14. Remember Your Glory

I was there. I remember; I was there. When Jesus knelt upon the rock in Gethsemane, I knelt upon that same rock. I remember it so clearly now. I said to the Father, "Not my will but Thine be done." He took the surrender of my heart in that moment and He sealed it forever in the heavens. To this day my will is His and His will is mine.

© Daniel Yordy 2011

The Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the New Covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” 1 Corinthians 11:23-25

The heart of the Lord Jesus Christ as He walked this earth was always filled with glory. He looked inside Himself and saw nothing, ever, except the Father. It didn’t matter what He “felt” like as a human; He interpreted all of everything that He found in His soul, in His body, in His heart, as being the Father in all of His glory. He did not need to “feel” glorious or to look glorious in order to know that He was at all times and in every way filled with Glory.

We walk in exactly the same way.

“This do in remembrance of Me” means to live at all times and in every way in the knowledge of His glory inside of us.

This is our drink, this is our meat. Jesus remembered the glory He had with the Father; the knowledge of the Father filled His heart at all times and in every way. We remember Jesus, that He fills our hearts with the expectation of glory.

Our knowledge is rooted in the cup of His blood shed for us and in the bread of His body broken for us. How deep and how vast is the rooting of our knowledge of glory! Our glory is infinitely deep and it is infinitely vast.

Do not ever think that Jesus’ blood was shed and His body was broken “because of” the folly and sin of man. That is impossible. It is impossible for the stupidity and rebellion of man to “call up” something God had to put together in order to “save” him. No. God allowed the fall of man to take place inside His purpose so that He might reveal what is always true inside His heart.

The Blood is always shed, the flesh is always broken inside the Heart of the Father. That is His nature and being. The broken flesh and shed blood of Jesus upon the cross was the eternal Heart of the Father, revealing itself inside time and earth. That same blood, then, passed from earth and showed itself for the first time in heaven as well. Earth is the source of heaven’s knowledge of God.

Inside of that shedding of blood, as we drink the cup, and inside of that breaking of flesh, as we break and eat of the bread, are these words, “Remember Me.”

Glory is knowing the Lord Jesus Christ inside of us at all times and in every way. We are born of God; we do not fall short of His glory.

Remember Me.

There is a sin that we commit. That sin is to look inside ourselves – or to look at our brother and sister – and to forget to see Jesus, to see anything other than Christ.

We don’t look for sin and selfishness and anti-Christ inside our heart. We don’t look for those things inside your brother’s heart either. The very act of looking for such things is itself sin. Here is our problem: we will find what we seek. We will always find what we seek. And the act of finding sin inside our heart drives Christ far away from our thinking. Tears of “repentance” are just a hatred of our own weakness. That so-called “repentance” is nothing other than the declaration of separation from God.

It is the Lie.

I speak strongly, to myself as much as to my readers, because we must have this clear. Sin is seeing something other than Christ inside of us. It is evil.

There is another sin that many Christians commit, and that is trying to see or define Christ inside the world. Finding “Christ” in the world is also anti-Christ. We will look at that reality later in this volume.

However, in spite of how strongly I speak, yet we always take even our “sin” of seeing something other than Christ inside ourselves or our brethren, even our “sin” of looking for “Christ” in the systems and ways of this world, and we place it entirely inside of Him. He carries all of our sin inside Himself, and He never places any of it back upon us.

We walk in glory. We know nothing else.

Walking as Jesus walked has no reference to coming out of sin. Jesus was never coming out of sin; therefore to walk as He walked is to walk separately from any personal knowledge of sin. This is where we want to focus.

Remember Me.

We must know the heart of Jesus as He walked this earth. That same heart is now, at this present moment, our heart. To know His heart is to know our own.

Jesus and I are one. Just as Jesus, when He walked this earth from conception to Gethsemane, so are we in all things. Just as Jesus, as He is now, declared to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection, so we shall be in all things. But our union with Christ from Gethsemane to the Resurrection follows a slightly different pattern.

God laid upon Jesus a task that He does not lay upon us. God struck the first Rock, Jesus, that it might release the life held inside it. God speaks to the second rock, you and me, that we might release the life held inside of us.

We do not carry ourselves the task of redemption in the same way that we carry the task of the second witness of Christ in all that He was in His 3 ½ year ministry. The task of redemption itself was His alone to bear.

Yet our oneness with Christ inside those few hours is absolutely the most profound oneness that could possibly be. Walking just as Jesus walked is nothing compared to our inclusion inside that shed blood and that broken flesh.

Dear God, dear God, open our eyes that we might see.

Remember Me.

— He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood possesses the Life of the age to come.

There is the Heart of the Father, torn out of His bosom, revealed for all to see. Here is the Heart of the Father, placed inside of you and me. Here is our heart.

This is HOLY. Nothing is more holy or more profound than this.

Remember this. We are not one with Christ in “coming out of sin.” Yes, there is a place in the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross where our sin is forever dealt with. That is a truth we have explored over and over.  That is not what we are looking at here. Christ never “came out of sin.” Here is where our Glory begins.

But now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. . . To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation. Hebrews 9:26-28

I am eagerly waiting for Him to appear right now in me. Sin and redemption have no part of my present reality. How could sin remain in any part of my memory when I face always into an ever-flowing stream of Blood shed for me?

One of several great tragedies to befall the fellowship I was a part of for many years was a teaching that came out a few years before we left that said this. “The blood of Christ covers past sins only, sins you have ‘repented’ of, it does not cover any present sins you might be committing. Rather, you yourself must ‘stop’ doing those present sins lest you die.”

If one were to embrace that way of seeing, how then do they see? They are standing with their backs to the Blood and do not see it as a present living force that is their life; they see it only as some medium that is exchanged for something now beyond themselves – their past. Here they are with their backs to the blood, it flows around them, and they see it coming back together again as it comes upon things in their past. But as they look at their hands right now, they see no blood.

To see no Blood is despair. To see no Blood is to turn your back on God.

There is such an easy answer, though. “Turn around.” As we face into the Blood, seeing it in all things and in every way, it flows across our face, our mind, our hands. The Blood IS our life. We know nothing else. How can we see anything else? Is there no power in the Blood? If I see the Blood in all things and in every way, will it transform the doing of my hands?

We humans are gamblers, just like God. But most Christians gamble that the Blood will not change the doing of their hands – if they see it and it alone. Let us gamble that it will.

The brother asked me, “What makes you think God is going to fulfill all these things in your life now when He hasn’t done so in all these people in the past?”

With great joy and laughter, my answer is, “Hey, I’m a gambling man, as are you. I bet my life on the proposition that if I take God seriously, if I believe all that He speaks as being fulfilled right now personally in me, that if I call those things that be not as though they are, God will do what He says.”

Then I ask, “And what is your bet? Are you betting that if you do not take God seriously, if you do not believe all that He speaks fulfilled now personally in you, that if you do not call those things that be not as though they are, that God will not do what He says, that you will be with all those many in the past who did not see with their eyes the glory of God upon this earth? And will you also win your bet?”

The dividing line comes BEFORE reality is made visible.

“Remember Me” is at all times and in every way to face into the Blood flowing over us. If for one second we see any part of ourselves separate from that Blood, and all the awfulness that attends such blind “seeing,” then we knock ourself upside the head, grab ourself by the shirt collar, and turn ourself around. “Strive to enter into His rest.”

 See only the Blood; there is only Glory inside of you and me.


I was there. I remember; I was there. When Jesus knelt upon the rock in Gethsemane, I knelt upon that same rock. I remember it so clearly now. I said to the Father, “Not my will but Thine be done.” He took the surrender of my heart in that moment and sealed it forever in the heavens. To this day my will is His and His will is mine.

I yielded myself to my tormentors. I was spotless, but they struck me anyway. I did not answer them back. I remember their taunting words, their accusations; I was silent. They accused me of being the Son of my Father. My only answer was, “It is as you say.”

I remember the thorns cutting across my forehead, the blood flowing across my eyes. All I could see was blood. They whipped me; my back was bloody and jagged, ribs visible beneath my torn flesh. I remember them plucking out my beard until my face was raw and bloody meat.

I remember it all so clearly now.

They made me carry my own cross — I could not do it. Another carried it for me. I could not carry my own cross; I stumbled under it and fell. Someone else carried it for me.

I, inside the Christ of God, could not carry my own cross; I stumbled under it and fell. Someone else carried it for me.

They drove huge spikes through my hands and my feet. I swung there naked and bloody. I remember seeing my mother looking up at me. I was not ashamed.

I remember because I was there. I, Daniel Yordy, was there. He took me, all of me, He took me into Himself, from that moment in Gethsemane on, He carried me inside Himself. I was there.

I remember the agony; I remember the loneliness; I remember the pain.

I said, “It is finished.” It is finished. Adam is no more. Sin is no more.

I left my body. I found myself in Hades, the shades of the dead were all around me; my enemies crowded close to savor their victory. They imagined that I was not the son of my Father.

I disregarded the false spirits utterly. They vanished in their own shame. I walked among the dead; I spoke to those far from the bosom of Abraham. They clung to me eagerly; I bade them follow me. Hades has no power; all of it belongs to me. I gathered David and Abraham, Moses and Elijah to myself. A great crowd burst out of Hades with me. Some even walked upon the earth again.

I hold the keys of Hades and of Death. I hold all of Hades in my hand. Death itself is consumed by the fire of my Father. Death is no more.

Then, suddenly, I became small again, rushing down into seeming nothingness. I opened my eyes. I was lying in a dark place, maybe it was a cave or something. A light cloth covered my body. I was alive again. Planet earth felt so good. I felt so good. I was alive again!

It was no longer dark. Whatever covered over the hole in which I lay was rolled away. The rising morning sun shone upon me. I arose and walked out into the garden. Oh what joy, I was alive again. I breathed deeply the scent of the flowers; I laughed at the trilling of the birds. I am a Man.

I remember the look on Mary Magdalene’s face when she recognized me; I’m still laughing about it today. I remember talking to my stunned disciples; they will follow me. I remember lifting up from the earth, seeing the dusty fields far below my feet.

I am sitting beside my Father. I am seated above the heavens. I await all my enemies to be placed beneath my feet. I return to earth; it is my home; it is who I am. I live in heaven and in earth. All creation belongs to me.


Paul, in his gospel, places me squarely inside every point of this memory. We know the words of Paul’s gospel, dead with Christ, buried with Him, raised with Him, seated with Him in the heavenlies, all things belong to us. We know the words; we can recite our doctrines; we just have never believed them to be true. We have never defined ourselves by them.

Remember Me.

Jesus remembered His glory; to walk as He walked, we must remember ours.

Neither I nor my sin caused Jesus’ death. The Father revealed His heart through the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross. I was birthed out of that revelation.

How far do we take what God says? Let me give a for instance. This is just one of many radical and unimaginable – heretical, if you please – statements God makes about us in the New Testament.

But God . . . made us alive together with Christ . . . and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places (epouraniosin Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-6

Is this true or not? How far do we take it as the definition of our reality?

Now, almost all Christians know that God says this. And many can tell you what their “doctrine” is, about being seated in the heavens in Christ. I hold most “doctrines” in suspicion. They are little more than ideas people have in their heads that they don’t actually believe. I know they don’t believe their own doctrines because there is little or no power in their lives. The moment people want to argue “doctrine” and not share their present revelation of Jesus Christ personally in them, I suspect immediately that they don’t believe a word they say.

I say this only because I know that I have held this as a doctrine in my own mind, but I have never defined myself in all ways and at all times by this word.

Christ is the demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

If God says that He has seated me in the heavenlies right now together in Christ, is that absolute reality? Or is there another reality alongside it? Now, I don’t see God saying here that we are also mucking about in the earth, and that we now have to get ourselves up to where He says we “should be.” Do you see that anywhere in this passage?

 How can there be something other than what God says is true?

Am I born exactly like Jesus or not? And if I am born exactly like Jesus, do I walk at all times and in all ways just as He walked or not?

I know now that no matter how much Bible teaching and Christian doctrine,  walking together with other believers and worshipping God together in the power of the Holy Spirit filled all of my adult life, yet I never believed anything God says about me. I know that now. And I also know that not one other Christian I have ever known ever believed any of it either.

Now that I can contemplate the possibility of actually believing what God says, I am fully cognizant of the fact that to believe what God actually says about me is “blasphemy,” according to how blasphemy is defined by man.

I say all this because I want you to consider the truth that actually to believe what God says is to leap into a way of being that is far separate from what almost all Christians have ever allowed.

We must contend face to Face with what God actually says and with nothing else. God never puts a limit on what He says about who and what we are before Him, and for us to force such a limit upon His words is to join with the serpent, “Did God really say that?”

There is no middle ground; to be done with the serpent’s whine is to get ourselves crucified in this world and in the church in this world. Almost all Christians accept the serpent’s whine as “reasonable” and actually to see as God says as “blasphemy.” And so we have done, except that God is changing our minds.

My focus right now is on one thing only. I care for nothing else.

For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God . . . the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

With Monsanto now having the green light to disperse genetically engineered plants of all kinds across the world’s farmlands, and with Fukishima spewing an unstoppable stream of deadly radioactive particles into both air and sea, the earth is finished. Genetic pollution spreads and multiplies without bounds. We cannot contemplate the horror of what that means. There is no fixing of this great crime invented by the evil of human knowledge. Fukishima is way beyond what any nuclear scientist knows anything about. Nuclear radiation is human pride and ego gone into insanity.

Listen, there is no point in being “good Christians” as we once knew. That time is over with. There are no “places of refuge” in the natural. The out-of-the-way farms I lived at in Canada, thinking to escape what was coming upon the earth, are now being dusted with a continual stream of tiny radioactive “bombs.”

Look at the sons of God in full manifestation, shattering the hold of darkness upon this earth, breaking the curse, and releasing glorious liberty in rivers of living water. Look at them standing fully upon this earth in all manifest power.

That is the normal Christian life; that has always been the normal Christian life. That is what we already are right now. The difference between those at that moment and us right now is that they believe what God says and we don’t.

The grace that we must have is the grace to believe what God says. It’s a simple formula shown over and over from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. God speaks, the grace of the Holy Spirit overshadows us, we believe what God says, what God says becomes creation’s reality.

Father, change our minds!

Do we dare to move in the authority in which we already fully sit? We already possess all authority over the earth; we already possess all authority over heaven; we already possess all authority over the nations, to shatter them, to break their grip upon our brethren; we already possess all authority to cast the curse off of this earth, to defeat death and throw it out; we already possess in our bellies the full answer to all this world’s problems, rivers of living water flowing out of us.

Do we dare to move in our present reality?

And I will give to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy.

What is there that we have not been given? Name one thing in God that we have not been given.

How shall He not with Christ freely give us all things? — For all things are yours: whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or the world or life or death, or things present or things to come – all are yours. And you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.

Do we dare to be what we are? Do we dare to do what we do?

We know exactly what we do. We see Jesus and all things He does we also do.

Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. Revelation 19:11-15

Do we see Him as He is right now? If we do, we are just like Him. Notice the many crowns upon His head; those are our crowns, for we are nowhere else but in Him in His glory. We are not of those who follow Him as He is; we are in Him as He is.

 We are just like Him for we see Him as He is.

There is only one answer for this world, and that is the rivers of living water bursting out of our innermost beings. And there is only one way the world will receive those rivers, and that is we must strike the nations that hold the people of this world in thrall.

(And when I say, “Strike the nations,” I am speaking a Spirit-word. Some false brethren accuse us of meaning that we instigate war and slaughter in the natural. Their accusation comes back on their own heads. To strike the nations is to eliminate the spiritual powers of darkness that create the worldly fictions under which mankind labors under the curse. “To strike the nations” is to expose the darkness and to eliminate the lie that rules over this planet.)

If the love of God fills our hearts, we will strike the nations. Those rivers of living water do not look like living water when they begin to flow any more than Jesus looked like the Creator of the universe hanging bruised and bloody upon the cross. No, the water of life first looks like wine as it begins to flow, the wine of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Do we see Him?

If we see Him, we can know that the wine this time WILL turn to water. We do not need to believe for one moment that God’s wrath is anything but the vanguard of His love. Yet, it must come first. The rivers of Life come in its wake.

I believe what God says, all that He says. Do I dare to believe?

Look at me, God. I belong to You.
Let it be in me according to everything that You say.

Remember your Glory. His name is Jesus. He is King; in righteousness He judges and makes war. We know nothing else. He is our life; we have no other life.

Remember your glory.