God first through Sam Fife. Let me attempt to do so now.

I will give you first the verses.

It is the Spirit that gives life; the [mind of the] flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you ARE SPIRIT and they ARE LIFE. — The seed is the Word God speaks. — Having been conceived from above… of imperishable Seed, through the living and abiding word of God. For… the speaking of the Lord continues into the age. — For the Word of God is living and energeoing.

Either Jesus or Satan. Words are either Jesus or Satan. The choice of which words to know, to think, and to speak is entirely ours.

All your life you have known the words that are Satan [anti-logia] spoken into your ears and your mind; they are as familiar to you as your own breath. They have been spoken into you as mockery by others. They have been preached into you as 'gospel truth' by most every preacher. They have been whispered to you as the essence of your own soul.

And you have spoken them as, "This is me." Yet they are 100% nonsense. They are always untrue.

I Refuse! For seven years, I cast anti-Christ words down with a ferocity beyond most until they came to me no more.

Do not imagine for one moment that I danced into speaking all these words of Christ my life. It was bloody war; it was bloody hell for seven long years.

I will not have them. I will not have those false and evil words anywhere near my mind. And I especially will not speak them. I will not tolerate demons pissing on me with their fake 'anointing.' I will not have them pooping their false words upon my face. I REFUSE!

A War of Words. Fight! — Fight, fight, fight!!! Stay with me. Hold the line. Stay with me.

Speak the same word that is Christ, for those Words are Christ Jesus energeoing you, God Himself planted as Word and as Life in your mouth and heart. And cast down all false words with wrathful ferocity, for they are Satan and DEATH, and they are gibberish and complete and utter nonsense. So what if you have cast them down ten thousand times, strike them down again.

Fight! — Fight, fight, fight!!!

Strike Those Voices DOWN! I have read two large accounts of the siege of Malta in 1565. They were historical fiction, but accurate to history and each other. The primary one is The Religion, by Tim Willocks, which I have read three times.

Five hundred knights of St. John and five thousand men of southern Europe and Malta defended their walls against forty thousand Turks, the most advanced, best equipped and most successful army of that day.

Every day the Turks attacked, and every day these men rose up out of their utter weariness, out of the piles of their dead all around, out of a shattered fortification, and they STRUCK their enemy DOWN!

Another Word. Why would they stop? Why was preventing the Turkish Empire from conquering western Europe any less vital today than it was yesterday?

And so they stood each morning for days and weeks and months, and they would not stop until the Turkish general knew that it was over and the entire fleet sailed back to Istanbul.

We are part of a church that knows Satan words better than Christ words, driven by the self-inflicted whips of the evil one, driven by and into death. Our fight is not for ourselves, but for them.

Are Not You. So when I hear Bill speak words that are anti-logia, words he has known his whole life, words he once imagined were 'Christian,' I pause inside until I know how to speak. And because of who Bill is, I am free to speak, typically not something I can do, and I gently suggest homo-logia, that we speak only that word that is Jesus.

Yet we are at war and your enemy hates you and is terrified of you more than you could know.

The anti-words are not and never have been true. The anti-words are not and never have been YOU.

Fair Warning. Now, I must give fair warning, for this is only the first part of this topic. We must know the weapons of our enemy, that Peter calls 'fiery darts,' and to win, according to Sun Tzu, we must know ourselves.

As I have said, anti-words are so common and familiar, and we speak them without thinking. Yet they have power to hypnotize our minds away from Christ.

Here are a couple devastating accusations against Christ I have heard recently that we will consider next time — "They are just words." And "I so fall short." These words are NOT you, but a deceitful enemy.

A Man Who Fights. We have not left out David in all this, for it is this man after God's own heart who teaches us to FIGHT. Here is what David said when all the armies of Israel were hearing Satan poop upon Jesus and did nothing. "Is there not a cause?

Is striking down the horrific lies of the evil one against Christ and against the Father not the only thing to do? Is delivering the entire Church from the death gospel of the serpent not our mighty calling in God?

Fight! — Fight, fight, fight!!! — Stay with me. Hold the line. Stay with me.

A Man Who Shows Us Jesus. And in all this, we remain only the visible expression of our mighty Captain, joining with Him in drawing all our brethren into the knowledge of Father with them.

God gave the natural city of Jerusalem to David as a representation of all who believe out from Jesus during this age of lying, and David loved Jerusalem, as he and his Heir, the Lord Jesus, now love the Church.

And the accuser, who accuses God, Jesus, and all our brethren, is CAST DOWN, for you and I overcome and defeat him by speaking the same word that is Christ, out from no consciousness of separation from God-Love and no imagining of a self not Jesus.

Let’s Pray Together. I have covered only about half of what I thought would be one lesson. But we can continue in this topic because David is a man who teaches us to fight as our war exists inside knowing Jesus as He is.

For these lessons, however, I want to switch our prayer over to personal warfare, shared together. Hold the line. — Stay with me. — Hold the line!

“God, our Father, we ask You for the most valuable treasure in the universe, that You would plant Your Word inside our hearts as the Lord Jesus in Person, that Your Word would fill our hearts and our mouths, that we would know You.

We Repent. “Father, in planting Your Word through all the fabric of our beings, we ask You to give us that clear and sharp understanding of the extraordinary difference between Your Word as Christ inside of us and that anti-word spoken by the evil one throughout all the Christian expression we have known in this world.

“Father, we have known and spoken the words that oppose the Lord Jesus; they are familiar to us as our own breath. Father, we repent of having ever spoken such words of unbelief and accusation against You, that You fail us. And Father, be the strength of our hearts, that we would cast all contrary words down out from our heavens.

Keeping Your Word. “Lord Jesus, we ask You to be the mighty Captain of War that You are inside of us, enabling us in every moment to strike our enemy down, to strike out from our heavens every word that contradicts Your great Salvation, now living as us in all things.

“Lord Jesus, we thank You, that You are all that God speaks, living and energeoing us, that You are our guard and protection, keeping Your Word in us every moment, and that You have already sealed us entirely into Yourself.

“Out from You in our mouth, Lord Jesus, we strike down every anti-word and anti-spirit that exists inside our sphere until that moment when they are NO MORE.”