26.1 Know Where I Am

© 2015 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

We cannot know what anything really is until we see that thing inside its place functioning by its purpose. We cannot really know what a spark plug is unless we see a model of a cylinder with a clear plastic side that allows us to see into the chamber, the piston coming up, the gas vapor flowing in from the top. Then we see the spark coursing down the wire, flaring across the gap, igniting the gas vapor which then drives the piston back down against the crank shaft. When we see the spark plug in its place functioning by its purpose, then we can speak intelligently about its various parts and how each part of the spark plug serves its overall purpose.

God Speaks through Patterns
The problem, of course, is that a mind that desires to know the spark plug is then also immediately inquisitive regarding all the other parts of the engine and then of the car and its larger, glorious purpose and function.

Let’s flex our own minds just a bit. Although God’s invented patterns are the tabernacle in the wilderness and the feasts of Israel, He is not shy to speak through anything and everything, if we will hear Him. Let us, for consideration, see the first nine most important verses along with all the hundreds of verses that support and expand these nine as all the various parts of the car, its engine, its drive-train, its body, and its interior.

What Is the Car?
We even see, just a bit, where this “car” is going. We also see its purpose, to carry the Father and us together wherever we wish to go as fast as the wind. That brings us to the final question. – What is the car?

The car, in this case, is John 14:20; we already know the destination, John 17:3. At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.And this is age-abiding life, the new creation out from the tree of life, that they may know You, Father, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent (modified).

John 14:20
Everything of God, of Christ, of Salvation, and of US, discussed in this course up until now and all courses forever, is found inside of one place alone – John 14:20. Anything outside of John 14:20 has nothing to do with God or with us. Everything having to do with the Father or us is found, in its entirety, inside of John 14:20.

And – John 14:20, in all of its entirety, with everything inside of it, all of God and all of us, is going to one place alone with all reckless speed – John 17:3. Know you in Me and I in you à Know God and Jesus Sent.

We Are Overwhelmed
It is so clear to me now why this “tenth” most important verse in the Bible, equal in importance to Romans 8:29, symmorphosed together with Jesus as the revelation of the Father, must be placed here, right after the arrow hits the target, right after we consider the revelation of Father’s heart and creation set free. John 14:20 and Romans 8:29 cannot ever be separated; one cannot exist without the other.

You see, here is what we MUST know. – All of this is TOO MUCH for us. We are utterly overwhelmed, as we should be. Who is sufficient for these things? Certainly not us.

Before we look at the specifics of John 14:20, that is, at SALVATION, the only place in which we live or have ever lived, containing ALL that we are, let’s see where Jesus places this statement as He begins to share His heart with His disciples in the upper room.

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know (John 14:1-4). Notice carefully the underlined words – in their context.

Larger than the Universe
Let’s blow this statement up very large; let’s make it fill the sky, and the universe, and all that we could possibly see, and far more beyond.

That where I AM, there you may be also.

Next, verses 6 & 9. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. – He who has seen Me has seen the Father – how can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’

Allow Jesus’ next words, verse 10a, to hit us hard.

I Am in the Father
Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? – Where I AM, there you may be also – I AM in the Father.

Let’s draw some critical definitions from Jesus’ words thus far. The most provocative claim Jesus ever makes is “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” He said it this way to the disciples who believed in Him. But to the Jews who did not believe, He said the same thing differently: “The Father and I are One.” This is the very crime of blasphemy that got Jesus crucified.

The Proof of Jesus’ Claim
We also see, however, that Jesus gave a specific definition, the proof, the structure and fabric of His claim that He, in fact, was the outward appearance of the Father to all creation. Here is that proof and structure. I am in the Father and the Father in Me.

Then Jesus applied the exact same proof and structure to you and me. à Know that I am IN the Father AND you in Me and I in You. Finally, verse 23. If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

The Word Is in Your Mouth
Let’s bring these lines into the speaking of our own faith, into Christ Jesus Himself personal now in us, speaking through our mouths – the word is in your mouth.

Where I AM, there you ARE also. I am the way to the Father; I am the life of the Father. As you see Me, you are seeing the Father as He is – BECAUSE I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Know, then, that I am in My Father; know that you are in Me; and know that I am in you. Since you keep Me as your only sight, My Father loves you, and we have come to you, and you ARE Our Home.

Jesus and I Are One
Jesus said, “I and the Father are One” BECAUSE He was in the Father and the Father was in Him. Then He turned and said exactly the same thing to us – that where I am, there you may be also.

For that reason, you and I say, with all finality. Jesus and I are one BECAUSE Jesus is in me and I am in Him. This oneness is literal, spirit, soul, and body. He that has seen me   Daniel Yordy   (put your own name in the blank) has seen Jesus, the Christ. You and I ARE the appearance of Jesus to all creation right now; we are the Body of Christ.

The Only Salvation
John 14:20 is salvation, nothing else. Living inside of John 14:20 is the only salvation, the only thing salvation is or will ever be. Those who know the full extent of these words and this place know the totality of salvation regardless of “where” God might send them.

Those who love a fake “self” separated from Jesus by imagination only, and who will not see themselves entirely and only inside of John 14:20, do not see or know salvation, INCLUDING many Christians who have died and live now in heaven only. Existing in heaven only is NOT salvation.

Being Normal
Why must we live only inside of John 14:20? That we might know the Father and know Jesus Sent.

And why must we know the Father and Jesus Sent? So that the Father through Christ might make us His Home, His dwelling place, the many mansions of His house, forever. So that all creation can look at us, God’s appearance, and see the Father in the face of Jesus Christ.

And why should we be the Father’s appearance, God revealed? So that we can be ourselves, normal human beings, the only thing we were created to be.

Know Jesus Sent
You see, it’s a very simple thing. Know where I AM. We can know where we are only as we know where Jesus is – in the Father. And thus we see Jesus functioning in His purpose.

Jesus Sent is the car, and every part of that car, a car that places the Father and us together as one person, a car that carries the Father and us wherever we wish to go, as fast as the wind. We come to the Father only through Jesus Sent. We know the Father only by Jesus Sent.

Jesus and we are one.

Next Lesson: 26.2 Living in John 14:20