
25.2 Setting Creation Free

© 2015 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

The creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8:21).

We will not attempt to explain what we do not know; rather, we will attempt to obtain the right perspective. That way, as the momentous events of the next few years unfold in our lives, we will know where everything fits.
Ktisis eleutherothesetai apo tes douleias tes phthoras
Creation will be freed from the bondage of decay

“Will be freed” is straightforward, the English meaning is clear.
  • Douleia: slavery, bondage, enslavement.
  • Phthora: destruction, corruption, decay, decomposition.
Outward Appearance
A complete warping of reality came out of man attempting to live by external word contrary to God and in the imagination of the human mind. To live by what one sees by appearance is folly. Yet everyone imagines that they believe only what they see. Even Christians require outward appearance and performance from the human point of view before they will believe that God is telling them the truth.

Remember the four levels of outward appearance. 1. As God intends – weak; 2. as marred by sin and death; 3. as limited by unbelief; and 4. outright fraud and fakery.

False Appearance
As believers in Jesus, we accept that a plant looks different than a seed, yet exactly as it is supposed to look. We know that Christ as us looks different than Christ as every word God speaks and even as Jesus as He walked this earth.

But all other humans, including most Christians, reject appearance as God intends and live by false appearances, typically a merger of the other three, attempting to forge “perfection” as each defines it and only by re-arranging the elements of false appearance. We humans never believe what we see; rather we see only what we first believe.

Our seeing is guided by our faith, faith that is specific to the word God speaks.

An Absence of the Knowledge of Christ
Everything that exists is coming, every moment, out of the good speaking of Christ. Yet inside the world or cosmos, that is, a broken heaven/earth, this Christ who sustains all things APPEARS at the least far away, but to most, non-existent.

Christ is not missing or far away; else all things would cease; the problem for each is the absence of the knowledge of Christ. When a created being blocks the good speaking of Christ by which they are sustained, blocking it from their hearing, the result is a slow decomposition, one might say. They that hear the voice of the Son of God shall live; those who turn to their own creation of self must decay.

Mutterings of Demons
There is a further problem, however. The absence of the knowledge of the good speaking of Christ by which every creature is sustained every moment regardless, is then filled with the present mutterings of Satanic angels according to the agreement Adam made. This false angelic rule works against the knowledge of Christ, including in the minds of Christians.

Demons do not dwell “in” Christians, but they can certainly talk and Christians can certainly listen to and believe them. Demons are always working to persuade humans to set their eyes on appearance rather than to set their eyes on word.

No Truth in the World
The death, the annihilation, of the entire old creation, both heaven and earth, is absolute, total, and long finished in the one death of Christ. The bondage of corruption is the bondage of appearance ruled by lying spirits trying to make people believe what is not true.

Some people imagine that scientists are telling the truth about actual science or that government officials are telling the truth about political intentions or that newscasters on the image of the beast are telling the truth about events in the world. This is impossible. It is impossible for there to be truth in the world, regardless of the occasional appearance of a true fact now and then.

Turning on the Lights
Here is what we must face. Setting creation free MEANS opening the understanding of each individual to the reality of the good speaking of Christ already sustaining them. Opening people’s understanding to the knowledge of Christ MEANS turning on the lights. Turning on the lights MEANS exposing all the lies and lying and liars hidden in the darkness.

Too many of our brethren have committed their lives to believing that what the image of the beast, television news, tells them is truth, regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.

Believing Lies
The bondage of corruption is believing lies, ruled over by a hierarchy of spirits who are all lying. People believe even against evidence simply because they are told to believe, either by their teachers in school or by the news media or by what everyone else “believes.” They then build their lives around these lies. To turn the lights on is to expose people’s stories as false. People don’t like discovering that their comfortable stories into which they have invested themselves utterly are all nonsense. Such discovery is overwhelmingly humiliating; thus they will always immediately turn off the light switch, that is, put Christ to death again.

Human Chains
All human chains are in the mind only. God has already reconciled the entire cosmos to Himself. Yet those chains are kept in place by lying spirits quick to speak in ways each individual person values most.

To attempt to “set people free” without first breaking the contract Adam made with the devil and by first casting all lying spirits OUT OF the human experience is like shifting sand around on the beach as the crashing waves come in. Nothing will stay where you thought you put it.

But that’s not all. Think in terms of the baby coming out of the womb.

A New Universe
The new creation does not yet exist in outward appearance, either in heaven or on earth. Neither heavenly angels nor dead Christians waiting in Christ in the heavenlies have any knowledge of the outward appearance of the new creation.

We are NOT “going to” heaven. We are NOT returning to Adam’s “innocence” in the garden. We are bringing forth a universe that has never been, a universe shaped by the tree of life. And we are bringing that new universe forth for all who dwell in heaven as much as for all who dwell on or “under” the earth.

We See Jesus
And again – back to the baby coming out of the womb. We have never seen nor imagined nor considered the new creation; we don’t know what it looks like. The only thing a baby in the womb knows about reality outside of the womb is the voice of its mother. My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me.

We, and all creation with us, have zero knowledge of the outward appearance of the new creation, not until our head “shoots out of the birth canal.” Since our head is Christ, since we are growing up together in all things into Christ, since the whole body follows immediately after the head – we see reality only by seeing Jesus by faith.

The Proving of God
We can “see” the entire appearance of the new creation right now by seeing through faith, by seeing all things through Christ, by seeing all things through eyes of fire.

– the proving of your faith … Whom having not seen (outwardly) you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the completion of your faith (1 Peter 1:7-9).

Here is the proving of God, the proving of our faith. You and me walking in all ways right now in confidence – AS IF we are already incorruptible, as if we are already one with the Father, as if we are already the embodiment of love. Because we ARE!

The Placenta Vanishes
People don’t like the light, including our brethren.

When the lights are turned on all things are exposed. The first thing that is exposed is all the lies and all the liars. The second thing exposed is the appearance of the old creation as God intended, the placenta, that warm and cozy wrapping that kept us alive in the womb of the old creation. This placenta includes the good things of this present age, as well as the limited seeing of Christianity, limited definitions of grace and salvation and childish definitions of God. The entire placenta also vanishes into the liberty of the sons of God.

Everything Looks Different
Our dilemma is that most of our brethren have committed their lives to the lies of this world. But even more than that, I find that as I reach for a knowledge of the new creation, of the incorruptible life of Christ, of our full and present union with the Father, I see that: EVERYTHING now looks different!

But so many of my brethren talk only of the placenta, only of wrapping themselves ever more fully with the temporary things of Christian understanding meant only to serve our transition from conception to birthing. Not only must we counteract the worldly lies our brethren believe, but also their dependence on the placenta.

Our Travail IS God’s Travail
We set creation free by one thing alone. We win by knowing that it is the Father giving birth to the knowledge of God through the travail of all of creation. It’s not us; it’s God.

And when we KNOW that our travail IS God’s travail, then we are one with Him. Then the lights turn on. Then all creation sees the glorious liberty of the sons of God – the Father’s heart revealed. To set creation free and to reveal the Father’s heart are the same thing.
Shaped by the Tree of Life
Now, this outward appearance of the new creation, the Father’s heart revealed, even though it seems we have only just reached it now, is the huge topic this entire course on Purpose serves only to introduce. We will develop many more courses, by God’s grace, to open even further this glorious reality of Father’s heart revealed, the new creation, coming out of symmorphy, out of you and me merged together as one person with Father through every word that is Jesus.

Although we are yet limited by blind eyes, we are simply enthralled with knowing this new creation coming forth from our bellies shaped entirely by the tree of life with no shadow of anything else.

The Birthing of Life
The further I go into the full light of the new day, a day never dawned before, the less interested I am in exposing the horrendous and evil lies of this world by discussing them. And the less interested I am in explaining why the placenta of Nicene Christianity can never enter the Holy of Holies.

Rather, I am consumed by one need alone. Life! The birthing of LIFE! A universe of life coming out of us setting creation free.

I want to know God and to do that I want to know Jesus Sent.


Next Lesson: 25.3 A Perfect Man