5.2 Our Form inside of God

My frame was not hidden from You, when I was accomplished [completed] in secret, and woven together… Your eyes saw my substance [as an embryo], and all that I am is written in Your book, my days [my unfolding] fashioned for me, before I am in them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with You (Psalm 139:15-18).

David distinguishes between two “parts” of himself found written already inside of God’s thoughts concerning him. The first is his frame or form or substance, and the second is the unfolding of his days. In this lesson we will consider “form,” and in the next lesson, the unfolding of our days.

Making It Personal. Yet David also gives us permission to make this knowing utterly personal, and so as you read through this lesson and the next, think in terms of yourself.

What does it mean that my form exists in completion inside of God’s thoughts, completely separate from my present awareness? Frame – structure – form – weave – substance – embryo – DNA. As I think of these things, I think always of spirit and physic together as my one body.

Yet here is no violence in God, for His thoughts do not control my own story of self. It is in my mouth and in my heart that I align my words to fit God’s. God’s thoughts determine my form and expression, but not my own story of self, which is meant for communion only.

On a Journey. Now, as you go through this personal journey, let’s frame it in terms of Hebrews 10:22 – Let us approach [everything inside of God] with a true heart, in full assurance of faith…

You are on a journey into God’s thoughts where you will find a mirror image of yourself. Yet these thoughts are God Himself. More than that, you are to approach these thoughts concerning you that are God Himself, as children playing pirates, in full possession and enjoyment of everything you find. And everything that you find inside of God that concerns you in all your frame and substance can be defined by two words – GOOD and TRUE. Sing for joy as you discover yourself mirrored inside of God.

Our Freedom. Let me underline something extraordinary that just appeared before our eyes for the first time, and that is the mechanics of our freedom inside of God. God’s thoughts govern our form, and God’s thoughts govern our expression. BUT – God’s thoughts never govern our thoughts, whether the thoughts of our minds or the thoughts of our hearts.

Specifically, we have no choice in the structure and fabric of our body, spirit and physic together. God alone determines every particle of our structure, and we can be utterly ignorant of that fact. And we have no choice in the outward giftings of our personality. God alone determines how our expression is to be, and we can be utterly ignorant of that fact.

The Song of the Lamb. But God never determines the flow of our own thoughts, or what thoughts we want to think, whether heart thoughts or mental thoughts. God’s thoughts concerning us enter into our souls only through our express permission, primarily the words, “Yes, Jesus,” and then it remains our own desire alone that prompts us to bring our thoughts into communion with God’s. This act that belongs to us alone is called, in the Bible, singing the Song of the Lamb.

I am an incapable man, unable to do the outward things that might “please God.” Yet in all my searing inability, I have been able to say, “Yes, Jesus,” and I have spoken the Jesus Secret until my thoughts are in tune with God’s.

The Humility of My Savior. If Daniel Yordy can do this, dear reader, than it is much easier for you to do the same. John Eldredge taught me that my heart is good, my heart is filled with Jesus. Joel Osteen taught me to stop speaking curses against myself (and thus against God) in the thoughts of my mind. But it is the Lord Jesus Himself who has taught me to speak His words made personal as me, and He has done this actively and personally in sweet communion with me.

Indeed, the very depths of my transformation can be found in the humility of my Savior carrying me in tender regard. This is where life is found, the only tree of life, knowing God inside our own souls through a shared communion with Jesus.

The Jesus Secret II. Now, let me be blunt. Your Bible is FILLED with God’s thoughts concerning you. But you can never know God’s words as yourself unless you eat of Jesus, that is, unless you receive them into yourself as the Lord Jesus and then speak out loud (parrhesia) those same words (homologia) as Christ made personal as you (prophéteia).

Everything you need, to know God’s thoughts concerning you, can be found in The Jesus Secret II, but only as you speak Christ yourself in all tender fellowship with Jesus in Person. Those who leave out knowing Jesus in Person, carrying them through every stumbling step, meek and lowly of heart, sharing their lives with them, will never know God or His Words.

God Speaks Me Inside His Son. From The Jesus Secret II: Hebrews, Chapter 1.

God speaks me. God speaks me inside of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. God speaks me inside of the exact reproduction of His substance. God speaks me inside of the One sustaining all, inside of the One seated inside His right hand.

I am spoken of God. I am the words and the breath coming out from my Father through Jesus.

Jesus, my Savior and my Friend, brings me forth, sustains me, and carries me by His power-filled Word. I partake of Jesus; He is part of me and I am part of Him. I partake of the One whom God anoints with the oil of ecstatic delight. I partake of the One who carries me all the way through.

Ask and Believe. Lord Jesus, You say that God speaks me inside of You. You say that You bring me forth every moment by Your words of power, by Your good-speaking. Even more than that, Lord Jesus, You say that You sustain me every moment by Your Words and that You carry me inside of them.

Lord Jesus, I ask that You cause me to know that I am coming out from and being sustained and carried by Your good speaking. Cause me to know that You are the source and fabric of my person, of all my human soul. Let me be all that You speak, Lord Jesus; it is so. I am Your very words.

Sustain and Carry. Jesus sustains and carries me by His Word of power. Jesus bears me up from beneath of me and transports me by His good-speaking. Jesus upholds and supports me, and leads me always as every Word God speaks.

Jesus keeps me from falling or sinking and takes me through death and into life as the voice of God All-Carrying. Jesus maintains me with the undiminished intensity of life and lifts me up on high by every Spirit blessing God speaks.

Jesus supports me with the needs of life and bears me successfully through all losses and conflicts by abundance of Word. Jesus aids and comforts me, and takes full possession of me by His Word written in my heart.

Jesus proves and establishes me, and takes me the distance in a single stroke by speaking God’s thoughts concerning me. All that I am comes out from the good-speaking of Jesus, from every Word God speaks, and from nowhere else. Jesus sustains and carries me by His power-filled Word.

The Words I Possess. I possess every Word God speaks as my own life. I live by every Word coming out from God’s mouth. I know God’s word from Genesis to Revelation, for all of it belongs to me as it is Jesus written upon my heart. All of God’s thoughts concerning me belong to me and become me through Jesus who is my only life.

I possess every moment of my life in this world as the good-speaking of Jesus alone. Yet that is only one side of the equation, for all that Jesus is, every Word that is Christ, also pertains fully to me. I am filled with Word; I am filled with God. Knowing the Words I possess from Father’s Heart inside of mine is a joy of adventure that will increase forever.

It Is God Who Has Made Us. If you want to know God’s thoughts concerning you, then wander at your pleasure through the pages of The Jesus Secret II, and speak out loud the speaking of faith that you find there. And everything you find there comes out from an intimate relationship with Jesus in Person, and will serve to take you into the same knowing of Jesus with you. Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 100:3).

Speaking the Jesus Secret is only one side of knowing God’s thoughts concerning you, however. The other side of knowing God’s thoughts concerning you is to consider your own person.

Asperger's? Let me set before you the most difficult part of my own life. I am an Asperger’s man, high-performing autism. This quality of personality is found all through the weave of my form and the presentation of my expression. It carries powerful abilities, to understand and to focus, and it carries crippling inabilities that have made my life appear to me as a stumbling of confusion from one bed of pain to the next.

I did not choose to be Asperger’s, and I cannot change what I am. I cannot stand before hard foreheads, but I will react in violent expression towards anyone who uses the whips of their arrogant “christ” to “fix” my autism or anyone else’s. Yet I make no fetish out of my weaknesses, but rather, that I might know Christ Jesus as the only life I am.

True and Good. Is every aspect of Asperger’s woven through the fabric of my being an essential part of God’s thoughts concerning me? Is every aspect of Asperger's, both that which has seemed to be good and that which has seemed to be difficult, TRUE and GOOD inside my Father? Does God love to share my difficulties with me in tender communion, for the sake of others?

Only one thing, then, can cause me to KNOW God’s thoughts concerning me, and that is – to give thanks inside of and for the sake of ALL things. When I know that all that I am is God with me for the sake of others, then I can walk through the fabric of my life and know myself as God’s thoughts concerning me.

Thanksgiving. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good [in all of His thoughts concerning you]; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations [as a cord of expectation into all completion] (Psalm 100:4-5). My life with Asperger’s is good; my life with Asperger’s is true. My life with Asperger’s is Father with me for the sake of others.

Now, I have framed this in terms of my own difficulties; you must do the same regarding yourself. You see, at no point in the entire study of Symmorphy are you free as a student to construct mental ideas separate from your own personal engagement with God inside your own heart.

Give Thanks. And so, as you peruse your own being, every aspect of your own personality, your likes and dislikes, your ways of doing things, your oddities and quirks, your abilities and inabilities, all of it is God’s thoughts concerning you. All of it is GOOD, and all of it is TRUE.

Give Him thanks – oh, give Him thanks. And know Him always as One who is meek and lowly of Heart and who thinks that sharing your life with you for the sake of others is joy unspeakable and filled with glory.

You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well (Psalm 139:13-14).

The Entrance of the Knowledge of God. We have resolved fully two aspects of our construction, our heart and our faith, for we have had very confused ideas about how we are put together. My heart, that which is the deepest part of what makes me to be me, is entirely inside my soul, here at the joining of spirit and physic. And my faith is on the inside of my soul, that hesitant hand that reaches out to open the door to the calling of Jesus.

And that makes Jesus inside my own soul so very Personal to me, and it makes knowing my Father inside of Jesus inside my soul even more Personal. My heart and my faith are not qualities concerning which I have no choice, but are the very entrance of the knowledge of God through knowing Jesus Sent into me through my joyous and deeply grateful permission.

Christ lives inside of my heart through faith.