Feast of Tabernacles - George Warnock

I would introduce you to what I am convinced is the most important book of the twentieth century, Feast of Tabernacles, by George Warnock.

There are paper copies of this book, though Amazon has just a few, now, at ridiculous prices. I will send you, rather, to the website that contains all of this little book, plus others that George Warnock wrote. Print it out for yourself.


I find on Amazon, however, a review that says it well, by Will Riddle.

“George Warnock was the secretary to Ern Baxter, who was William Bran-ham’s ministry teaching partner. After this, he stepped into a revival called the “Latter Rain” in northern Canada in 1948. After several years of moving with the revival, one of the other men in the Ministry, Jim Watt, suggested to him that of the three major Biblical feasts, two had been fulfilled (Passover, Pentecost) both in history and the experience of the church, but that one remained: Tabernacles.

“Warnock took this idea, and under the Spirit of God which was in the revival wrote this book. It is a remarkably inspired book. It starts by discussing how the hermeneutical principles which Warnock used in the book would differ from standard evangelical approaches, and then moves into the fulfillment of the feasts.

“The book became a kind of “textbook” for the latter rain, and had in seed form both many of its insights as well as some of the problems which developed. The Latter Rain influence became foundational to the Charismatic movement, and many of its ideals have a very broad impact. If you want to understand what God is doing in our generation, this is a very important place to start. Both inspirational and insightful.”

I had always known that the fellowship I was a part of for many years was birthed out of this little book. Funny thing is, though I knew intimately all the teaching in Warnock’s book, I had never read it. Until recently.

But reading it now, I find such life and power, such a confirmation of fulfilment. In fact, when I read Warnock’s description of the Day of Atonement, I see that he described what we now know as “Christ as us.”

I make this assertion: the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles in the life of the church, the Feast of Trumpets, began with the writing of this little book.