3.1 Where Do We Start?

We are Covenant beings; that means we exist by Word through Spirit out from the Pro-Knowing of God and by His Pro-Determination.

Now, we are approaching this topic out from a mental constraint; that is, we are escaping a paradigm of defining “reality” that is nothing other than harsh fantasy. Humans in this world, including most Christians, have no idea of reality, but rather define what they observe inside the split-apart mind of the knowledge of good and evil. Because we once knew only that way of thinking, and because parts of it still remains in our perception of the world, we can know reality only by always eliminating the fantasy.

Arrogance at the Center. I just started a “detective” series in which the main character, who would help the FBI, was a college professor. It opened with him challenging his students with “What is reality?” He played with their answers, and then he declared that “reality” does not exist, but rather, only their mental perception. In the next scene, however, he spoke out from overweening intellectual arrogance, in a way that demonstrated his own ignorance of reality – and that ended my interest in that show.

Human intellectual arrogance eliminates understanding, yet “reality” is defined by that arrogance, by the exaltation of supreme ignorance as if it means something. “If I-I-I-I-I don’t know a thing, it cannot exist.” Yet this arrogance exists only in holding all others in contempt.

Disconnected and Impersonal. Then, coming out from that arrogance seeing all others with contempt, the mind of knowing good and evil splits everything apart into disconnected pieces.

The reality that all things exist inside of One Spirit is unknown in western thinking, although an impersonal version of “one spirit” does exist in eastern thinking. In the west, then, you have “Everything is disconnected including a ‘Personal God’ faraway.” In the east you have “Everything is connected, but nothing is personal, including you.”

Reality is known through a mind that knows only Christ Jesus as Spirit Word coming out from the Father into all creation, a mind that eats only from the Tree of Life.

The Fabric of Everything. The answer to the question, “where do we start,” must begin with one line, then, John 6:63. It is the Spirit who gives life; the [mind of the tree of knowing good and evil] profits nothing. The Words that I speak to you are Spirit and they are Life.

These words of Jesus come out from the definition of all things that exist in creation, whether spiritual things or physical. We can say it this way. All substance of spiritual reality in the heavens and all substance of physical reality in earth and stars exists as elements in a fabric of Personal Living Spirit Word. The statement, “the fabric of space-time,” has no actual meaning, a concept ignorant of an electrical universe, whereas “the fabric of Personal Living Spirit Word” has all meaning.

Accurate Definitions. Here’s our problem. We cannot have an accurate definition of the human apart from having an accurate definition of the fabric of everything.

We exist as humans inside of and by the substance of the weaving together of heaven and earth, spirit and physic. And we exist as humans, along with everything else, utterly and only INSIDE OF a Personal and Infinite God.

Yet this God exists in Himself as utterly separate from anything created. – And we finally understand what that means. It does no created thing any good at all to exist “inside of” God, for God cannot be known; that is, no one in heaven or earth can know such a thing as the reality of “God.”

The In-Between. Let me explain it this way. God’s thoughts concerning you are part of God. They are NOT you at all. When you did not exist, God still possesses a series of infinite thoughts regarding you, thoughts that are not you, but God Himself.

We exist ONLY through an in-between. And we know God only through an in-between. Through Him [Christ Jesus – Personal Living Spirit Word] all things become and apart from Him nothing becomes.

There is not and never can be any direct connection between God the Father and any created thing; neither can any created thing exist directly from God. Personal Living Spirit Word comes from God and becomes us.

Rules of Expression. The question, “where do we start,” then requires of us clear definitions of basic reality and specific rules for considering everything. Here is an example of a RULE of expression inside the field of Symmorphy, that is, this collegiate-level study of the base reality out from which all other scholastic studies must proceed. Notice these words, “When you did not exist, God still possesses.”

Rule: Never refer to God in past or future tense, but always present tense, even when referring to a human in the past tense.

This is a rule of grammar, then, required inside the dialogue of studying Symmorphy.

An Un-Biblical Concept. Accurate rules of thinking, then, require us to be specific.
The concept of “the Trinity” as it is known inside Nicene Christianity, is entirely UN-Biblical; it comes out from the definitions of a “God” who “knows evil,” that is, out from the tree of death; and it is, in essence, a seed planted in the Church by the devil, as Jesus said.

Consider the entire argument between Athanasius – “Jesus is God” and Arius – “Jesus is only man.” We see that this argument is nothing other than a distraction based on the thinking of a split-apart universe. In other words, these definitions do not reflect the relationship between God and man and the in-between that is Christ Jesus as found all through the wording of the Bible.

Placing “Transcendence.” The concept of three equal beings, as Augustine defined them, of God the Father, “God the Son,” and “God the Holy Spirit” operating together in utterly unknown ways, and existing far, far away from humans and life in this world, is nonsense. The Bible does say God the Father, a God who, in Himself, cannot be known, that is, who is utterly transcendent.

And, of course, it is pointless to talk about a “transcendent” God for we cannot know anything about such a Being. When you say, “a transcendent God,” you are speaking absolute truth. When you add any further words, separate from Christ Jesus as the in-between, you are blithering utter nonsense, your own fantasy delusions.

Out From God. And so the Biblical wording is specific and clear, the Spirit OUT FROM God and the Son OUT FROM God. The Spirit and the Son, the Holy Spirit and Jesus, always together, come out from God in three ways. And when we say, “Christ Jesus,” we are referencing both together.

First, Christ Jesus comes out from God as voice, causing God’s thoughts to become creation. Second, Christ Jesus comes out from God as knowing, causing us to know the Father. But third, Christ Jesus comes out from God to become our life, our very heart of flesh, and thus God becomes utterly and entirely IMMANENT, sharing Hheart with God. These three patterns of dynamic flow FILL the Scriptures.

Proper Study. Do you see how wonderful it is to gain clear and specific definitions, for as we do, everything fits together seamlessly and we sing with the joy of God.

And thus we must also include Alexander Pope’s definition of the human, for it is relevant to this study, starting with his public rebuke of John Milton and his grandiose “scan” of God. – Know then thyself, presume not God to scan; the proper study of mankind is man. – Or, as Jesus said, “He who has seen Me [a man], has seen the Father.” Pope is not eliminating God, but rather human arrogance. Here is his concluding line – Though man’s a fool, yet God is wise. (And I see great understanding throughout Pope’s poem.)

The Study of Symmorphy. Symmorphy eliminates the departments of theology and anthropology, for neither God nor man can be known separately from each other, and then only through an In-Between. The study of Symmorphy, then, brings the shattered remnants of theology, the study of God separate from mankind, and the shattered remnants of anthropology, the study of mankind separate from God, and brings them into itself, but with brand-new, specific, and Biblical definitions. Anthropology is free to continue as a study of specific primitive human societies, but theology cannot. Theology is the attempt to “know” a transcendent God by fleshy knowledge, not through the human Jesus, but through the image of arrogance.

Positioning Reality. Let me define carefully, now, the next three short parts of this chapter. Those three are “The Riddle of the Father,” “The Pattern that Is Jesus,” and “The Flow of the Spirit as Word Becoming Us.” This is not yet the study of the human, but rather a positioning of those elements of all reality out from which we come, the means by which we exist.

This lesson, then, has given us the means to consider “the riddle of the Father” separately from that flow out from the Father of Spirit Word becoming us. Here is the riddle of the Father. – Man is NOT God, but man is the “mirror image” of God. We must know the difference. 

Pattern and Flow. The pattern that is Jesus, then, is an incredible mystery, a reality we can know only as we speak the Jesus Secret. When I try to put this pattern into words, all I see is glory and brightness, beauty and overwhelming joy.Father, I desire that they might behold My glory.

Although the flow of the Spirit is the third of these three, yet it is here that true understanding comes to us, for the Spirit comes to us to teach us of Christ and to enable us to know the Father. The Spirit is the immanent presence of God all around us, filling our flesh and joined with us as one spirit. The Spirit is our awareness of ourselves, the anointing of our self-story.