34. A New Word

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34. A New Word - for Notes


34. A New Word - PP

It is words that order society and all interrelationships among sentient beings. These words take on many forms: agreement, contracts, constitutions, law, custom.

It used to be said that a man’s word was his bond. This concept has mostly disappeared from human thinking.

So much that is spoken today are words of accusation, words that tear apart the very fabric of society. A society of accusation is a society destroying itself. Such words set people against each other before returning back to destroy the one speaking them.

Two Types of Speaking. In Symmorphy V: Life, I listed two types of speaking; of truth, my layout came partly from the Tabernacle pattern.

Affirmation & Blessing: Words of encouragement, words of comfort, words of healing, words of faith, words of good grace, words of Christ within the heart, words of calling forth the knowledge of God, words of setting free, words of shepherding, and words of creation.

Accusation & Cursing: Words of belittling, words of discouragement, words of hurt, words of unbelief, words of cursing, words of evil written upon the heart, words of the ignorance of God, words of slavery, words of control, and words of death.

The Laver of Washing. In the Tabernacle Pattern we have arrived back into the “outer court,” into the larger arenas, first of Christianity, then of all humanity, and finally, of all the heavens.

And the first piece of furniture in front of the Door is the laver of washing. This is the word of God in our mouths, going forth from the face of God, which is the Church, into all of society.

What would a society be that was shaped by the words of Affirmation and Blessing listed above? I can assert this fact – we will know, and we will know soon, a world shaped by a new Word.

Logos of Dunamos. I have finally begun work on the final draft of Hebrews in the Jesus Secret Version. Here is the present rendition.

In these present final days God has spoken us inside His Son, whom He appointed heir of all, and through whom He forms the ages. This Son is the shining forth of glory and the character and exact reproduction of God’s substance, bringing forth, carrying, and sustaining all by the word of power (Hebrews 1:2-3).

If the phrase “pheroning all by the logos of dunamos” is in the Bible, then it must define everything that exists. To speak blessing is nothing more than to acknowledge what is already true.

Related Ideas. I should have brought the list of Affirmation and Blessing into the discussion of our sharing together as a local church. This is very much part of the Table of Set-Forth Bread.

It is easy to see how this kind of speaking must be our way of life together as the Church before such speaking can alter the world around us. Nonetheless, my purpose in this lesson is to set out related ideas regarding the Word of the Lord that will shape all society in heaven-earth.

This “word of the Lord” is the good-speaking of Jesus by which all things are sustained, now found in our mouths as human words.

From Jerusalem. Let’s establish this picture in the prophetic word – Isaiah 2.

Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.” For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.

Judgment to Peace. We will look at the law going out from Mt. Zion in the lesson on “The Morning Sacrifice.” This is the law of love.

But the Word of the Lord goes forth from the Church, from many speaking together as one. Notice how this word goes forth to judge, and its result is that society is reordered away from violence.

Accusation has one purpose, to generate war, whether inside the nation or between nations. And all present political government is based entirely on violence. Blessing generates a society of peace. And the kingdom of God going forth is based entirely on words of affirmation.

Concerning “Me.” Consider David’s words in Psalm 139 – Your thoughts concerning me. God’s thoughts are a story of words that become David in present expression through the good-speaking of Jesus.

Yet God’s thoughts concerning David are NOT His thoughts concerning you or anyone else.

It then must be contrary to God to attempt to connect God’s thoughts concerning one person, known by name, with a different person. – To force words belonging to someone else onto the wrong person. Yet this is what we humans have done.

Touching Another Person. All through Him becomes, and without Him not even one thing becomes that is become (John 1:3 – present tense).

No set of thoughts inside of God becomes the person those thoughts are to become except through the Lord Jesus. John 1:3 means that Jesus is the present becoming of everything that exists.

What I mean to say is this. When you touch another person, you are touching an infinite set of thoughts coming out from God through Jesus, you are touching infinite value. To know God means to know that person as they are, as God speaks them, and not by anything imposed upon them.

This Is Me. There is a popular song from The Greatest Showman with Hugh Jackman that is making the rounds – “This is me.” This song is TRUE, as they sing it, but not quite true as most mean it.

I watched some Down Syndrome children singing it, and it was entirely true as they meant it.

But with others, it’s not quite true because humans, empty of the knowledge of God, don’t quite know who they are. For that reason, many imaginary self-stories are dreamed up in each person’s attempt to fill the void, self-stories that come out from what is true, but go in wandering directions.

Speaking a New Word. I am trying to connect us with something very important, something I am also driving towards in A Highway for God.

And that is the HIGH regard we must hold towards each individual person, that each is coming out from their own specific, but infinite set of words that are first God before becoming them through Jesus.

Our task, then, in speaking a “new word,” is to connect each one with the knowledge that they are, indeed, coming out from God in all they find themselves to be, and to know the true meaning of their self-story, not the twisted away meaning, such that they cry out in overwhelming joy, “This is me. I knew it all along. This is me!”

Not Speaking the Old Word. Calvinism and Nicene thinking has sent forth as “truth,” a word that says, “You are NOT coming out from God, you are NOT connected with God, so line yourself up with the words of our interpretation of God’s requirements.”

We can now easily recognize the serpent’s clear argument in this thinking, that “truth” is “you are NOT!” And that people must accept such “truth,” and thus must cry in unbelief, being driven away from Life in the present. And so Christianity has spoken the same old word of the serpent for 1800 years.

Our words as the Church together towards one another must change before society at large could ever change.

The True Word. The “old” word is – “God is; you ought.” This is so evidently a word of bondage and fear. It places the deceit of “all-sufficiency” upon the human.

The true word that is new in the human experience is – “God is; you are.” This is a word that places its dependence entirely on the active presence of the Lord Jesus Christ as the speaking of all that is God. It has no need for any sufficiency in self.

Yet some will say, “But I love ambition and human achievement.” And we say, “Absolutely, for that is God speaking you through Jesus. Make it holy by giving thanks.”

All Three Together. Yet another might say, “I love hurting other people and taking what is theirs for myself.”

This is why a New Word is never found without a New Spirit, and vice versa. The two are always together. Yet a New Word and a New Spirit together are not enough, for there must also be a New Heart.

And Heart is firstfruits, the many examples, scattered all through the larger society, of life laid down and love poured out, that is, as the “celebrities” and “guiding stars” of society show just how valuable other people are to them. This is the only way a New World comes.

The Exact Expression. Again, I am just assembling various thoughts concerning something we have not yet experienced.

A novel is a life story in words. A movie made from that book, then, is a seeing and interpretation of the meaning of that story of words. We could say that a movie gives “spirit” to the words, that it makes them visible to us.

I watched Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle’s rendition of Pride and Prejudice many times before I actually read the book as it was written by Jane Austen. In reading Jane Austen’s words, I became satisfied that the movie version was so impressive BECAUSE all involved gave us the exact expression of what the author wrote.

Altering the Words. But there is a foolish idea held by some in the movie business, that a great book must be altered to fit a movie audience, to make it work “on the big screen.”

The worst for me is The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. When they give us Tolkien’s words, the movie rendition is awesome, but when they alter Tolkien’s words to fit their perception of what is “popular,” the movie rendition is not something I can bear to watch.

Tolkien created a story with words that captured the imagination of many. By altering those words, the movie makers lost more than they understand.

Losing the Soul. Another recent brilliant story was portrayed exactly as the author wrote it and thus caught the attention of millions. But the author did not finish writing the story.

When the actors and those working with them passed into the part of the story where there were no words from the original author, it was as if the wonderful characters that enthralled everyone had lost their souls. The actor was the same, but the character had vanished.

This loss of soul across many very different characters inside a great story was one of the most disappointing things I have ever known, and millions of others as well.

God’s Story. We live only inside of the Great Story of God, for there is no other place to live.

Yet we have known an alteration of the words of that story in a portrayal that is without “soul.” That is, we have viewed and been part of a seeing, a “movie picture,” that was attempting to make the story “better” by falsely twisting all the words by which the story is being spoken, by twisting those words in the hearing of all.

Our task is to speak the true words of God’s story, as the speaking of Jesus by which all exist. “You are already reconnected with God. You are already coming out from goodness. You are already an expression of love.”

God Speaks All. Wow – look at that, our primary text. In these present final days God has spoken us inside His Son, whom He appointed heir of all, and through whom He forms the ages. This Son is the shining forth of glory and the character and exact reproduction of God’s substance, bringing forth, carrying, and sustaining all by the word of power (Hebrews 1:2-3).

The STORY is the character and exact reproduction of God’s substance, a “movie” of God-made-visible, exactly as the Author is continuously speaking.

God speaks us inside His Son; God speaks all inside of and through Jesus, sustaining all.