Prepare a Path

This is my autobiography, finally completed in November of 2022. 

I am in the process of changing the text in each web-page on the right to the finished version in the book. I am more than half done and will complete this process soon.


The lights are turning on. The most exciting event in all the history of the world is at the door, the Apocalypse, the revelation of Jesus Christ. 

And in His light, all things are seen as they truly are.

When I began this account, I was motivated by a deep desire to set forth the experiences of my life, that I might see God-with-me and that others might understand the source of that word which I share.

But as I have continued writing, I have seen God doing not only that, but something much more, something I never knew or expected.

As I have placed the Lord Jesus Christ upon every moment of my life, by the command of the gospel, so I have been astonished as I have watched every stumbling step snatched out of the arena of confused back-and-forth and into the arrow of God, a straight path to a certain goal. 

But to place the Lord Jesus upon every circumstance and interaction with others, I must do the hardest thing I have known, I must give thanks for the sake of all, and I must draw back into my life those whom I offended or who offended me, making them, by the goodness of Salvation, my best friends forever.

I am not ashamed of the revelation of Christ, the gospel of our Salvation. I am not ashamed of every stumbling step, for all of it is Jesus, and all of it is glorious.

For the Word of God is living and energeoing and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating through as far as the dividing of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and is capable of judging the pondering and purposes of the heart. And there is no created thing unseen in His presence, for all are uncovered and laid bare to the eyes of Him to whom is our word of account [our story of self] in return (Hebrews 4:12-13).

These lines are not referencing some incidental event far in the future, but rather the nature of all reality. We give an account of our lives to God every moment, by calling ourselves either by Christ or by not-Christ. 

I am convinced that when Paul said, "Every knee shall bow," that means that God requires us to face, eye to eye, every person through the course of our lives, and to come to joy and resolution inside of Jesus. Some will spend hundreds of years serving those whom they offended until they cannot think of each as anything but their dearest and closest friends.

God is personal; life is personal. And all things will be made right.

What I mean to say is this. As you read through the account of my life, do so in fear, knowing that God is also bringing every moment of your life before your eyes, that you might call it by Christ Jesus, that you might give thanks, that you might bless and love every individual person with whom you have interacted.

Placing the Lord Jesus Christ upon every moment of your life is an essential part of the Apocalypse, the revelation of Jesus to all.


In these pages you will find an unusual life story, even astonishing at times. You will find a devotion to God that will not turn aside, a love of the Bible that must see all word fulfilled, and a pursuit of Christ Community filled with a people who know the Father.

As you read these pages you will see a man stumbling through every step of the calling of God upon his life, yet carrying a vision of a Church without blemish, a Jerusalem that is a praise in all the earth. You will see a heart stretched wide by joy and by grief. You will walk with a man who needs his Savior to be REAL, the Lord Jesus Christ.

You will notice that this man is no different from any other, no different from you. Through the decades, he knows only haphazard confusion, stumbling from one mistake to the next, imagining a God far-away, a God of love, yet, somehow, hostile to him. 

Yet at the end of this journey, he knows the Father inside his earthen vessel, sharing every part of his humanity with him – LIFE. That path from ignorance into knowing the Father every moment is the Path prepared for you, the Lord Jesus Christ.


As I finished the last portion of this account, I finally knew, in quiet certainty and unspeakable joy, what God’s calling of me is and has always been, the Hand of God upon the unfolding of all my days.

My first task is to unveil the Word, an Apocalypse, one might say, of God’s gospel of Life and the removal of all death placed upon the Word of God by those who have heeded the first deceit of the serpent.

My second task is to carry this precious Word through a gauntlet of death, through the refusal of all contempt against others, into setting forth my soul for the sake of my brothers and sisters, placing myself with Father beneath of each that each might be lifted up into life.

And my third task is to open the door of authority to God, that He might rush into His Church, that His knowledge might prevail in all the earth, that Rivers of Life might flow out to all, and to direct His mighty angels that all the kingdoms of darkness might crash into ruin. 

Read these pages in the dawning realization that everything that is true of Jesus is true also of you, for He is your only life. My own life in God is a path prepared for you and Jesus, always together.