41. Cutting by the Pattern

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41. Cutting by the Pattern - for Notes


41. Cutting by the Pattern - PP

Part of the meaning of a “pattern” is contained for us in the use of a pattern to make a dress or a shirt.

Here is an apprentice who uses the sleeve pattern to cut out a sleeve and then the collar pattern to cut out the collar. Except he is so thrilled with the collar pattern that he lays it on the sleeve and starts whacking away at the sleeve, using the collar pattern for the wrong thing.

If this apprentice has a patient master, then he or she will be asked to start all over again, taking heed to understand how the whole pattern works together. We apply God’s Tabernacle pattern in the same way.

Let Us Go On. One of the primary statements of faith in Hebrews is – “I carry on into all fullness.” This statement is drawn from Hebrews 5:12 – 6:3. Or as the prophet said, “Let us go on to know the Lord.”

Let me paraphrase what the writer of Hebrews means. “Listen, you’re not ready to teach others because you still don’t apply the gospel truths to yourself correctly.”

The Tabernacle pattern contains an enormous amount of truth, yes, the entirety of the gospel. But in itself it remains a fairly simple layout. We must learn to use each part as it is intended.

Former Ways of Thinking. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, into proving out what is the desire of God… (Romans 12:2).

We have come a long way in the renewing of our minds, but our minds still hold some attachment to former ways of thinking.

A brother heard the verse, “one star differs from another star in glory.” He had not yet placed that particular verse into his present knowledge of God, and thus his mind automatically heard the old superiority thing. This is normal, and something that still happens to me. Even individual words can trigger old associations.

How to Think New. In fact, the mind operates by structures and patterns, by associating one idea with another. And so God has given us two important things for this transformation of our thinking, the Ruling Verses and the Tabernacle pattern.

Place yourself as fully proven inside the presence of God, a workman not ashamed, cutting straight the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

The word Paul used gives the same meaning as cutting cloth for a dress from a pattern. Jesus is the Pattern of our lives; we cut straight according to His reality.

Triggers of the Old. There are a number of words and concepts that can trigger our minds to switch into the old way of thinking, without our realizing it. I want to look at four.

In this lesson we will consider “sin or sinfulness” and “dead or death.” In the next lesson we will consider the force of the letter of the word and the question – what about you?

However, we must first recognize that the driving force behind ALL old thinking is the serpent’s deceit – God is; you ought (because you’re not). We must recognize the power of these words to trigger in us the response of separating ourselves from the living God in the imagination of our minds.

Running the Gauntlet. And He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life (Genesis 3:24).

We can see that God’s Tabernacle path is the same way to the tree of life.

More than that, we gain the view of running the gauntlet, being hit every step along the way with the cries of false thinking. All the way until the moment of turning around, we are in this run for ourselves. Then, after turning around, and after learning all that God-with-us means, we run for others.

Where Is Sin and Death? Let’s begin with sin and death. SIN and DEATH – twin Goliath’s, overwhelming, towering, dominating. – NOT!

Romans 8:2 – The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (the tree of life) has already, long, long ago, separated me utterly from the law of sin and death.

So – where is our sin and our death in the Tabernacle pattern? Guts – fat – black smoke – the Altar of Burnt Offering. – It is finished.

Neither sin nor death ever leaves the Altar of Sacrifice. Many Christians never go past that Altar, for they stumble over their “sin” and their “death” and will not let them go.

Defining Jesus and Sin. No particle of sin and no meaning of death could possibly escape the cross of Christ in order to come into the Holiest with you.

You are alive unto God (Romans 6:11).

The word “sin” is a huge trigger towards old thinking. We cannot define “sin” without first defining Jesus in our lives. Jesus is that personal, immediate, continuous, and living connection between me and God. Therefore “sin” as God means it for our lives now is placing anything there between us and God besides Jesus, that is, in the imagination of our minds.

Misusing the Mercy Seat. Someone was troubled by sexual desires and fantasies. This one thought to use the Prayer of the Mercy Seat, in order to place these unwanted desires into the Mercy Seat of their heart, hoping to change themselves.

Now, of course, we always place ourselves into Jesus living as us in spite of our foolishness, and so we think only of the joy of the Lord in learning His ways.

Nonetheless, it is the Tabernacle pattern that shows us the inappropriateness of this response to “sin.” Just as the Altar of Sacrifice is “way back there,” so the end of sin happened for us almost 2000 years ago.

Blood Means Life – for Others. Only Blood leaves the Altar of Sacrifice to enter the Holiest and it is LIFE only, with no consciousness of sins.

The Mercy Seat is not for your redemption; it is the place where you sit, upon Blood, which is not death but LIFE. The Mercy Seat is for others, God through you, through ALL that you are, for the sake of others.

You don’t want to draw sin into your heart, neither do you want to recreate something that no longer exists.

Now, we must understand the seasons in the Holiest through which God intends us to learn what symmorphy is and means.

Union with Christ. Union with Christ always comes first and remains forever. Consider the Turn Around.jpg diagram.

In this teaching we looked at three things to learn in the union with Christ part and three in the revelation of Christ part. Union with Christ is for us, and it is ours forever. It is us in Jesus.

The revelation of Christ is for others; it is our ministry forever. It is Jesus in us. Covenant – Kingdom.  (LEARN the three things of union; we NEVER leave them.)

My Own Response. So – I wake out of sleep having dreamed of sexual fantasy. “Lord Jesus, this belongs entirely to You, for You made me this way. I am always with Father and Father with me.” I do not “return” to rest in God because I never leave it.

Now, if such a thing becomes troublesome, then I extend my difficulty as Father with me for the sake of others. “Father, You and I together are turning this thing into our travail for the sake of others, that many who are under this kind of bondage might find freedom in Your Spirit.”

I never try to remove my sin from Jesus in order to drape it back upon myself, and I never try to “fix” myself because I don’t like how God made me.

Don’t Say, “You Are Dead.” Next, we must consider the word “dead.” The problem is the ideas that this word triggers in our minds when we hear it.

“Dead” and “death” have several very different definitions as they are used throughout the New Testament. The evil one succeeds in his hypnosis by triggering the wrong definitions when we hear that word. Paul said, “You are dead,” in Colossians 3. Nonetheless, Paul had no idea of 2000 years of the serpent’s definitions.

I would never tell anyone “You are dead,” because it is NOT true according to how everyone defines it.

Definitions of Dead/Death. Here are four definitions of dead/death that are clearly displayed in the contexts of different New Testament verses.

1. The condition of a human losing or having lost their physical body.
2. Living by the mental fantasy of being separated from God.
3. Annihilation.
4. Total indifference, commonly translated as “nothing.”

The problem is that NO ONE believes that God is telling us the truth when He uses definition 4, and thus everyone uses definition 3 instead.

One Annihilation. Here is definition 3, which is found only one time in the gospel, but which is also pointed to by the ruling verses.Knowing this, that our old self was crucified together with Him, so that the body of separation from God might be separated from us (Romans 6:6).

I have taught, and still think I am correct, that “our old self” was our fallen human spirit that knew only separation from God and could never know Jesus.

That “old self” was annihilated almost 2000 years ago; an annihilation we realized in the split second before we were born again. It cannot be our present soul.

Death is NO MORE. Then we have this further context clue referencing this annihilation. – Christ, having been raised out from the dead, dies no more (Romans 6:9).

That annihilation, once it happened, is no more. It has no present meaning. The statement, “I have been crucified with Christ,” then refers back to something long, long ago, that has NO present relevance of meaning.

Here is what Paul meant by “You are dead” in present tense, that is, definition 4. – Reckon yourself to be DEAD TO sin, but alive TO GOD.

Leaping to the “Super-Christ.” “Dead to sin” means total indifference. The idea that “something exists between me and God that is not Jesus” is not only complete blither, but gross unbelief.

What happens in your mind and theirs when you tell someone “You are dead” while using the wrong definition?

Here is the track the serpent’s thinking sends us down. – You/I no longer exist. Now, it’s only Christ. And we see that Christ is A-B-C-D, and that means that you/I ought to be A-B-C-D (whatever mental definitions we might hold). Christ is – we ought! And in that moment, we have departed from the living God under the whips of the “super-Christ.”

I AM Alive. I am alive! Me, Daniel Yordy, as I am, as I have always been, I AM alive utterly and forever – totally connected together with God. Jesus knows how to be me as I am. If we don’t exist, there can be no symmorphy. Symmorphy is Jesus and us sharing the same form together.

Here is the EVIDENCE that I, Daniel Yordy, am very much alive – He calls His own sheep by NAME! (John 10).

If I am afraid this morning, then Jesus is afraid this morning, for He is living as me. And Jesus and I place our true concerns entirely into Father – for Father’s sake. Jesus and I, I and Jesus, we share everything together.

We ARE What God Intends. The Tabernacle pattern shows us that neither sin nor death have anything to do with us. The cross now makes sure they remain far, far away.

When union with Christ becomes the revelation of Christ, we do not abandon union to pretend to be what we are not, that is, some “Christ performance.” Rather, we remain what we are in the absolute CONFIDENCE that we ARE what God intends.

We will continue this discussion in the next lesson, titled “Building by the Pattern.” We first cut by this Tabernacle pattern, and then we build by the same pattern.