Review 4: Looking Forward

© 2016 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

As I look across this course as it has arisen as springs of living water ever bubbling up from my heart, I am amazed at God’s order of the lessons. Now, that is not “my” order; you see, if I had arranged and written all the lessons in a totally different order, they would appear differently, yet I would say the same, that I am amazed at God’s order of the lessons. God is always showing Himself through us, regardless.

But this particular layout has come out of years of my own engagement with God and desire to know Him. Somehow, I do believe, that we have caught the arrow of God’s purpose; that is, the arrow has struck you and me in our heart.

The Most Important
A huge claim that I have made and presented as the basis of this course, however, has grown far larger in my understanding as I have explored more deeply these ten verses, including the Greek words in which they were written. Romans 8:28-30 is the ruling verse of the Bible and must govern all of our knowledge of God and how we fit and interpret every other verse in the Bible.

Something else has grown in me, then, as I have progressed through this course. When I wrote the three sessions on the most important verse, I hardly knew of what I was writing or what was in that verse. Now, I see that I have never appreciated the depths and the wonder to be found for us in Romans 8:28-30.

Running with the Flow
There is so very much to be found flowing out from Romans 8:28-30, all the shape and purpose of God. These three verses, together as one, shape and direct all the flow of the knowledge of God in every direction that it goes.

Thus I want to do something bold and ambitious. I want to write four more courses just like this one (for starters), all four coming out from the most important verse in the Bible, developing what it says, and to run with God’s set-forth purpose in every direction that it will take us.

The largest picture coming to me out from this course, however, is the structure of the DNA molecule showing how Jesus connects us with the Person of Father by every Word.

To see that every word in the Bible, coming by the Holy Spirit from off the page, coming into us as Christ Jesus Himself in Person, dwelling in our hearts and living now as us, to see that every Word God speaks IS this same Jesus as the Bond of the Covenant between God and us, this is wonder indeed! It is only as I have turned this course into a book and found a picture of the DNA structure that I can legitimately print that I have seen the most wondrous element that the DNA model shows us.

The Same
Look at the right side of the model. See how every word that is Jesus residing in the Father is an S. Then, see how that S changes form as it passes through Jesus as the Bond, as the Connection between the Father’s Person and our person.

But then look at what Jesus becomes inside of us, once that transition, that mediator role is complete. Jesus has become the very same thing in us that He is in Father. Whatever element of Father that is given to us, that element in Father is Jesus, and whatever Jesus is inside of Father, Jesus is the Same inside of us.

We can do nothing except fall on our face in awe and worship and dance as we have never danced before in overflowing joy and hilarious laughter, both at the same time. Salvation is a most wondrous thing.

And then, in my own wonder and joy, I want to write as I have never written before. I want this same Jesus to so flow through my fingers and appear on my computer screen before my eyes as I have never known Him to sing in me ever before. But I think in patterns; I see things as a whole, first, and then I see how the patterns of God place everything into that wondrous whole in scintillating patterns of light and truth.

A New Season
At the same time as I am turning this course into a book, into a textbook format, God has been doing something else. I have been on Facebook for several years now, posting things for a bit and then staying away from its clamor for a while, then coming back and posting some more. But I figured out that I should use just my own page as the bookmark link to Facebook and thus can post every day without seeing any of the awfulness too many post.

Suddenly, in the middle of January, friend requests from all over the world came pouring in, well over 2000 now and continuing. And I see again that our definition of God MUST change first.

And so the next course coming out of Romans 8:28-30, must be Symmorphy II: Essence. We must know what God IS. And what Jesus is and salvation.

Romans 8:28. Because I know that I love God, because I know that God has called me forth as His revelation, I KNOW that God and I are working together in perfect synergy, penetrating ALL, everything that happens and every circumstance and person in our lives, with utter goodness.

The words, “called me forth,” are one rendition of many of the word Paul used, pro-thesis, the set forth purpose of God. What is this God Whom we love; what is this Being who summons us?

But then, I see also on Facebook, this woman of Jesus’ heart, this Bride of whom I have been speaking. I see her in her beauty, and I see her in her endless pretending and darkness and not knowing the God who carries her. A church of separation; a church that God would invite to step out of her control over His word and into marriage union with the Lord Jesus Christ.

And so, the sending forth of Word out from God’s throne, out from our hearts, this thing God calls His Kingdom, this working together with Father and Father with us in perfect synergy penetrating the church of Christ with goodness, this we must explore next in Symmorphy III: Kingdom.

My deepest desire, however, coming out of completing this course, is to burrow myself as deeply as I am able to go right now, into the heart of Father.

I want to know the real meaning of these words of Paul, Pro-Thesis, Pro-Knowing, Pro-Determination, Symmorphy, and Image. I want to know Romans 8:29; I want to know the depths and the power, the heights and the strength of this Bond that exists connecting me to Father and Father to me as one person together, sharing the same form, living in the same body. I want to know the Covenant, and thus, more than anything else, I want to write Symmorphy IV: Covenant.

Then there is Life. What is life? You will not find the answer in any dictionary.

Life is lived; life is story. Life is family, God’s people, living together, working together, worshipping together, eating together, loving one another with a pure heart fervently.

I want to know Life as God intends for us, Life as the testimony and revelation of Jesus Christ. And so, once I have completed our exploration of Essence, Kingdom, and Covenant, I want to write Symmorphy V: Life.

Does the Life God intends for us as the showcase of His Son, is that life found already for us in Romans 8:30? I think we will be astonished and overwhelmed, something we better get used to being – forever. Already called, already justified, already glorified, already the deepest reality of God’s heart.

Family – loving one another. This is the arrow that opens that Heart; this is what we find inside of it. God is family – loving one another.

God is Home; we are looking forward to Home.