29.1 Application

© 2016 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

This course has raised 27 major questions inside of symmorphy, questions regarding God, man, Christ, and salvation, and has attempted a response to each of them. The question before us now is how does this apply to our lives.

We know that learning a bunch of facts about God cannot result in life. How do all these things become our life? Only one thing differentiates between life and death for us; that one thing is God in our hearts together with us instead of a God far away from us “up there” who expects things from us we fail to perform.

And thus we remain in life, inside of Jesus, only when we use what we learn to know this Father alive inside of us.

What God Says
You may have noticed something else, as I have, going through all the questions of this course. The answers to these questions, answers that come almost entirely from what God says in the Bible, paint a different picture from that painted by the typical Christian responses. Yet the breadth and depth of critical verses that flow through all the responses in this text is simply overwhelming. You see, my purpose in using a different font for Bible verses is so that you might see that I do not make things up, but that what I share comes, continuously, out from what God says.

Yet it is not possible for me to teach you truth. Only the Holy Spirit can do that, and He abounds in you.

Now, this entire program is Symmorphy. The Purpose course placed the Why of Symmorphy; whereas this course, Essence, investigated the What of Symmorphy.  Then, Kingdom will expand on the What For of Symmorphy, and Covenant will penetrate the Who of Symmorphy. Finally, the Where of Symmorphy, God’s full opportunity to be seen and known by all, is the topic of Symmorphy V: Life.

In this text, Symmorphy has become, in our understanding, the essential nature of God, One who reveals Himself only through other Persons, Son and Spirit. God is not “triune,” but Symmorphic.

Reduced Down to God-Is
And the essence of symmorphy is that the Person of God the Father is utterly a part of me, of my person – and you the same. More than that, Father does in me what He is – that is God is always reconciling the world to Himself. Thus I consider that my every present moment is the travail of God for His creation. I find myself reduced down to God-Is.

My desire for things I am not presently experiencing or that I do not presently possess must yield itself to the awesome realization that, in spite of my assessment of my present moment as mundane and useless, I am wrong. My present moment is God in me now.

This knowledge of God-Is-Now in me is first a knowledge of my spirit. But at the same time, my brain and my tongue serve my spirit-knowing by telling myself what God says, what I know to be true. I am filled with all the fullness of God.

And when I find myself dwelling on “sinful” thoughts, and even liking those thoughts for the moment, I do not obey Augustine by driving God far away from me. Rather, I continue seeing Father filling me full, one person with me, reconciling the world to Himself, knowing that sin has already been taken by the Lord Jesus into His empty grave. And I find Jesus quieting my mind, ever present with me.

Only One Word
Symmorphy cannot be an idea; it must be our only life. And I use the first person, “I,” because if symmorphy is not utterly real to me, I cannot teach it as real to you. The “I” is you; the “I” is Jesus. – And, the “I” is me, for He calls me by name.

Thus all the breadth of the Bible, all the infinity of God, and all the depths of the gospel message must all reduce down to one thing alone. Christ lives in my heart by faith. Only when this one word is real and the only life I am, can all the wondrous realities of practical symmorphy be explored.

What Is Symmorphy?
The most important session in this course is “What Is Faith?” The most important activity of your life is the assignment to Engage with Symmorphy. I want to include here a few statements from that session.

God is forever invisible; we KNOW Him only by faith. Faith is the operation of symmorphy in our lives. Symmorphy is walking in the present moment KNOWING that God IS revealing Himself through our present appearance entirely as He wishes.

What is symmorphy? Symmorphy is God and us together drawing all things into the Mercy Seat of our hearts.

We Just Are
As we KNOW that we are utterly connected together with Father God as one person together, through every Word that is Jesus – As we KNOW that Father and us walk through all things together as one – As we KNOW that as we speak, Father IS speaking and as Father speaks, we ARE speaking – As we KNOW that every part of ourselves in the present moment IS the Father’s perfect choice of His revelation through us –

Then we just are. – The Father and we are one.

Engage with Symmorphy
This lesson is called “Application.” Every single truth learned in this course finds its true meaning only in the application of symmorphy, you and Father together. For that reason, as application, I include the exercise of Engaging with Symmorphy as part of this lesson.

1. Begin your engagement with God by placing yourself through praise and thanksgiving into the knowledge of the Father arising always from within you.

2. Acknowledge and know the Father in your own heart, that you and He are always meeting together there.

3. Recognize the Blood of the Lamb sprinkled upon your heart, the Atonement of Sacrifice.

Recognize and Acknowledge
4. Recognize and acknowledge the love of God poured out and shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit who belongs to you, One spirit with you.

5. Recognize the authority granted to you by the words of Jesus to forgive, to release, to give thanks, and to send forth grace.

6. Think of someone you love, someone close to you. Reach out with the “arms” of your love, the love of God always filling you full, and draw that person into your heart.

7. Recognize and acknowledge that person in love in your heart; see them there, above the blood.

8. Speak in your own heart words of forgiveness, not for offenses against you, but for offence, period.

Release and Give Thanks
(8. Cont.) Then release that one from all control of yourself. Release him or her into the freedom of God, set free from all iniquity and bondage and obligation. Release that one into the life and glory of Jesus.

9. Then give thanks for that one, and in giving thanks, speak good grace into them. Speaking as one together with Father send forth the Holy Spirit to minister that grace to this person.

10. Next, think of some circumstance that is difficult for you. Reach out with the “arms” of your love, the love of God always filling you full, and draw that circumstance into your heart.

11. As you see that difficulty, see it with thankfulness, knowing that the Father shares that difficulty completely together with you.

Speak Good Grace
12. Together with the Father, speak good grace into the difficulty, speak the arising of God, speak the working of goodness coming as a result of that difficulty, speak the expectation of favor. Then release that difficulty into the expectation that you and Father together make all things good.

13. Think of a person most difficult for you to consider, the person who has done you harm or has deeply wronged you. This is not an easy thing.

14. Position your own mind and heart in terms of Jesus, life laid down, love poured out. What you are doing specifically is laying down your life for this one who has done you such wrong. 

For Father’s Sake
15. Understand, you probably cannot do this either for yourself or for the other person. Look into Father’s eyes and heart alone. You do this for one reason: for Father’s sake. Say, “For Your sake, my Father.”

16. In your mind’s eye, draw this individual who has done you so much hurt into the Love that fills your heart, there above the Blood. Say, “I love you (name the person); I release you into the forgiveness of God.”

17. See the offense disappearing into an empty tomb. See Jesus, your glory, filling all that you are, sharing, even that offense and its disappearance utterly together with you. Release the person into the joy of God.

The Breathing of Your Life
18. Then give thanks for this difficult person.

19. And in giving thanks, speak good grace into them, sending forth the Holy Spirit, together with Father, to minister that grace on your behalf.

20. Make this action of engaging your heart, the Father’s heart, as the Mercy Seat of God and the sending forth of grace towards all circumstances and all people in your life – your continual practice. Make it the breathing of your life.

God is REAL. God is utterly real inside of you. You are the appearance of the Father, as He wishes right now; you and Father walk together as one in all things.

Next Lesson: 29.4 Looking Forward