23.1 Sharing Heart with God

© 2015 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

I hardly know what to write. That our Father would desire, with all of the wanting inside of God, to share His own deep, personal, and intimate Heart with us, that He might show that very Heart to all the universe through us, this is simply beyond our ability to grasp. Yet we know that it is true. And in knowing that it is true, we walk forward in wonder and awe as we see this very reality of God’s heart unfolding in and as our own hearts.

We are not talking about something incidental, but about the core of God’s purpose and the determination of His very Being. We are talking about Father.

The Annie Visions
After completing this lesson, you will absorb into yourself the PDF document containing some of the visions received by Annie Schissler in 1971, under the covering of Ed Miller. The first reason I want you to read these visions is that by them, you can see that God is real. What I write may seem to some “interesting” or “nice.” Reading these visions will connect you with the vast and overwhelming heavenly reality out from which my words flow.

In Hind’s Feet on High Places, the shepherd planted the seed of love into Much Afraid before she began her journey. Jesus did that exact same thing in me sometime in the late seventies, sometime in my early twenties.

The Seed of God in Me
Two of Annie’s visions, included in the reading, were that Seed of God planted in my heart. That Seed was made even more real to me by the word under which I sat at that time, a word of the revelation of Jesus Christ in the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles in the church. I am pregnant with that seed and have never been without it growing inexorably inside of me.

Those two visions are “The Place of a Beginning” on page 4 and “That Holy Thing” on page 10. It is impossible for you to know what I mean by “sharing heart with God” unless a similar word as is found in these two visions is planted also in you (happening as you take this course).

The Place of a Beginning
(God) “showed me a certain beginning that was already in process and was coming forth upon the earth, and said, "This is the place of a beginning.” It seemed as though the glorious drama of Mary were about to take place all over again … Everything in this place of beginnings was covered by a beautiful quality of light that seemingly flowed forth in strong, maternal streams, as if bringing forth a natural birth. What was happening seemed to be something normal and natural, it was neither unusual nor strange. It seemed as though God, dwelling in His Cloud of excellent glory, was bringing Himself forth into a far more natural, tan­gible, approachable and understandable form – God Himself becoming far more reachable by (actually through) man.”

God Known
God is making Himself known. That appearance of God, God “bringing Himself into a far more natural, tangible, approachable, and understandable form,” is what IMAGE is all about.

This vision is referring directly to you and me. We are the ones through whom God is making Himself known, His very heart, to all creation.

Annie, along with most Christians who have so “deified” the birth of Jesus through Mary, turning it into some heavenly form far away instead of being the normal Christian life, cannot see that the “drama of Mary” taking place again is NOT absurd, but what God is all about – Christ again in us.

That Holy Thing
“As I entered His presence, He showed me something so im­pressive and frightening that I feared greatly. …in almost unbearable pain and in great love, He tore open, as it were, His own spiritual form or body. …after this great tearing open of Himself I could see within. There I beheld something so terribly perfect in its holiness, that even the word perfection seems to sully it in my memory. This living something was very much a part of Himself, yet it seemed as though He were bringing forth, in a tremendous beginning, a new being from His own person. It was the same beginning in God that He had shown me several days before, in "The Place of a Beginning". For long eons He has waited to manifest this most Holy Thing which He is about to bring forth.”

What Do You Want?
It is this word that, every time I happened to read it, caught my heart in absolute despair that I might miss out and not be a part of this most wondrous thing God IS doing right now. And so, time and again, I got off my duff and headed out into wherever it might be that God would do this very thing in me.

When I ask the question, “What do you want?” this word is the only thing I have ever wanted. To know this tearing open of God, to have this Holy Thing, this Heart of God, as my very own. We are not talking about ideas here, but about passion, about reality, about God.

–What do you want?

Too High, Holy, and Perfect
“The tremendous, radiant perfection – the holy glory of this beginning that He showed me – was so far beyond expression and so filled with holiness and God-life, that I felt greatly perturbed, and trembled even though He told me over and over again not to fear. It was something too high, holy, and perfect to look upon. When He said, “The hour has now come,” it seemed that He was about to explode, not in an explosion of terrible, destructive violence, but rather a pacific explosion. Then He came forth, as it were, in this explosion, and it was tre­mendously sweet. From this sweet, explosive breaking forth, He extended Himself over all; that is to say, He desired to manifest Himself, pouring this forth upon those of His own ones who were waiting upon Him. …”

This IS God in You NOW!
You may not have realized it, but as you have engaged with God through the lessons of this course, entwining yourself together with the Father through every word that is Jesus, this vision is describing EXACTLY what has been taking place in your life. Finally –

“Wherever He broke forth in this manifestation it began to extend, and the wonderful glory and ineffable sweetness of that perfect thing that He was bringing forth made such an impact upon my being that it greatly troubled me; because I could in no way understand the vision.”

We have no need to “understand” God. We just need to believe that He is true, and that He is doing this very thing in us NOW!

Father at Home
That HOLY THING, planted now in us, in our hearts, is what I mean when I say, “Sharing heart with God.” Everything in these visions is now fulfilled in us. – Believe it.

Yet human words are limited. This is not some “thing” out from God; rather, it is the Father Himself, coming into us, making our hearts His very dwelling place. The Father at Home.

And this is what I mean by “turn around.” The Father IS at Home, now He and us together are going forth across this world, burning with the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ, His heart extended out over His own in this dark hour.

What I Think I Mean
Let me attempt to place this into my own words now, what I think I mean when I say, “Sharing Heart with God.” I think I mean that you and I ARE the determination of God. That we love as God loves. That we carry all whom Jesus loves, as He carries them, as He does, living now as us. That we yearn over His bride with His very compassion.

That we hate what He hates, the cruelty, the lying, the hatred of God-revealed that fills this world. That we bear the intentions of God’s purposes for all things upon this earth.

Sharing Heart with God
I think that sharing heart as one Pperson together with God means that we ARE the fulfillment of His will. That we are driving all demons and all darkness from off of this planet; that we are setting creation free. That we are kind and generous, tender and good, holding all others in the highest respect and regard, on our knees to serve.

– Sharing Heart with God.

As you read and re-read the Annie visions now, keep in mind the one vision, “That Holy Thing,” and see every part of every other vision as simply part of the context by which our Father dwells in our own hearts and shows everyone who He really is through us.


Next Lesson: 23.2 Shaping the Human Heart