21. Expect God

You and I as believers in Jesus do have a very specific role to play as God fulfills His intentions through us in our lives and upon this earth. But our part is the actions of faith, not the actions of human performance.

Certainly our faith, working by love, flows out from us as the goodness of God in tangible blessing to others and as a river of life. But our engagement with God is based entirely on the absence of our performance and our fixation on God's performance.

The actions of faith, then, are those things God has given us to do that cause us to engage with and celebrate and believe in God Himself in Person, living as one person together with us through every word that is Jesus, as this God shows Himself as He wishes through our shared life.

The word that best sums up our actions of faith is the expectation of God.

This session takes a closer look at the intimacy with the Father that asking and believing really is, at the power of giving thanks for all things, speaking good grace into everything that happens to us, and the favor of God in which we walk every moment of our lives.

Lesson 21.1 Let It Be explores Mary's story in Luke 1 as she heard God speaking to her through the angel Gabriel and responded in the very way God wants all of us to respond to His word.

Lesson 21.2 Count It All Joy discovers the very mechanism of God's intention by which He proves His word true through us, through weakness in the face of all opposition.

Lesson 21.3 Walk in Favor explores the meanings of favor and expectation, describing our every breath as we live our lives filled with another Person.