39. God Revealed

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39. God Revealed - for Notes


39. God Revealed - PP

The two big questions are – What is God? and – What is Man? And the Bible very clearly places the answer to these two questions together, almost as a riddle.

What is man? – Man is the image and likeness of God. You can’t know man without also knowing God. What is God? – He who has seen Me (a Man) has seen the Father. You can’t know God without also knowing man.

We will know God by knowing ourselves AND we will know ourselves by knowing God. Always both together.

Two Together. Those who say, “I will just know myself, and that will be all I need to know about God,” will never know either one. Those who say, “I will know God, and that will be all I need to know about myself,” will never know either one.

In both instances the one seeking to “know” will create only endless delusions of things that cannot be true.

Neither God nor man, that is, ourselves, can be known except as a symmorphic union, TWO together as one. – That they might be one as We are one; I inside of them, and You inside of Me, that they might be fully complete inside of one… (John 17).

Knowing God – Knowing Ourselves. Jesus’ words bring you and me into the full communion of Father and Son.

The knowing of God and the knowing of ourselves is a reciprocal, personal, and ongoing relationship. The revelation of God is a continuous back and forth between what God is in Himself and what we are in ourselves, sharing one another’s lives together.

“God” without the human isn’t God, but rather, religious imagination. The human without God isn’t human, but rather deceitful above all and desperately wicked.

Earthen vessels – filled with all the fullness of God.

Known by All. God-Revealed is you and me bringing this knowing to every created entity at their level and in their season.

This lesson, then, is just a brief look at the primary topic of A Highway for God, and that is, God entering into His creation through us, His visible form to heaven-earth. And that means, into their knowing.

A creation of life is a creation in which God is known by all through us His Church. Yet there is no such thing as a “blanket” knowing of God as from a distance. Knowing God must always be personal and together.

Three Places of Expression. EVERYTHING that exists in all the spiritual realms of the heavens and all the physical realms of the natural earth and stars and planets, has three places or levels of expression.

Everything exists first as thoughts inside of God, and each thing or entity or being that exists possesses its own unique set of God-thoughts. God never confuses between one set of thoughts and another.

Nonetheless, these many sets of thoughts are God-only and are not yet that created thing that will be. All of God’s thoughts must pass first through Jesus, that is, they must be spoken aloud, before anything created can be.

Spoken by Jesus. All through Him becomes, and without Him not even one thing becomes that has become (John 1:3). You can see that I changed the tense to present tense and to a continuous flow because God is all here now.

The second expression of all things that exist, then, is the Word originally in God, now spoken by the Lord Jesus.

This second expression is not a one-time action, but continuous. – This Son is the shining forth of glory and the character and exact reproduction of God’s substance, bringing forth, carrying, and sustaining all by His word of power (Hebrews 1:3).

The Unfolding of Our Lives. The third expression of all things that exist, then, is the thing or entity or being itself, now in its created form, yet only as a present moment of time. For that reason, we use the term, “un-folding.”

Every thought inside of God comes through the good-speaking of Jesus to become the unfolding of our lives every moment forever. Yet God Himself can be known only through faith.

At the same time, Jesus, the All-Speaking of God, exists in the form of a life-giving Spirit inhabiting a physical body, which is us together, His Church.

Connecting Individuals with God. And thus the good-speaking of Jesus is in our mouth, coming through our voice into the creation. This is Jesus for real.

And so our task is a simple one. Our task is to show each person, each in his or her season, first humans and then angels, that every cry of their heart, every true desire, all desire to belong, to express themselves, to find their place of joy and giving, that all of it is coming out from Father and all of it is and has always been Father with them.

The words of Jesus, now in our mouth (Romans 10), show each person who they are and how much God needs them.

ONE Human Person. Think about this. – My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with You (Psalm 139:15-18).

These are God’s thoughts concerning ONE person, separate and distinct from His thoughts concerning everyone and anyone else.

The Contention of My Life. This, then, is my primary interest in writing A Highway for God, that we might know the distinction of Word inside of God towards each individual person, that we might call each one by who they ARE and not by any other word.

And this has been the great CONTENTION and DILEMMA of my life over many decades, that other people, well-meaning but overwhelming, were attempting to call me by a word of their own design that had no match to that Word that was unfolding in my own heart as me. This practice in the Church is wicked and it must stop.

We are the revelation of Jesus Christ; we speak only the true words coming out of Father into each one.

The “Tithe of the Tithe.” Next, I want to look at God-Revealed through us from a slightly different, though similar view.

Consider our role together as resurrected sons of God among humans living on this earth through the Age of Tabernacles. As the firstfruits of Christ, we are the “tithe of the tithe.”

And so consider, just to give us a realistic picture, 7-8 individuals sharing together an intimate fellowship inside of God, who then walk together through the larger area of around 750 total people, as the peacemakers, the arbiters of justice, the “sounding board” for all.

A New World. Here is what I am getting at.

The world as it is now is that relationship among humans and angels inside the spirit of the evil one. In the Age of Tabernacles, the new world will be the relationship among humans and angels inside the Spirit of God.

And you and I will walk as God-Revealed, causing everyone to know how this relationship together inside of the Spirit Holy actually works. The words of Jesus in our mouths will guide all in knowing how to relate together.

Into the Air. Finally, there is a third view of God-Revealed through us that I want to touch on, something truly incredible that we have not yet experienced.

Consider these words. – Then, we who live and remain, right along with them, will be seized inside the clouds into the meeting, connecting with the Lord into the air; and so, we will always be jointly-together with the Lord [sharing the same form] (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Out from John 6:63, the words that I speak to you are Spirit and they are Life, I am seeing in this line a totally different picture than has ever been seen before.

God Showing Himself. God uses air and water as the two primary metaphors of His Spirit, distinct from each other but also very similar.

This “connecting with the Lord into the air,” and “sharing the same form with the Lord,” then, takes on a meaning that is simply beyond wondrous.

Just as in the fairy tales when an invisible spirit being shows him or herself through the swirling together of many little beings in the air, so God will show Himself directly, God Himself, through our swirling together as the Church. And God Himself will take our many voice boxes together and speak as one Voice through us to those in attendance.

Practical and Real. Now, if that doesn’t knock your socks off your feet, I don’t know what will. As Paul said in verse 18, “Therefore, encourage and comfort one another in these words.”

The many ways in which God in Person will show Himself to His creation through us is beyond count, things of which we have no present knowledge.

Yet God is always practical and real to our human lives inside this heaven-earth. And the purpose of the Age of Tabernacles is that we might learn together all the many practical ways God shows Himself to humans and angels through our form.

God-Revealed NOW! Nonetheless, the primary form of God Revealed forever is Christ Community, brethren, regular folks, sharing life together, loving one another with pure hearts fervently.

I do not look for the fantastic, but for the real, for God’s real is incredibly fantastic. And God’s real is all that I know Christian Community to be and much more beyond.

But we do not wait until the resurrection to know God’s real, for God reveals Himself through us as the Church together right now. Right now we are the Community of Christ; right now we are God-Revealed.