7.2 An Electrical Cosmos

© 2016 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

All your life you have learned a theory of the cosmos that states that gravity is the primary force causing everything we see out there to happen, and that all physical bodies throughout space are utterly separate and disconnected from each other except if, by chance, one object hits another. Out from that way of thinking, such brilliant minds as Albert Einstein’s and Stephen Hawking’s have postulated brilliant scenarios of time and space that are not true. And out from that theory comes a further theory that states that time and chance are the creators of everything that exists.

But since the Hubble telescope was put into place, a single line has been astronomy’s constant: “We did not expect that.”

A Falsified Theory
Everything being observed right now defies, does not fit, is contrary to, the gravity theory of the universe. Yet for some strange reason, the cosmologists find it impossible to let go of their falsified theory, a phenomenon that is a great puzzle to electrical universe theorists. Thus they twist their falsified theory into ever more absurd contortions in order to continue using it to explain everything now being observed. Some of the nonsense by which they attempt to explain observable facts by the gravity theory includes dark holes and dark matter, string theory and the “bending” of space-time, all things that cannot ever be observed and thus are NOT science.

The Electrical Theory
But there is another theory of the cosmos, a theory that has been in existence for more than a hundred years, a theory that deals only with observable and measurable facts, a theory that is never surprised by new things seen by modern telescopes, a theory that can take you into a laboratory and show you exactly how those big things out there are taking place.

I am speaking of the electrical theory of the universe.

Modern astronomers observe electricity operating through the universe, but for some strange, almost perverted reason, they refuse to call it electricity. Rather, they use gravity terms to describe electricity, terms such as “solar wind” or “the blowing of hot gases.”

For Your Consideration
Let me define an electrical universe in the simplest terms. Electrons moving through space. Let me define the “solar wind” in the simplest terms. Electrons moving through space.

Now, let me put before you some facts for your consideration. All your life, you have learned to understand everything that exists out from the concepts of a gravity only and separated universe. You have spent hundreds of hours studying the universe as if it is gravity driven and separated. This way of thinking has also ruled, then, over your knowledge of God, how you know and define Him.

An Urgent Proposition
I want to put before your consideration this proposition. As a son of God, as the image and likeness of God, as one who walks in union with Christ, as the revelation of Father, as one who is part of the source and the shape of the new creation coming out of your belly – You NEED to KNOW the electrical theory of the universe. You just do.

Don’t say, “I’m too old.” Don’t say, “Well, I just want to know union with Jesus.” You are hardly a few days old inside ages yet ahead, and Jesus is the One sustaining all things by the Word of His power. You need to know His creation, which by union is also yours.

The Thunderbolt
And so I take you to www.thunderbolts.info.

First, however, let’s compare Hebrew, Greek, and Saxon English. The Lord went before them IN a pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21). For our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). Hebrew – ammund esh; Greek – katanalisko pyr; Saxon English – planetary lighting or thunderbolt. All three are the same thing. It is entirely appropriate to translate Exodus and Hebrews as: The Lord IN a thunderbolt. For our God is a thunderbolt.

A Pillar of Fire
A pillar of fire on the sun – the same thing seen by Moses and the children of Israel and many ancients, here on earth.


Immanuel Velikovsky
Also, let me give you the history of the Thunderbolts website.

In 1950, a brilliant Jewish man, by the name of Immanuel Velikovsky, published a book titled Worlds in Collision. Velikovsky postulated that what modern man calls “ancient myths” are, in fact, accounts written down by ancient people of things they actually saw and experienced. I read Velikovsky’s books in 1984. Don’t bother looking him up on the Internet; Google will take you to more hostile pages than pages that demonstrate how the core of his theory is confirmed by science over and over. Some of what I share in my article “Human Pre-history” comes out of what I learned from Velikovsky.

My purpose, however, is not to direct you to Velikovsky. He was like Sam Fife, who was a little, brilliant, and powerful man who imparted great truth that filled you with Godly wonder all flung together in chaos with great error.

After the Internet became available in the mid-1990’s, I found a website, now non-existent, by a man named David Talbot, a former student of Velikovsky. This website postulated the theory of Saturn as a binary star to the sun , around which the earth revolved before the flood. All the elements of this theory came out of a study of comparative mythology, accepting the accounts as rooted in observation. Then, in 2004, I discovered another website soon after it was created, www.thunderbolts.info.

Talbot and Thornhill
What had happened was that David Talbot met a man named Wallace Thornhill, who was a student of the great electrical universe theorists of the twentieth century, including Kristian Birkeland and Hannes Alfven. (See here: http://www.holoscience.com/wp/alfven-triumphs-again-again.) As Talbot and Thornhill conversed, they discovered that they were studying the same thing. And thus the thunderbolts website was born.

Almost every weekday, five times a week, the Thunderbolts website posts a new article titled “The Picture of the Day,” here: http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/daily-tpod/ From 2004 until now, I have read most of them, first thing in the morning.

Going the Other Way
Please understand me. I am willing to read and to consider facts presented for almost any claim known to man. At the same time, I require convincing and sound evidence of anything before I accept it to be true, and even more overwhelming proofs before I would teach it to you.

In complete contrast, the majority of mankind, including the majority of our brethren are, as Jesus says, sheep. They will believe only what they are told, what the majority “believes,” and they are not swayed in their beliefs by any facts. Thus part of the source of the precious pearls you receive from me is the constant distress I live in over my brethren, those whom Jesus loves, that they are convinced of so much nonsense and will not consider any Biblical or scientific evidence otherwise.

Sound and Convincing Proofs
The electrical theory of the universe, including the sub-branch of a completely re-written history of the solar system out of comparative “mythology,” is proven to me by innumerable convincing and sound scientific and Biblical proofs over a study of many years.

And we go forward knowing that God’s definition of “the world” means that the vast majority of mankind must be believing all sorts of things that just are not true. When science was coming out from a Christian world view, scientists sought the truth. But in 1948 everything shifted in heaven/earth, and so-called “scientists,” now thinking out from a secular world view, absolutely hate the truth.

The Old Testament Accounts
The accounts of the early history of the earth as found throughout the Old Testament are banished from modern thinking by the gravity only theory and by the theory of long ages of the earth and the evolutionary development of life. In complete contrast, those same Old Testament accounts fit very well in and are fully confirmed by the electrical theory of the universe.

First, the electrical theory of earth’s history states that the present form of the earth’s surface and the layout of the solar system today cannot be more than 10,000 years old. Second, we cannot know anything about the “age” of the universe, or that it might be “expanding.”

Noah’s Flood
Third, the electrical theory of earth’s history states that everything seen on the surface of the earth was formed by great catastrophe, that nothing was formed by the uniformitarianism of long ages of time. The electrical theory of earth’s history accepts fully the accounts of the great flood and its cause (inside of comparative “mythology”), and the greater disastrous effects on not just the earth, but the whole solar system.

When we say “comparative mythology,” we are saying that all primitive people groups remember the great flood in very similar ways to the Biblical account. And this includes so many things in the Old Testament that otherwise make no sense (i.e. The earth staggered to and fro).

Great pillars of fire, planetary lightning, similar to the pillar of fire picture from the sun, scoured the earth relentlessly, likely to as late as the 800’s BC. Thus we can assume that carbon-dating since 500 BC  is reasonably accurate. But carbon-dating prior to 500 BC cannot tell us anything because the molecular structure of all elements is affected by nearby pillars of fire.

I am not presenting an entire overview of the electrical theory of the universe in this short lesson, of course. In the assignment for this session, you will watch a video on Youtube from Thunderbolts Project that will introduce you to the subject. Here we are just underlining some main points.
No Visible Source
Recent photographs from the latest NASA technology investigating the far reaches of space continue to show clear pictures of the great Birkeland currents powering the galaxies. But those who study electrical power in space give this testimony. The source of these Birkeland currents, the generator powering all the galaxies and stars and planets, cannot be seen. The source of the electricity is not observed; therefore, science cannot say anything about that source, one way or another. Sustaining all things by the Word of His power.

But one of the most wonderful and awe-inspiring aspects of electricity is that electrical events are entirely scalable.

Scalable means that an electrical event is identical whether it be the size of an atom or the size of an experiment in a laboratory or the size of a galaxy. Scalable means that the exact electrical processes that formed the Olympus Mons on Mars can form an identical-looking shape in the laboratory.

Scalable means that the static spark zapping from your finger to the door knob is identical to the pillar of fire seen by Moses and the mighty Birkeland currents powering the Milky Way. Scalable means that when you place a picture of a human fetus moments after conception alongside a side view of a galaxy cluster, you cannot tell which is which, they are the same.

We Call Him Father
Scalable means that every electrical event seen in wonder by dis-believing modern cosmologists as they try to explain what ought not to exist, can be easily and simply duplicated in the electrical laboratory and thus studied as real science. It means that electrical theorists are always predicting “what NASA will find” and are always being proven right.

But the most fantastic thing about the scalability of electricity you will not find at any of the electrical universe websites. You will find it here only from me. Personal consciousness is an electrical phenomenon; as an electrical phenomenon, mind must also be scalable. If we have minds, then the universe must be the mind of a personal God.

We call Him Father.

Next Lesson: 7.3 Substance and Appearance