3.3 Sing of Good Things

© 2019 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

Under the old covenant God instructed Moses to place one part of the children of Israel on one hill and the other part on a second hill, with the two groups facing each other. Then, one side was instructed to speak words of cursing at the other side, while the second side was to speak words of blessing to the first side. In this way, one side spoke cursing and heard blessing, while the other side spoke blessing, but heard cursing.

The writer of Hebrews stated that God disliked the old covenant and annulled it. Paul said, in Galatians 3, that the reason God set aside the law was that such a way of living cannot bring forth life in anyone. All who eat of it are under the curse and must die.

Christ Redeemed Us. It is this old covenant practice of knowing right and wrong, of laboring over good and evil, of speaking blessing and speaking cursing, both at the same time, that God replaces in our lives with the one speaking of Christ. Christ redeemed us out of the curse of law [seized us out of the market place], having become curse for us (Galatians 3:13).

Christ alone, then, is written on the tablets of our fleshy hearts and He is written there as our every binding connection with our Father. We cannot ever be “fallen short” of God. Nonetheless, in the last lesson, we saw how Bible verses coming into the Christian soul as mental knowledge, as ideas “about” God, then become the very words used to prevent the knowledge of Christ our only life from entering our brethren.

Sing Jesus Alone. You live by speaking, by singing Christ. Sing Jesus as you have never sung Him before with all your heart. Sing Him as your only life and reality; sing Him into all those with whom you come into contact. Prophecy Christ; call Him forth everywhere and in everyone. Sing no other song. – Jesus lives in my heart.

According to the gospel, we speak the same word that Jesus speaks; we speak Christ as our only story. And by speaking Christ, our only story, all the words of cursing we once knew simply vanish away and we know them no more. For the sake of our brethren, however, as we set forth the good words of Christ which we sing, we want to cast their light upon the false words, the Bible verses as mental ideas, that keep our brethren locked under the imagination of the curse.

Bible Verses as Satanic Temptation. Here is something we must understand. When Satan speaks, he mostly uses Bible verses. When the serpent spoke in the garden, he used God’s words already spoken, but he used those words contrary to Christ. When the devil tempted Jesus, he used Bible verses from critical Scriptures to lure Jesus into not trusting in the Father. And when unclean spirits followed behind Jesus proclaiming, “You are the Christ, the Son of God,” Jesus silenced them. True words coming through evil lips cannot impart the truth.

Many search the Bible, not to find Christ written there, let alone Christ written inside their hearts, but rather to find the words they can use to tempt God’s people to turn away from Father and back towards the useless “struggle against sin.”

Filled with All of God. Sing: Because Jesus lives in my heart, I know that I am filled with all the fullness of God. And I possess this great treasure of all that Father is inside my vessel of human weakness, so that the power of my life might be coming always out of God and not out of an imagined and separated self. Thus I KNOW that I live and walk utterly embedded inside all the love of God.

So what “Bible words” must vanish away so that our brethren might sing the Song of the Lamb with all joy? Here is one line, taken out of context and falsely used as a whip to drive Father far away from the believer in Jesus. – For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells (Romans 7:18). By these words out of context, the Christian is plunged into the abyss of an empty and unredeemed “self.”

Rivers of Living Water. Sing: As I believe in Jesus, so I drink of Him. And as I drink of Him, so rivers of living water, rivers of Spirit, rivers of God made known to all in blessing and healing and life, flow out of my belly, out from my innermost being. Father Himself reveals His love and tender kindness through me to His creation.

What possible “Bible” words could darken and hide this wondrous reality in which we live, spoken so clearly by Jesus? Sadly, there are many verses that can be twisted to tempt us not to believe in Jesus. Here is one such twisting. We’ll know what it’s all about when we die and go to heaven (1 Corinthians 13:10 & 12 – as so many really mean when they think those words). Paul was speaking of knowing Father, that is, Love, inside of us and flowing out through us to believe and to carry all for all.

Casting Down Accusation. Sing: As I walk inside the Blood of the Lamb on the one hand, and as I walk inside His cross on the other hand, in full confidence and trust, so I speak Christ my only life. As I do so, accusation of every kind is conquered and cast down. First, accusation is cast out of my own story of self, and second, a wall of protection goes out from me protecting my brothers and sisters in Christ from all the accusation of the evil one.

Many Bible verses are used to limit the sacrifice of Christ, to make it small and ineffectual, thus making the believer the target of all accusation. Here is one such line. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us! For we are exceedingly filled with contempt (Psalm 123:3). – Weeping and wailing before the cross, refusing to enter into Christ.

Christ Our only Life. Sing: I AM crucified with Christ, except – I live – only it’s Christ, yet it’s me, yet it’s Christ who lives as me. And this life I live inside the flesh, now the very flesh of Jesus, I live out from His faith inside of me causing me to be all that God speaks. Christ is my life; I have no other life.

Yet here is the terrible thing. Many verses meant to teach us to abandon any seeing of separation and to see Christ alone are used to opposite effect, to turn God’s people away from Christ and to cause them to see only SIN. Here is one such line. Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth (Colossians 3:5). This line is then taken separately from the one death of Christ to become – The crucifix, an endless and pointless cutting of one’s self.

Enter All of God Boldly. Sing: With all boldness of heart, I enter through the flesh of Christ, now my own flesh as well, into everything Holy inside of God. Here, inside all the fullness of God, Jesus connects me utterly with Father as I take full possession of everything that is God. I know no consciousness of sins, no falling short. All things pertaining to my present life are pure and clean.

So much is done to dull Hebrews 10:19-22 down into a “nice idea.” Preachers and translators work together to keep the reader from grasping “one sacrifice for sins forever.” It’s easy to do that, just wave the old covenant at them – The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it (Jeremiah 17:9)? And thus they place the testimony of depravity upon those who live only inside of Christ.

Walk in Absolute Confidence. Sing: I am fully part of Christ walking in absolute confidence. God always leads me in triumph; God always energeoes all inside of me. I boast that I am just like the Lord Jesus Christ in nature and in relationship with the Father. I speak Christ my only life; I give thanks in and for all things, through faith turning all things towards goodness together with my Father.

Yet the jeopardy of the gospel is masked over in the Christian mind by that endless Sisyphean task, that of endlessly “trying” and endlessly failing. These are words already struck down by Paul in his gospel (Galatians 3). You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them. – All that the Lord has spoken we will do (Leviticus 18:5 & Exodus 19:8). Utter dishonesty!

Love One Another. Sing: My love for you begins with knowing just how much the love of God is poured out in your heart towards me. I am humbled by your love for me. And out from that same love poured out in my heart, I love you more than either one of us can know. I love you in the same way that Jesus loves me. I lay down my life for you. Father Love IS all of our connections together.

Sadly, love one another is a large part of that Sisyphean goal, always striven for and never attained, because confidence in Christ that God-IS is simply not believed. In its place, the normal human contempt for other humans looks for and finds so many verses by which they get to accuse and denounce one another. Here’s one. – These [people] are spots in your love feasts – clouds without water – grumblers, complainers (inappropriately used phrases from Jude 1).

Set Creation Free. Sing: I am called and anointed by God to set all creation free together with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I hear the cry and see the travail of every created thing to be free. I know the victory of Christ, that He wins all things back to the Father by love. No barrier of hades can prevent me. Through the authority of the Mercy Seat of my heart, I set creation free.

Yet by incredible sleight of hand, this central calling of God upon us, placed by Paul at the heart of his gospel, has been masked over by deliberate mis-translation of one word in the Bible – the word aeon, that is, “a period of time.” And so the words, “They will be examined… into [specific] ages [the unfolding of time] belonging to the ages,” becomes – They will be tortured forever and ever (Revelation 20:10). John’s cryptic vision is then placed as the rule over Paul’s clearly stated end of God ALL inside of ALL (1 Corinthians 15:28) and the unveiling of Christ through us, setting all creation free, becomes “heresy.”

Living inside of Jesus and Jesus inside of You. Sing: Lord Jesus, I, in all of my humanity, including all of my failure and loss, I live, in person, inside of all that You are. And Lord Jesus, You, in all that You are, live in Person inside of me, inside of all that I am. We walk together in wondrous communion, sharing the same form, spirit and flesh. Lord Jesus, I am part of You, and You are part of me.

This is the most important song we sing, the Song that IS Salvation. For that reason, against this song, the strongest forces of darkness cast their shadow, driving Jesus far away from us in our imagination. Quite simply, one of the worst examples of stripping a few Bible words out of their context is used to eliminate Jesus from us. We are absent from the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6). And by those words, John 14:20 vanishes from the sight of most Christians.

Sing Only Christ. In complete contrast, we KNOW that in Christ there is NO “blessing and cursing,” but only LIFE and goodness. We sing only Christ our life inside our story of self; never do we speak words against ourselves that are contrary to Christ, that is anti-Christ. And as we sing of good things, speaking Christ alone, so the dark words of cursing we once knew quietly fade away until we know them no more.

The enemy uses Bible words to tempt our brothers and sisters in Christ not to believe in Jesus. We show them Jesus inside their heart written as every Word God speaks all through the fabric of their souls and thus, their only story of self is their own personal Song of the Lamb.

Next Lesson: 4.1 The Setting