37. Now Is Come the Kingdom

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Then I heard a great voice inside of heaven saying: “Now is come the salvation, the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ, because the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down, the one who has accused them in the presence of our God day and night.

In the last lesson, we looked at how Romans 8 and Revelation 12 are parallel chapters. The order in which the primary verses occur, however, is different. In Romans 8, God presents truth as absolute. First, the end result (v. 28), then the core reality (v. 29), and last, the beginning condition (v. 30). This is Covenant.

A Visionary Picture. Revelation 12, then, is a visionary picture of the same things, but now as power in the heavens and as the unfolding of the Kingdom. Thus we have the core first as a corporate ministry (v. 5), followed by the beginning condition out from which they move (v. 10), and finally, their direct impact on the Church, that is, Gods how” (v. 11). This is Kingdom.

In our study, we put verse 6, “THEY shall nourish her there, with verse 5, God’s corporate ministry, because God is placing their purpose as part of their definition. This lesson, then, is looking specifically at Revelation 12:7-10. But we must understand the heavens accurately first.

Understanding the Heavens. In Johns vision, the term heaven is sometimes metaphorical, speaking of those who live and walk in the fulness of Christ. When we say metaphorical,” however, we do NOT mean that the heavens are not also literal actuality, the spiritual realms of creation.

Because we have the mind of Christ, we are well able to transition between the metaphorical meaning and the literal heavens in our understanding, realizing also that the atmosphere itself is both a metaphor of the heavens and contiguous with the spiritual realms. We understand how all this works in the larger arena because we understand our own human form.

Spirit and Matter Fused Together. Of truth, physical, electrical, and spiritual phenomena are all scalable. What is true at the level of the human form is also true at the level of heaven-earth. Our body is spirit and matter fused together. Earth is spirit and matter fused together. Heaven is earth’s spirit. We know that, because this is a living planet. Life is a function of spirit, as James said, the body without the spirit is dead.

The human “soul,” then, is the story happening at the junction of spirit and physic, just as the larger human story, that is, history, is happening at the junction of heaven and earth, known to us by that thin layer where the atmosphere rests upon the crust of the earth.

Much Worse than Blindness. Thus the human story, personal and social, is entirely a matter of perception. Humans now are BLIND. They CANNOT see. This includes all Christians.

Blindness is not actually the problem, however. The problem is the mind of knowing good and evil, a mind that insists to itself, absolutely, “I CAN see, and what I see is the only thing real and true. It is the mind that KNOWS” good and evil, then, which, in its blindness, lives in paradise and calls it hades, while at the same time, lives in hades and calls it paradise.

The Gift of God. Thus Jesus redeems us, not just by opening our eyes, to lead us out of our ignorant blindness, but also by giving us His mind so that we can stop twisting our perception of everything we see and experience into wicked nonsense. Even though all humans experience heaven, that is, the realms of spirit, all the time and equal with the physical, not only are they ignorant of what they experience, but they also interpret everything by the accusations screaming against them by the demonic since their conception.

The ability to KNOW, “I do not know” is the gift of God; it is the open door of Grace now able to come. In February of 1998, when I knew that I did not know the gospel, God was opening His Grace to me.

The Realms of Spirit. Now I want to talk about the realms of spirit. The dividing line between the Creator and the created is the speaking of Jesus, a Story of Word. Every created thing is first a thought inside of God, something that is uncreated. As Jesus speaks, according to John 1 and Hebrews 1, the created thing comes forth through Him, bearing the image of its Maker in its essence and function.

In this way, we think about the heavens, the realms of spirit, as created, yes, but also as bearing the imprint and qualities of the Spirit of God. In the same way, we are created, yes, but we bear the imprint of the Son of God, as Hebrews 1:3 says, “Gods engraving tool.”

A Continuous Flow. We do not, however, run around saying, I am Jesus. Neither do we say that heaven is the Spirit of God. Rather, there is a continuous Flow, the Spirit and the Son, between the Father and the created, just as there is the same continuous Flow between the created and the Father. It is the wind and the water that enable us to understand these things. And, of truth, it is the wind and the water that enable us to understand the realms of spirit.

I want to talk about a quality of spirit that has been called “morphic resonance” by Rupert Sheldrake, a scientific researcher inside the electrical theory of the universe, called by some a quack and by others a new ager.

Morphic Resonance. Morphic resonance is real; it is a quality of spirit that I have observed and pondered for years.

I mention Rupert Sheldrake only to give reference to “morphic resonance, as he coined it. I will now add my take to his definition as that which fits the reality of the heavens where the events of Revelation 12 are taking place. Morphic resonance means that in the realms of spirit, the shape of something happening in one place affects the same thing happening in other places, seemingly far away, for good or for ill. Thus, something unknown in the human experience, when it becomes known to one, that knowing alters the heavens such that more people are able to know it.

Human Control. Before continuing, consider our text again. Now is come the salvation, the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. These remaining four lessons on Revelation 12 will not leave this one line; that is, I have four lessons to share the explosion of this one line in my knowing.

Humans control the nature of the heavens, whether they be dark or whether they be light. This control is first over one’s own heavens, that is, how one perceives the nature of reality. But that control also goes out to affect the nature of the heavens around others. Those who curse and those who bless affect far more people than they realize.

An Example. The most important example of morphic resonance in the Kingdom-Come is John 14:20. By the time I was thirty, I had read and even written that line dozens of times and not seen it once. The words of John 14:20 were entirely closed to me.

Then, when I was thirty, Brother Buddy used the first part of John 14:20, that Jesus is in the Father, as one more way to separate us from God. BUT – I heard it as a way into the Father, into the experience of John 14:23. I saw that Jesus said, Where I am, there you will be also, and then He said, You will know that I am in the Father.”

Maybe the First Time. I knew that no one else saw that connection, but I did not know that I could not see the rest of the verse. I did not know it existed. It was more than twenty years later, after The Time of the Jesus Secret and after Discovering Christ My Life that I noticed, for the first time ever these words. And you inside of Me and I inside of you.

Those words are the Tree of Life. To see them means the Way has been opened. But I wasn’t just seeing them, I was also speaking them. I AM inside of Jesus, and Jesus IS inside of me.” I cannot know for sure, but that might have been the first time in human history those words were spoken into the heavens so that others could now hear.

Rivers of Spirit. To be able to say, I KNOW that Jesus is inside of the Father and I am inside of Him, that He is inside of me and the Father with Him, is the most exciting thing there could be. I am astonished, however, at how little it means to other Christians, even when they hear” those words. You see, they are not actually hearing them because their heavens are closed to the Tree of Life by the cursing of their own minds and hearts.

This, then, is the meaning of Now is come the Kingdom. The theory’ of morphic resonance says that as we speak John 14:20 together, out loud and made personal, a light is turning on in the heavens all across the earth. Thus, another term for morphic resonance is Rivers of Spirit flowing out.

Statements of Faith. We are writing a Jesus Secret page, but I must teach Revelation 12, and so I will fit in the boxes as we proceed.

We remove the accuser and all accusation out from the heavens for the sake of our brothers and sisters. As heirs of Salvation, we direct Michael and his hosts into full victory inside the Church of Christ. As the authority of Christ, we are the open Door for Father to be Salvation and Power, to be Himself inside of creation, the Kingdom. Now is come the Kingdom; now the Father is made known. We see all through the Blood. We speak Christ into all. We set forth our souls for the sake of our brethren. We are more than overcomers inside of the Lord Jesus. We protect and nourish the Church.

Describing the Heavens. The spiritual realms of the heavens are an essential part of a living earth, just as our human spirit and physic are fused together as one body. All humans live inside of and experience heaven continuously. Humans are blind, yet worse than blindness, they believe they can see. More than that, by the spiritual law of morphic resonance, humans rule the shape of the heavens by their words of cursing and accusation. By that same law, as we speak Life, that we are inside of Jesus and He inside of us, that we know the Father, we are changing the shape of the heavens such that others can now see and know Life inside of Jesus.

War in Heaven. And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back. But the devil did not have the strength, nor was a place found for them any longer inside of heaven. Then the great dragon was thrown out, the original serpent who is called the devil, the accuser, and Satan, the adversary, the one who is deceiving the entire inhabited world. He was thrown down into the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

This paragraph comes in-between the Church fleeing into the place of provision and the words, “Now is come the Kingdom.”

A Seamless Whole. Revelation 12 is clearly NOT a sequence of events through time, but rather a list of the qualities of reality as it is. Thus everything in the vision bears together on everything else in the vision. We see it as a seamless whole. Or we could say that it is a variety of thoughts that work together, repeated over and over in different ways. Thus verses 7-9, just above, are the same as verses 10b & 11, and they overcame him, and that one thing, altering how Christians can experience reality, takes place inside the condition set out by verse 10, that is, Now is come.”

Thus we will look at our first great experience of Victory before we then discuss the Salvation in which it occurs.

Come out of Her. Christians live right now inside of confusion, a place inhabited by the accusation of demons. For that reason, Come out of her, My people, coming later in our study, also applies fully here. We are speaking of bringing 100 million Christians alive today out from the confusion of the tree of death, where accusation resonates the twisted perception of everything, into a realm of Spirit where no accusation exists.

You see, we do not live in the created realms of spirit, though we understand their existence. Rather, we are with Jesus “above the heavens,” that is, all things spirit are, for us now, the Devoted Spirit of God, one Spirit with Him.

We Are the War. Revelation 12:11, And they overcame him, makes it clear that we are the war and that Michael and his angels are servants to us as the heirs of Salvation. They are big servants, and we respect them fully in the task given to them, but their actions come only out from ours.

But verses 7-9 are simply the larger picture. The key reality for us to know is found in the remainder of verse 10. – Because the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down, the one who has accused them in the presence of our God day and night. All humans live their whole lives inside a constant clamor of accusation taking place in all the heavens, near and far.

The Law of the Spirit of Life. The most startling reality coming to us now out from this passage is this. Inside a Church clothed with the Lord Jesus Christ standing forth now upon the earth, there are no more demons, no more voices of accusation, no more lying, no more unbelief. Revelation 12:11 is how we bring such a Church into being.

Let’s continue, now, with understanding morphic resonance as it operates inside the realms of spirit. Here is another term for morphic resonance. The law of the Spirit of Life inside of Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2). God gave us air and water that we might understand.

The Resonance of Air. Consider sound through air. I have a thought in my mind, a thought in the form of words. I direct that thought towards a little flap of flesh in my throat that vibrates in the air. Those vibrations pass out through the air all around at 761 mph, thus they bump against a little flap of flesh in your ear. That little flap of flesh vibrates with the air vibration and sends signals to your brain. The result of all this is that the words in my mind, carrying my thoughts, are now in your mind with those same thoughts. We have communicated through air.

But words do not just resonate in the air; they also resonate in the spirit and travel far and wide much faster.

The Resonance of Water. Consider water. Water has a quality that air does not. The vibrations passing through air cease and vanish from the air. But whatever electrical frequencies pass through water affect the water by altering its electrical frequencies, making the water to carry the same frequencies long term. This is called the homeopathic quality of water. Take a double A battery, put it in a cup of water for a period of time before removing it. Then measure the electrical frequencies of the water. You will find that they have changed in the direction of the frequencies out from that battery.

Thus the “frequencies” of our words remain in the realms of the spirit whether they be blessing or cursing.

The Affects of Faith. I am not speaking of psychic ability. Psyche in the Greek is the human soul. The soul has no powers,” contrary to the claims of new agers. It is faith that affects the realms of spirit. Consider a confident and outgoing leader. Everyone on that team will carry a similar, though lesser confidence. The faith of one resonates in the heavens to become the faith of many. Unbelief, then, is faith twisted to darkness.

I know deliverance. I now see clearly what is taking place in the heavens as we bless and curse not. Our most powerful words are “This is Father with me for the sake of others.” Those words go out into the heavens to silence the accuser.

The First True Revolution. So, the question before us is this. How do we cast down all voices of accusation, lying, and unbelief inside the Church AND turn on the fire so that she can see and live inside of John 14:20? We cannot grasp the how until we first see clearly the what.

All voices of darkness, all false perception, all false words, all actions of evil, all that is contrary to Christ, all are removed utterly and entirely from the Church of Jesus Christ remaining alive in the woes to come, BEFORE all those things are removed from the world. This is our first Victory and it is utterly revolutionary, the first true revolution since Adam. It turns the world upside down.

Our First Victory. Christians live right now inside of confusion, inside the constant accusation of the demonic, even inside the presence of God. Defeating the accuser means that we remove all accusation out from the hearing of a Church clothed with the Lord Jesus Christ, first. This great initial victory means that there are no more demons inside this Church, no more voices of accusation, no more lying, no more unbelief. The Church is now free to know Jesus as All-Salvation now. By the law of the Spirit of Life, we speak Christ. and our words resonate in the spirit far and wide. Our speaking of Christ alters the very essence of heaven in the Church.

A New World. Now is come the Kingdom. We are speaking of an entirely new world, a world that cannot be conceived by those living in the tree of good versus evil, that it is already here and is the only thing real. And we are asserting that we take the Church into that world even in the midst of the beast and the dragon. This seems almost like science fiction, but it’s real.

All of God and all of Salvation-Now enters into a human the moment that person receives Jesus. They now live inside of all that people claim to be for “heaven.” A pure and perfect Church without spot or wrinkle is NOW. She must be brought swiftly into knowing what is already true.

How People Hear. Any new believer in Jesus is wide open to receive in that moment all the truth of Christ and to live out from the All-Salvation of God.

But that is NOT what they hear, either in the physical realms of what people say or in the heavens which are reverberating to the tune of accusation and curse. It is not long before their theology aligns with those spiritual frequencies, beginning with “right versus wrong, and God knows evil. That Christian now takes every word they read in their Bibles and force it to fit the frequencies” with which they are now, once again, in tune.

A Bath of Accusation. In the first few moments after a human has received Jesus as Savior or received the fulness of the Spirit, that person would be receptive to John 14:20, Me inside of Jesus and Jesus inside of me. But as they come into tune with the heavens of Christianity,” that brief window closes, and they can see John 14:20 no more. Why? Because they live in a bath of accusation inside the very PRESENCE of God.

Revelation Chapter 12 shows us very clearly that clothing the Church with the Lord Jesus Christ comes first and results after in the elimination of all the false voices in the heavens around her, even before the resurrection.

Four Things Now Come. Lets now consider the four things in Verse 10 that are now come. Those four things come from two sources. The first Source is the Father, to whom alone belongs Salvation, Power, and the actuality of the Kingdom. The Kingdom is Father just being Himself inside creation.

The second Source is the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom alone belongs the authority – all authority inside the heavens upon the earth is now given to Me. That authority is Christ as us and belongs to us inside of Jesus. We who walk this earth now carry that authority. The authority out from His Christ is now come. – The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ.

Now Is Come. Having turned around upon Mercy, we now possess all the authority of Christ to set forth our souls for our brethren. The words we speak, the actions we take, the direction and strength of the faith of the Son of God by which we live, alter the heavens all around the Church, opening her ears to the truth and closing them to the lie. Thus the Kingdom come” is the Father coming through this passageway, given to Him by Jesus inside of us, into His Church. And the Father coming through is three distinct things, in order: first as SALVATION, second as POWER, and third as the KINGDOM now upon the earth.

The Apocalypse Now Come. Our task, then, is to be symmorphosed with Jesus in the sharing of Energeia with God such that we alter the heavens inside of which the Church of Jesus Christ now lives. This altering of the heavens will have dramatic consequences in the physical realms in both protecting the Church and providing for her.

This is the ability that God has given to us, the ability of Christ Jesus made perfect in our weak humanity, that is, the authority of the human now upon the earth that opens wide the Door for God coming through. HOW we do that is the topic of the next three lessons and the rest of this study of the Apocalypse now come.

Reading for Next Time. The next lesson is titled We Defeat the Accuser.” This is, of course, Revelation 12:11. I think I would have you read the first time I wrote on this verse since the time of the Jesus Secret. https://christrevealed.info/home/power You will see how our understanding has grown since then, and also, how it has remained the same.

And they have overcome [the accuser] through the blood of the Lamb, and through the word of their testimony; and they have not loved their souls unto death. Not only are we now able to be utterly practical and powerful in the doing of these things, but we also know that we have been doing them from the start.

Let’s Pray Together. “God, our Father, You are changing our seeing so dramatically. We thought that our actions of giving thanks, of asking and believing for Your word fulfilled, of speaking Christ made personal as us were that we might know You. That has happened, for You taught us to acknowledge You sharing every step with us for the sake of others.

“Yet now You are causing us to see that even as You became at Home in our hearts, something far larger was taking place, for Your Salvation, Your Power, Your Kingdom have now come into the experience of Your people. We know that our faith in You alters the very fabric of heaven and flings open the Doors of Salvation.

“Father, You have given to us the authority through Jesus to place our every moment together with You, synergeoing with You as Your own travail for Your people’s sake.

“Inside of the name of Jesus, we now see the heavens surrounding Your Church swept clean of all accusation, all lying and unbelief. We see the Blood, and she is pure. Inside of the name of Jesus, we speak Your wondrous Words into those same heavens and we see them vibrating with Your Song in her heart, the Song of the Lamb. Inside of the name of Jesus, Father, we offer You our very souls that You might be joined together with each one who believes into Jesus, here, inside our hearts.

“We know it is true, for You, Oh God, have answered us.”