4.2 Spirit and Physic Together

Our minds are ordered by our language and by the words that we use. When we transfer the concept the word “Gaia” gives us of a planet that is alive, entirely inside of the Blood and Life of Jesus, to the name Jerusalem, our home, we now possess a clarity of seeing that the term heaven-earth could never give us.

As we have recently discovered, the phrase “upon earth inside of heaven” is frequently used throughout the Bible. Everywhere we walk, wherever and with whom we might find ourselves, we call this living place Jerusalem, our Home together. We live inside of LIFE, inside of a Personal Spirit Word. And we are made of life; we are made of Personal Spirit Word.

Defining “Body.” This lesson, then, is limited to one part of our discussion only, and that is our form. As such we can no longer say, “spirit and body,” for that phrase is no longer found in the study of Symmorphy. Rather, we would say, spirit and physic together. The word “body” carries the same neutrality as the word “form.” Our “body,” our form, is heaven and earth fused together. When I once said that we have two “bodies,” a spirit body through which we communicate with the heavens and an earth body through which we communicate with physical things, I was attempting to escape the false definitions held by most, but I had not yet arrived at my present understanding.

In the Classroom. We have one body, spirit and physic fused together. We can still say “spirit and flesh” although “flesh” carries other definitions, just as “spirit” does. Consider a corpse, half-rotten and filled with worms. You are no longer looking at a “human body.” A human existing in spirit-form only, in the heavens, tucked into Jesus, is not the same as a “corpse,” but that’s not what “human” is, either. They are not complete.

It is only in the classroom, then, that we can talk about our physic and our spirit, the physical and spiritual parts of our body, as separate entities, and then only to understand each, for if they are actually separated, we are dead.

Thinking about the Body. Consider your body, always spirit and physic together. There are three ways in which you can think about, study, and discuss your body. The first way is by anatomy, a consideration of its parts and how they work together. As such, we now understand that the spiritual side of every part of our body is as complex as the physical side. The second way we think about our body is that in which we live and move, that is, in reference to our personal lives. And the third way we can discuss our body is by what we do, that is, our work. Inside this view of our body is found all physical/spiritual training. Only inside of school can we find P.E. AND S.E.

P.E. and S.E. Let’s think of that. Physical Education, P.E., is not learning about the physical body; that’s called health class. Rather, physical education is the training of the movements of the physical side of the body to do. In the same way, Spiritual Education, S.E., is not learning about the spiritual body; that could also be called health class. Rather, spiritual education is the training of the movements of the spiritual side of the body to do.

In actuality, to separate the two types of training is to stunt both. A winning and triumphant ballet dancer draws in the qualities of spirit equally with the qualities of flesh. In the same way, an effective blesser of others also gives the physical things needed, as James said.

All Three Together. When I led the first Graham River Construction, all three of my parts, spirit, mind, and physic, were in full exercise, in full expression together, for four days solid. I was as fully aware of knowing in my spirit as I was of knowing in my mind, and in a moment’s notice, I could leap in and do with any of the crews. Yet I had become proficient in all three of these abilities together only through years of exercise and training. Thus I can say this now about myself in comfort. I am a teacher first; inside of teaching, I am a writer; then, I am a designer, and thus a builder of places in which to live. This is me; this is where I sing; this is for what I am trained.

Improving Our Abilities. Education is forever. There is never a moment in forever when we as humans are not increasing our understanding and improving our abilities to do, spirit, soul, and physic.

You see, “human weakness” is actually a relationship relative to others. To an ant upon which we trod, we humans are all absolute and crushing power. It is towards God who fills us that we place ourselves as weak, that He might be our strength. And it is human arrogance that pretends to be “stronger” than “God.” But human ambition, filled with Father’s heart and with kindness towards others, is very much part of God’s design of us. And improving our abilities is part of our drive and being.

The Anatomical View. Let’s start with the anatomical view of our form, yet not to teach the anatomy of the physic, for that is its own realm of study, well-known to us. What we must insert here is the absolute presence of our spirit as part of the functioning, substance, and wholeness of the physic.

For this reason, holistic medicine is concerned with the entirety of our body, that is, spirit and physic together, governed by the thoughts and emotions of our souls. In contrast, pharmaceutical medicine (sorcery) is concerned only with the physic, the body as a corpse, that it can cut and poison, for that is a very lucrative approach.

Approaches to Healing. Let’s create a chart that shows how a holistic practitioner would approach the needs of someone who is sick, and by “sick,” we mean deeply so, not a momentary illness. This chart shows two levels of healing; surface healing must always come first, but if deeper healing does not follow, then surface healing can be only temporary.
  Surface Healing First Deeper Healing Second
Spirit Sing praises, even in agony Speak Christ to know Jesus as life
Soul Forgive – also selected essential oils Give thanks in all things
Physic Change diet to wholesome foods Ask and believe you have received

It does no good to drink cokes and eat candy bars and then believe you are “healed.” At the same time, giving thanks is overwhelming for someone who has not first forgiven.

Sorcery or Science. A true holistic doctor is a scientist who studies carefully each individual to ascertain the needs of the entirety of their being, knowing that each person and body is different. A pharmaceutical doctor, on the other hand, is a sorcerer who assures the “patient” that all the poisons they are consuming are just fine and then who finds in his “magic” list written the specific additional poisons to be injected into the blood. A holistic doctor is successful when he has no more work to do. A sorcerer is successful when the patient returns even sicker, needing more drugs.

Pushing drugs is the single most lucrative market in all human history abetted by powerful spell-casting falsely called “science.”

Our Form and Context. I have drawn this distinction between healing and sorcery in order to better understand the relationship of our bodies. Spirit and physic are always one body together and are always directed by the thoughts and emotions of the soul.

That, then, is the second arena of studying our forms, and that is, as the place where we live.  You are a living soul, and we will look at what that means in the next lesson. As a living soul, you inhabit a form consisting of spirit and physic, heaven and earth, woven together. Inside of and by this form and inside of and by this context is where and how you live your life, the ongoing story of your days, this is where and how you know yourself.

The Goal of the Human. Consider Christians who are dead inside of Christ in the heavens. Being “released” from their flesh has not made them more “human.” Rather, it has, shall we say, stunted them. Existing temporarily without the earth side of our forms can be only a waiting time.

The goal of the human is the revelation of Christ in the body, spirit and physic together, inside of and to all heaven-earth, that is, Jerusalem. And the truth is, using the word “Jerusalem” as a living place inspires me, for it causes me to know that I live, not just in an environment of LIFE, but also in the city of God’s dwelling wherever on this planet I might be. Your life story, the expression of your true humanity as God intends, is found only in all things of earth breathed upon by all things of heaven. This is who you are.

All Things New. Blind humans who have split heaven away from earth in their delusions coin the phrase “heaven invading earth.” This creates a mind-set that thinks “flesh only” with spirit fairly irrelevant, and thus some Christians imagine that learning to function as spiritual beings in the heavenlies right now has nothing to do with being human. And even among those who know spirit realities, still, the intrusion of “heaven” continues to be viewed as an anomaly, and not the normal condition of all reality.

Consider these two absolutes. – Sustaining all by His power-filled words – and – Old things are passed away, look and see, all things are brand new, all things are out from God.

A Realm of Wholeness. Jerusalem, that is, heaven and earth fused together as one living realm, is already whole and complete and has been so since the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, coming out from His prayer in John 17. This realm of wholeness, then, which is also called “the Kingdom,” is where we live, it is the only place in which we have lived, the entirety of the story of our lives.

Writing my life story and placing Jesus upon every moment of my life has caused me to know that I have always lived inside of wholeness, inside of FULL Salvation, inside of Jerusalem, the city and planet of God. Everything is already whole; everything is already complete. Outward appearance awaits one thing only, that the veil be removed from our eyes.

Training to Do. Finally, we think of our form, spirit and physic together, as that which we do, and thus, that which we train to do. In fact, what we do and what we train to do is the largest part of our story of self and of our identity as humans.

The majority of education, however, has to do with the training of the mind that is part of our human souls. In fact, the mind directs the body, spirit and physic together, much more than is known. A true (we could say ‘holistic’) educator, then, is one who assists another person in the ongoing development of their identity, their human expression, in a complete wholesomeness and recognition of all the parts working together.

The “Soma.” The doing of the hands is always an action of spirit and physic together. There is no such thing as “attempting to join spirit and physic together.” They already always are. We have one body, spirit and physic fused together, and the doing of the body all through our lives has always been the two together, yet crippled by an ignorance of God and of ourselves.

We then see that throughout the New Testament, the Greek word “soma” should often be translated as physic, rather than “body,” although many times it is referring to the whole form. Consider this line, then. – But if Christ is inside of you, then, although the – physic – is subject to death through [your former] falling short; in complete contrast, the spirit is life through just innocence (Romans 8:10).

Resurrection. Gnosticism is the splitting apart in the human imagination of heaven and earth, making all things earth to be evil and all things heaven to be good. This perversion of unbelief defeated the gospel of full salvation inside Christian thinking and took full control of the Christian mind through the centuries.

The unveiling of Jesus Christ, then, is the removal of the ignorance cast upon human seeing, enabling all to know that we live and have always lived inside a world of life. Complete wholeness, then, as we can see by Romans 8:10, is the life of our spirit swallowing up all death remaining in our physic, otherwise known as resurrection. Resurrection is what we WANT!

And “Jerusalem coming down upon the earth” is you and me calling our world what it is, Jerusalem, our living HOME.