26. Time for Something to Hear

From a reader of these letters: I believe there are many just like me that need to hear truth out of the mass of confusion out there. NO MATTER HOW DEEP it is. NO MATTER WHAT! I don't believe there is a limit when speaking truth. I believe that it is HIGH time for UTTER SERIOUSNESS! It isn't about catch phrases or gimmicks or funny picture. It's time for those with ears to hear, to have something to HEAR. – So that they too will seek a deeper knowing of God for themselves. They need the food to be set before them!! Just like it was for me!!! I really sense " NOW IS THE TIME.” And that this is to be taken very seriously!

© Daniel Yordy - 2013

He that has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Revelation 2-3, repeated seven times.

I find the Spirit of God in me pressing this letter into its place before the next several others which are already finished or being finished. God spoke a word to me, coming through a dear sister, a reader of this letter. First, here is that word.

It's time for those with ears to hear, to have something to HEAR.

I want to give you, however, the entire context in which that word came to me. I do not share this with you to promote myself. There is no “myself” to promote, but only Christ Jesus. My entire care is for the revelation of Jesus Christ now upon this earth through both you and me. Here is the exchange of messages. The sister had just read my musings on my own calling, that of a mapmaker, one who scouts out the extent to which the Word God speaks takes us, coming back to you with the joy and report of what's just ahead for all of us.


You ARE our map maker! You ARE forging the path! I am so thankful that our Lord led me to your letters!! Words cannot express what Jesus has shown me in the past few days. He has shown me that IT TRULY WAS HIM SPEAKING TO ME AND REVEALING TO ME ALL THESE YEARS!!! I am hearing from you the EXACT SAME THINGS that I have heard from the Lord in that place where deep calls upon deep but DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT! Many times hearing too many voices. many times thinking it is just my wandering thoughts when I ponder things of the Lord, many times falling completely off the path and into the ditch (so I thought)… but it was JESUS ALL ALONG!!! HE has ALWAYS BEEN THE ONE SPEAKING! Keep on forging the way Daniel! THERE ARE MANY COMING UP BEHIND YOU!!!

– Daniel Yordy – Thank you so much, again your encouragement is such strength to me.

I know that my Eyes of Fire series is really pressing the envelope. But everything else is being said by everyone else, and all draw back from the full meaning inside of what God actually says. I am just unable to draw back. If God says it, I must know the truth of it.


Your Eyes of Fire series is incredible! I wait with pins and needles for your next writing. I do not read from any one else at all at this time. Just as you say, EVERYONE else is saying EVERYTHING else. Truth be told Daniel you are the ONLY one I have met in years that was ALL about KNOWING GOD. I used to wonder about this. Wondering why didn't I know more whose only desire was to know God??? I believe your writings are written under the anointing of the Holy Spirit for a people WHO ARE HUNGRY TO TRULY KNOW THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD WITHIN THEM. That is why it is so IMPORTANT that you do not draw back. I don't believe for a second that you can anyway!

You said everything else is being said by everyone else. TRUTH. When I first was born again I used to watch every TV preacher going and read every book by every different author going. After a while I was so confused. They were all saying different things about the same thing. Who was telling the truth? Then I read in the Bible to not have many teachers as this causes confusion. That was for sure truth! I decided then to only sit under the teaching of my own pastor or one other. I chose David Wilkerson. I also read biographies of ones gone on before us, like Smith Wigglesworth, Hudson Taylor, Charles Finney, etc. But when it come to teaching I refused to have many teachers.

Even after I was called out of the religious system and received the sonship message, there were many called out ones all saying "something different.” This led to confusion again. Was "all saved" truth or not? That was the beginning of my time separated unto the Lord for those months. Now I refuse to read from anyone except the Bible and one or two others who MUST BE OF GOD'S CHOOSING FOR ME. God led me to read from you that day, Daniel.

I believe with ALL I am that there are many just like me that need to hear truth out of the mass of confusion  out there. NO MATTER HOW DEEP it is. NO MATTER WHAT! I don't believe there is a limit when speaking truth. I believe that it is HIGH time for UTTER SERIOUSNESS! It isn't about catch phrases (which I am so tired of) or gimmicks or funny pictures with profound meaning or anything else. It's time for those with ears to hear, to have something to HEAR. – So that they too will seek a deeper knowing of God for themselves. They need the food to be set before them!! Just like it was for me!!! I really sense " NOW IS THE TIME.” And that this is to be taken very seriously! Yet there will always be those that won't.

– Daniel Yordy – It's time for those with ears to hear, to have something to HEAR.

K__, this is a personal word to me. I may use it on my websites and in my books. Just sitting here looking at these words, they go all through me.


First, I have found the same thing in my own life that this sister shares, that God does not have us drawing from many fountains of truth at the same time. I also have limited myself through the years to one primary source of God speaking to me, with other words or books useful only as a confirmation. That source changes with God's seasons in our lives. John Eldredge was that source for me for a few years; I considered little else through those precious months he and I walked together in my living room in tears. Yet now, that season is past, when I skim through his books, it's not the same. That means nothing other than that God has seasons in our lives.

Yet, in spite of that reality of God, you know full well that I abhor the statement that says, “I'm God's voice to you, don't look elsewhere.” The moment someone says that, it becomes the lie, even if it was true the moment before they said it. It's neither me nor my words.

It's only what the Holy Ghost is speaking into you.

Yet I know the enormous depths of thirst that have ruled my heart all the days of my life. Part of that great longing is that God would use me, somehow, to place in front of God's people the very words they so long to hear, as I also long to hear them.

Those who hear the voice of the Son of God will live. John 5

I would hear His voice; I would live.

I find, however, that at this point in writing Through Eyes of Fire, I must change slightly my approach as well as explain myself to you.

My writing of chapters is exceeding the ability of the Christ Our Life letter to handle. More than that, I find myself in uncharted territory. Let me explain.

In writing these series, especially starting with The Kingdom Rising, there are particular letters I write that have an enormous affect on me, of two kinds. Occasionally there is a letter that changes my thinking. From then on, everything looks different to me as I write. The first letter to do that in a really big way was “God Is Beneath Your Feet.” The other kind of effect is a big change on the inside of me. The first letter to do that in a really big way was “Filled with God.” One effect changes my mind to know God, the other increases the power of Spirit in me to know God.

It is these particular letters, then, that push me forward upon the path, determining which direction I go.

Now, when I sent you the letter, “Greater Love Hath No Man,” I said, in my note, that this was the most important thing I had yet written. The reason I said that was that 1 John 3:16 had, for the first time in my life and especially in my writing, thrust itself into my view. I certainly had no idea what it meant.

Now, in writing this present series, I discover 1 John 3:16 continuing to poke it's nose under my tent, inserting itself into the flow when I had no idea that it would. Now I find 1 John 3:16 grown so large that it has even taken possession of my attempts to explain the Dragon and the Beast.

I just asked myself last night why on earth 1 John 3:16 is not found in my list of the ten most important verses in the Bible. I saw that it must, and then I saw that it will fit perfectly into a place already made for it. I will do that.

John 14:20 is the tree of life and the only entrance into all that is God. 1 John 3:16, birthed out of John 14:20 IS the revelation of Jesus Christ, the meaning and purpose of everything.

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.
And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

Even the words “ought to” have changed their meaning in my mind. I now hear them saying something startlingly different from what they said to me before.

How on earth can Revelation Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 exist ONLY inside of 1 John 3:16?

Yet I say to you by the Spirit of God that they exist in all fullness NOWHERE else.

Hear is a mighty, mighty Word for us to hear, a Word that shatters us to the core of our beings. A Word that changes everything.

You see, at the same time that I was grappling with the reality that 1 John 3:16 had just altered my whole perception of the universe, God spoke to me through my sister, “It's time to have something to hear.”

Let me back up just a bit. As I shared earlier, speaking the prayer found in “Sealed in the Midst of the Storm” into the audio altered something inside of me in a big way, that is, by adding a level of power to my present knowing of God. Then it was writing three letters, beginning with “Judgment on Earth” through “The Seventh Trumpet,” that caused me to see the path ahead, a path I have never seen, though I discover it all through what I wrote before.

1 John 3:16 is that path ahead, the words, “And we also,” the revelation of Jesus Christ.

All judgment of Christ, all wrath of God, all opposition to all that is holy and true, are found only and entirely inside of 1 John 3:16. In these uncharted territories, it is only Story that enables us to know which word God speaks to step forward onto next.

I had already completed the next two letters, before I even thought to write this letter. However, it is the third letter ahead that changes everything. Let me explain. I first penciled out the titles of the remaining letters in this series. Let me give you the next four titles: “The Song of the Beast,” “The Dragon and the Beast,” “They Sat on Thrones,” and “Grapes and Supper.”

Then I wrote the first few pages of the “Beast” chapters out of what I already knew as well as a few lines of “They Sat on Thrones,” ending with the rhetorical question, “Who are they?” before going off to do something else. That night the Spirit of God contended with me concerning that title and that question inside of 1 John 3:16.

And so I have continued to write “They Sat on Thrones,” in terrible wonder, hardly believing the impossible place in which I find myself. I have not finished it yet, but reaching back from there, I finished the two chapters on the Beast, finished them in a direction I had not thought to go.

And out from finishing off the Beast, I write to you now with a humbled heart and with my forehead upon the ground before the Holy. I would, by these words I am writing, confess to you and to God a secret sin that I have harbored in my heart against God all of my life. All of my days, I have wanted, so very much, to be a better person.

Please forgive me, my Father, and my reader. Please forgive me.

I continue to write, now, washed clean of a lifetime of rebellion, washed clean by Blood.

Also understand, that you have not read the next three chapters, but I write now out from already having written them. And for full truth in advertising, I will let you know that I want you very much not to be put off by my titles, but to read them carefully before God, in their numbered order.

Next is another rhetorical question. Why am I not in the least bit surprised that, in writing “They Sat on Thrones,” I find myself standing, once again, on Mt. Moriah with Abraham and Isaac?

Sometime in the 1970's, Sam Fife preached a word titled, “Mt. Moriah.” I did not hear that word directly, but I listened to it in the early 1980's on tape, while I lived at the Bowen's Mill community in Georgia. As I listened to that word, over and over, something holy and profound came out of the heart of God and established its dwelling place inside of me. I had no idea what it meant; I just knew it was God inside of me.

The essence of the word Sam Fife preached was that the clearest picture given to us in the Bible of what the marriage supper of the Lamb, that is, marriage union with Christ, really meant, was Genesis 22, Abraham offering his only son to God upon the altar, very likely upon the same spot of ground where God offered His only Son to us.

Neither I nor anyone else understood what it meant; even Sam Fife didn't understand what it meant. The truth is, I keep writing because I write things I don't understand and I want to find out what they mean.

I will say no more here. You must keep reading, and I must keep writing, and we must keep walking forward in the revelation of God, to know the depths of the riches of Christ living now as us, our very and only life.

I also feel to alter my presenting of the remaining chapters to you. I will no longer send them in aChrist Our Life letter. I think it's best that I typically limit myself to one letter a week. Thus, I want very much to continue with the Days of The Jesus Secret, part 2. I will send those as my letter, giving you smaller portions of Christ to speak.

The remaining letters of this series I will post on my website as soon as I have them. I have inverted the order and now have the new ones at the bottom. I will no longer make them a larger font. Thus you have to look down to find the new ones. I am doing it that way because I really prefer that new readers read some of the preceding letters before they tackle the ones coming up.

I will also give you the links in this Christ Our Life letter, each time I have added new ones. Please read them in order after you have finished reading this letter. You will find the link to next article at the bottom of this one.

Next, I want to make something very clear about the Beast. This understanding is of critical, critical importance. Those who know it will defeat the Beast, those who don't will give their whole lives to its increase. And there is no in-between; it's all of one or all of the other.

The Beast has two very, very different parts. The part everyone else sees is outward appearance. The part we must know is its heart. Yet we must know both.

The are two reasons we must know the outward appearance of the Beast. First, we never want to fight in any way against any outward appearance of the Beast. I will explain why, though story has already told us why. Second, however, is that we really don't want to be worshiping the Beast, all the while imagining we are worshiping Jesus.

I have no problem with people worshiping the Beast; it's what we humans do. I just go sick inside when I hear my brethren calling that filthy thing, “Jesus.”

As you read the next two chapters, you will see me tackling a very different picture of “the Beast” than I did in Chapter 5, “The Image of the Beast.” You see, in the next two chapters, I present to you the heart of the Beast. When we see it's heart, we can destroy it. And in destroying that heart of the Beast, we eliminate it forever from the experience of mankind. You will discover, at the end of “The Dragon and the Beast,” that the Beast is no more.

Yet, in “The Image of the Beast,” when I apply the phrases of Revelation Chapter 13 to our present experience in this world, I am dealing entirely with the outward appearance of the Beast. Thus I change nothing, even though I seem to go into an entirely unexpected direction, now, placing all these wicked things entirely into 1 John 3:16.

We must understand the outward appearance of the Beast. Let me give some words that define that outward appearance. I wanted one word, but I could not find the one word that worked. Here are many: Unsettled, capricious, fluctuating, impulsive, fluid, vacillating, wavering, elusive, shifty, alternating, fickle, unresolved, volatile, inconstant, erratic, impetuous, flighty, temperamental, mercurial, unstable, evolving,  inconsistent.

The outward appearance of the Beast, like a mythical creature of old, is always different from one moment to the next in every individual person's experience. So when people say, “The beast is this,” or “The beast is that,” they are always trying to get you to look at one fluctuating appearance only of that Beast. Almost always they have identified the appearance of the beast that has someone else in thrall, not the face that rules over them.

John saw that same thing this way, “The beast had seven heads,” meaning that no matter which head you think you are fighting, there are always plenty more heads ruling the beast, heads you had not considered that are feeding on you!

The crazy thing is that most people hack at one face of the beast all the while worshiping a second face. In actuality, the very worst thing anyone can do is to hack at any appearance of the Beast. The very worst thing. It would be better, almost, to worship that appearance of the Beast than to hack at it.

There is a law of reality and human nature revealed to us by story, over and over, a law that most people absolutely refuse to consider, yet it takes them down without recourse. I just came across that law in two little stories. One was a Hercule Poroit story by Agatha Christie, in which Poroit made a comment, my paraphrase. “If someone committed a crime and then did nothing at all, it would be hard to catch them. But everything they do afterward to cover their tracks exposes them to the investigator.” The greatest literary rendition of this truth is Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

The second story was Kung Fu Panda (again). Word came that the bad guy might escape from prison. Therefore great precautions were taken. Yet every single thing they did to prevent his escape, the bad guy used to escape.

Job said it this way: “What I feared came upon me.”

A powerful picture of this truth was presented to the American people by the movie, Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. By choosing evil under the pretense of protecting what he loved, Anakim Skywalker became the very evil that destroyed all that he loved. That movie was a warning to America and to the world, and a prophecy, yet no one heeds it.

The story of Medusa is that when Perseus hacked off her head, instantly, he had two more just like her to deal with. I would have called the beast, “Medusa,” except that the beast is far more so than that.

Hacking at the beast results in one thing only, increasing the beast. You see, you can't hack at “the beast,” you can only hurt other people. The beast gains all its strength and reality from people hurting people.

Who is like unto the beast? Who can make war with it?

The face of the beast, its outward appearance, is always changing. You can't make war with one face except in the service of another. And each time you defeat one face of the beast, you have caused a worse face to triumph.

I just read a claim, in defense of Christians participating fully in the worship of the beast, that the world would be a much worse place without America's military and its wars. It is my firm conviction, both from historical evidence, from the reality of history, not American mythology, and from a knowledge of the human condition, that every single war Americans have ever fought, including the original revolution, made the world a much worse place, both the lives of Americans, and the lives of all else.

In each instance, finding the way of peace would have produced positive results, choosing the way of war made everything worse for everyone. You see, those who worship the beast, even though they are Christians, mock the Lord Jesus Christ, and are convinced He is absent from the earth.

We do not fight against any outward appearance of the beast. We are concerned only with its heart. Eliminate its heart, and the beast is no more.

To get at the heart of the Beast, however, you must read on, but only if you want to know Jesus more than life itself.

Finally, I want to say this.

I said in my communication with the sister at the beginning of this letter that I find myself “pushing the envelope.” By that I meant, the limitations placed upon God and what He speaks by Christianity. She pointed out, rightly, of course, that there are no limits.

Here is the charge I would give you, dear reader.

IF you live utterly and only inside of and out from John 14:20, in pure and perfect rest. IF you know that Christ is your very and only life and that your flesh is His flesh. IF the desire to know the Living God in all of His revealed glory is the command of your heart, then here is my charge to you.

Pick up 1 John 3:16, By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us, and we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren, press it tightly to your breast, tightly into your heart, and RUN, and RUN, and RUN with all your might through gates flung wide open, into all the Glory of Almighty God upon the Throne of your heart and never, ever stop running.

There is no distance those words will not go, no limits they could ever find. The revelation of Jesus Christ is forever; the revelation of Jesus Christ will never end.