23. Shaping the Human Heart


Please, you really do not want to read this session; you really don't, not if there is any shadow in your heart of playing games with God.

The truth in these lessons is beyond us; only those who live on their faces before the Almighty dare enter here. If that is not you, then you really do not want to face a holy God having played tiddly-winks with His word.

I speak strongly, because God is real and His word is true.

God is a consuming Fire. We fear God, and we love Him.

This session is the most important session in this course. It is the point to which everything coming before has driven and it is the point out from which all that follows in our lives and in the universe must flow.

I would highly recommend that you work your way through all the prior lessons of this course, engaging with God concerning His Word inside of you,
before reading the lessons of this session.

There is no greater thing taking place upon this earth and in human history than the shaping of the human heart to contain and to reveal the heart of God Almighty. This is what it's all about.

Lesson 23.1 Sharing Heart with God plants the seed of God in us, the seed of His heart.

Then, open and read the Annie Visions. You may want to re-read these. I would recommend that you download the PDF and open it in Adobe Reader on your desktop. The comments that I have added are important, but they do not open in the browser.

Lesson 23.2 Shaping the Human Heart presents God's purpose for the pressures and difficulties of our lives, that we might share His heart of compassion.

Lesson 23.3 The Mercy Seat discusses the Mercy Seat of our hearts, how it works, and how we draw all things into love that all might be set free.

Lesson 23.4 The Stage Is Set sums up the first eight most important verses to set the stage for the proving of the Word God speaks.

Then open and DO the assignment, "Engage with the Mercy Seat." This is the most important assignment in this course. If you will make this practice an ongoing part of your life and knowledge of God, you will know the Father and you will know Jesus sent.

Until you do this assignment (and I do not say this as any kind of threat, Jesus utterly carries you and He does all things well), but until you do this assignment, making it a part of your life, you cannot know what I teach, no matter how much you might rejoice in what you are learning.

Additional Material:

The Annie Visions

The following PDF is the complete rendition of, I Looked and I Saw Visions of God, received by Annie Schissler in the early 1970's and edited by Ed Miller. 

I have communicated with the copyright owners of this book, but they have not responded, and it is not easy for God's people to obtain the book. Thus I am posting copyrighted material online without express permission. I just believe that these visions ought not to be hidden away, but made freely available for the sons of God for whom Jesus gave them to Annie for this most critical hour.

This PDF contains also my own comments and responses to many of the visions. It is structured in a format that allows you to print it out double-sided, after which you can punch holes to keep it in a binder.


I Looked and I Saw Visions of God (with comments by Daniel Yordy)