14. The Doorway into Christ

The truth of God towards us must begin with His purpose for us, what He seeks to obtain for Himself, which is many sons symmorphosed together with Jesus as the image and revelation of the Father. For us to have any ability to comprehend what on earth such a thing could mean, then, requires three more great truths, branching out from that one verse that defines the Bible.

First, we must know that we are filled with all the fullness of God, rooted and grounded in Love. Second, we must know that the Spirit of God flows out of our hearts as rivers of life and joy, bringing restoration and the knowledge of God to all creation. And third, we must know that we are symmorphosed together with the Word God speaks, that God has set His Word against all accusation, and that this Christ with whom we are joined in perfect union is the Victorious Warrior who brings all things into submission to Himself that He might restore all things back to the Father. – In short, that we cast down all that speaks against God’s Word.

There is a huge problem inside this most wondrous scheme of God, however. When we look in the mirror, all we can say is, “HOW? How on earth, God, could any of this be real for us?”

The fifth most important verse in the Bible, Galatians 2:20, is the great HOW of God, the entrance for us into all the wonder of all the fullness of Christ. Begin by opening the PDF attachment, The Fifth Most Important Verse in the Bible, and read through the different versions. Memorize the NKJ version of the words (altered slightly with wording from the KJV.)

Lesson 14.1 The Phrases of Galatians 2:20 explores the Greek phrases of this verse, phrases that were the song of Paul, "I live, yet not I; He lives in me Christ." Discover how this one verse is simply a repetition of Gethsemane in five different ways.

Lesson 14.2 The Wall and the Door confronts us with the Cross, the barrier that keeps all pretenders out of Christ and the Door that invites those who will become as little children to freely enter in.

Lesson 14.3 Accepting the Cross takes you by the hand as Jesus leading a little child, into the simple reality of living every moment inside the full protection and safety of the Cross.

Additional Material


The Fifth Most Important Verse in the Bible


United with His Death Bible Study