1.3 Connections to Pro-Thesis

© 2016 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

The ruling verse of the Bible is Romans 8:28-30. – God is determined to conform me as one person together with Jesus as the revelation of the Father. Everything in the Bible and in all reality must come under and be known by the universe-shaping words in these three verses together as one.

This course is based entirely on the course Symmorphy I: Purpose. Thus, on a regular basis, this course assumes that the learner has completed every element in the first course on Symmorphy and thus knows, at least a little bit, the wondrous purpose of God for us and for creation.

Ruling Words
Five HUGE Greek words, then, coming into English, come out from this most important verse, the first defining verse of everything in our minds. Pro-Thesis; Pro-Knowing; Pro-Determination; Symmorphose; and Image.

Pro-Thesis is the set forth purpose of God out from which all things flow and towards which all things work, God’s intention, the Father’s DESIRE. Pro-Thesis is the Word by which all things are created.

Pro-Knowing is the intimate knowing of the Heart of God out from which all things proceed, a knowledge that IS God, His KNOWING of you and me at all times and in every way.

Pro-Determination is the action of God, out from the core of His Being, a Determination that has seized you and me in its grip, a Determination that WILL accomplish all that the Father intends.

Symmorphose is the ruling verb of the nature and Being of God, Person inside of Persons inside of persons, God and us merged together as one person by every word that is Christ, sharing the same form.

Finally, Image is the outer expression of God’s purpose, God Himself appearing to His creation as you and me, the revelation of Jesus Christ, that the Father might be seen and known, touched and handled by all of His creation.

Defining Verses
We know the Kingdom by knowing our own hearts, the Father arising within us, sharing heart with us. That same heart flows out from us, then, connecting us together as the symmorphic revelation of Father.

You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart (2 Corinthians 3:2-3).

Covenant is the Pro-Thesis of God, that is, Christ, written on our hearts; Kingdom is the “known and read by all men” part of the equation.

Working Together
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Because I know that I love God, because I know that God has called me forth as His revelation, I KNOW that God and I are working together in perfect synergy, penetrating ALL, everything that happens and every circumstance and person in our lives, with utter goodness (Romans 8:28 modified to fit its true meaning).

We see, here, that the word, “Pro-Thesis,” the purpose of God is planted right in the words of the Kingdom, God and us together making all things good.

Power and Authority
Two verses side by side give us the means by which our right to become sons of God becomes our full experience.

He who believes in Me . . . out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” This He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive . . . (John 7:38-39). – Now salvation, and power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren . . . has been cast down. And they overcame him . . . (Revelation 12:10-11).

It is the Spirit flowing out of us as rivers by which we make all things new; it is the authority of Christ our only life by which we cast off every element of the curse.

The Proof of God
Finally, we discovered that Romans 8:29 cannot be separated from Romans 8:19. Romans 8:19 is the point of the arrow, piercing wide open the heart of God, proving in practical outflow the intentions of God from the beginning. The PROOF of God’s intention IS the glorious liberty of the children of God into which all creation finds its deliverance.

And that proof of God is found in these words. By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us, and we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren (1 John 3:16). It is through these words, AND WE ALSO, that we know and reveal the Kingdom of God.

God established His Kingdom, God all in all, from the very beginning, that is, out from the core of His being by the speaking of Christ. Christ as Word is the beginning, that is, the source; all interconnection with all through the knowledge of God is the culmination, that is, all fullness.

It is on this premise that we base the claim that Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is the words that birthed the New Creation. Thus we can investigate these words with all authority to consider that all things of the New Creation come out of this re-statement of the Thesis of God, the Word God is always speaking.

Pro-knowing has more to do with Covenant than with Kingdom. In actuality, the two cannot be separated, for they go always together. Covenant results in Kingdom; Kingdom comes out of Covenant.

Yet Pro-knowing rules our assertion that the Kingdom of God is Father just being Himself. Everything of God originates in the Knowing of His Heart, a Knowing that is always all every moment. Thus the fabric and structure that is the outward arrangement of the Kingdom flows always out from that Pro-knowing inside of God.

We must always reckon with the fierce and fiery determination of God to prove Jesus true. Everything hostile to Christ, to the Pro-thesis of God, is simply the stage, the backdrop, against which this intensely Determined Fellow we call Father silences all accusation against Christ by outward and visible demonstration. Thus we expect to find the real fabric and nature of the Kingdom, of Father just being Himself, in the great contest of the culmination of the age of human folly, and the setting of creation free.

It is the task of the hero that reveals who and what he is. It is victory over death that shows us God’s Determination.

There is no Kingdom of God without you and me. God does nothing except through human faith. You and I are God’s opportunity to show all creation Father being Himself. Person inside of persons; you and me joined together as one person with the Father through every word that is Jesus. This is symmorphy; this is the Kingdom of God.

The same Covenant Bond, the Lord Jesus, connecting the Father as one person with you and me, that same DNA Bond, then also goes out from each one of us to connect us together as one Body of Christ, the outflow of Symmorphy.

The image of God, what God looks like, the appearance of the Father to all creation, is found in the story of man walking this earth. That story was marred by sin, but retold by Jesus.

But Jesus did not finish the story; the completion of “what God looks like” comes through many sons to glory. It is the relationships between you and me that shows the universe what God looks like. “My, how those Christians love one another.” This same loving one another with a pure heart fervently, then goes forth from you and me, Father revealed, as the fabric and structure of all relationships in the new creation.
Concluding Thoughts
We can see clearly that Kingdom is connected to Pro-Thesis through the word “Image,” the unfolding of the outward appearance of God’s intention to be seen and known by all. We see how important this exercise is, connecting everything about God we might discuss directly into the most important verse in the Bible. Now we know exactly how we must understand and talk about the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is the Father just being Himself, showing Himself to all as He really is, through you and me walking as one body together, loving one another. We are the image, the appearance of God.

Endures for All
This quality that turns the outcome of everything towards only goodness is the appearance of God, His image, rivers of living water flowing out of us. This is God and us together, giving thanks, that is, speaking good grace into all things, turning every action meant for evil into the result of unending goodness. And thus, to fully understand the Kingdom of God, we want to bring in one more line, the Greek pheron panta, endures for all. The Mercy Seat of our hearts, Gethsemane through us, is the fulcrum, the turning point for all things into the Kingdom.

The Kingdom is born out from hearts of love.

A Kingdom of Love
There is no greater picture to us of Father just being Himself than a Man on His face in the mud, stumbling under the carrying of all that which opposes God into death, and the carrying of you and me with Himself into life. It is the tears of our stumbling, our giving thanks, our stepping forward once again out of hearts filled with desire through which God shows His Kingdom, a Kingdom of Love.

– The Kingdom is always revealed through weakness, swallowing up into Himself all that we are including our sin and rebellion, becoming us in our present state, limiting Himself by our weakness. Thus, carrying us inside Himself, stumbling and falling along the way, He arises out of death into life, ascending on high, and we inside of Him. –

Welcome to This Course
As learners going through this course and all courses at Christ Revealed Bible Institute, you will know the Spirit of God leading you, personally, into all truth, into all the knowledge of Jesus alive and real inside your heart. There is no other purpose for anything, yet all things of joy and goodness flow out of our hearts, the Mercy Seat, the throne of God, out of Father in all abundance.

As you work your way through this course, stay always with Jesus. He alone teaches you. The pages of this text have no meaning at all unless Jesus is making Himself known to you by using what is written here just a little bit.

I am confident that is exactly what He is doing in you.

Next Session: 2. Prayer I: Covenant