33. The Door Again

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33. The Door Again - for Notes


33. The Door Again - PP

In giving the instructions for the Tabernacle, Moses described the Door of the Holy Place as the face and presence of God, that “surface of form,” one might say, of the speaking and knowing of God to all.

Here is the same word in the gospel. – For the God who said, “Out of darkness light shall shine” (Genesis 1:3), this same God shines inside our hearts towards the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God as the face and presence of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Our faces together ARE the face of Christ towards all.

Veil, Door, & Gate. As we are the temple of God, so all beings in heaven and earth will see and know God by seeing and knowing us.

We don’t take that to meaning that they will “worship God,” by “worshipping us,” for that is not God. Rather, they will worship a God who shows Himself through our loving one another in all honor and regard.

Remember that there is no Veil except as our human faces together. At the same time, we will see that the Gate, in its fulfillment, is simply a further expression of the face of God. Thus we see that it is the Door that carries God’s meaning forever as the display of Himself to creation.

The Church Appears. We are the Door together of God’s face ONLY out from the strength of our sharing of Christ together as each local family of God.

There is no Salvation Revealed except out from a completed Church as the fullness of Christ filling all in all.

Here is John’s view of that Church as she first appears. – And a great sign was perceived in heaven, a woman enclothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a garland [of victory] of twelve stars. And having [a child] in her womb, she screams, being in travail and being tortured to bring to birth (Revelation 12:1-2 – rough JSV).

Christ Community. And here is John’s second view of that Church, many local assemblies all across the earth.

And I saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having been prepared as a bride having been adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out from the throne, saying: “Look and see, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they will be His peoples, and God Himself, their God, will be with them (Revelation 21:2-3).

The face of the Tabernacle of God is the Door, that is, the faces together of each local assembly of Christ Community, God-with-us.

Why a Door? Being “enclothed with the sun,” having put on the Lord Jesus Christ, being already prepared, is that which all creation sees, the Door as the face and presence of God.

And why a Door? Because a Door is the entrance of Home, and because a Door is the issuance of Life out from Home. I have observed over time that God really likes a Door. He puts them everywhere and makes sure that we notice them.

And so we also should consider the meaning of Door as Face and Face as Door seriously. And look at that! There are three doors on every face, the doors of the entrance of light, of aroma, and of sustenance.

Three Become Three. That is incredibly cool, and I have never thought of such a thing before now. You see, I was just wondering how I will bring the three things we share together as the Church into those same things shown to creation.

And now I see that is the entire meaning of a Face.

Okay, let’s get our patterns straight. The three things inside the Holiest, God Energeia, Heart Covenant, and the authority of Mercy become inside of Christ Community – life laid down for one another, the light and warmth of belonging, and a living bread of sustenance.

Become Three. Then those three things, passing through our shared life together, become towards creation a new Word ordering all things, a new Spirit by which all things are known, and a Morning Sacrifice as Father’s Heart shown to all.

And the passage of each of those three things out from the Holiest is upon our face together, the seeing of goodness, the speaking of Christ, and the aroma of a Hheart underneath of and carrying all.

Consider music on a record player or CD or mp3 drive. The music is there, but no one will hear it unless it passes first through an amplifier. The music through the amp comes out from the vibrations of the speaker to be heard by all.

Voice and Word. Our voices together, then, are one third of the face of Christ. And out from our mouths comes that same Word of Christ sustaining all, but now in a form that everyone can receive and understand.

Just as Jesus shows the Father to us, so we show the sustaining Words that are Christ through our speaking. These are the very Words already written on our hearts as the Covenant.

But now, every Word God speaks is given a visible expression such that every creature in heaven and earth can know the precious Words of life by which they exist.

Many Speaking Together. Think about the strength of the jaw. The jaw and the teeth chew up the food that will be sustenance so that the internal organs are able to process that food. Then turn that thought in the other direction.

The Word that I share with you comes out from the Holiest inside of which we dwell. BUT – the casual reader cannot make any sense out of how I word things. It will take Christ Community, many speaking together, for the Word of the Holiest to become common and familiar to every person on earth.

Thus the Word of the Lord goes forth from Jerusalem.

Eyes and Compassion. Our seeing together is the second one-third of the face of Christ to all creation. The second part of God’s entrance out through His Door into creation is how we see.

Seeing is judgment, as we have learned, but here it is our judgment as believers together concerning those living outside our fellowship.

With the seeing, then, is the brow. The forehead can be either the hardness of domination or the gentleness of compassion. And we all know the difference between the two.

Many Seeing Together. Many seeing together – this is a thought I have never before considered. This is different from sharing the same vision or walking in agreement, this is an exercise outward towards those not inside the fellowship.

This is a judgment together that this or that must result in goodness, regardless of outward appearance. And thus, this avenue of God into His creation is an outward compassion and kindness together.

When a visitor sees the same kindness coming in agreement from all in a community, that person will know they are seeing God.

Aroma and Expression. Then, the aroma of Christ through us is the third part of the face and presence of God. – The aroma of Christ in every place (2 Corinthians 2:15).

Paul said that this aroma brings life to some and death to others. It is the end of the false story of “I-not Christ” to some and the true story of “Christ my life” to others. It also is the impact of God through us that requires a decision, that draws people in to know the Lord.

Then, away from the nose proceeds all the human expressions of the face, expressions of laughter and disgust, and all the range between, that is, our humanity.

Many as Aroma Together. Aroma is the flavor and sense of a community of Christ. It is that underlying feeling a visitor senses or that regard with which the larger area holds a community of Christ.

And the sense of that “aroma” going forth would be the essence of heart, of life laid-down and love poured-out, of Christ through His Church carrying all.

Think of a Christ Community of 75 people on the outskirts of a small town of 6-700 people. That larger community would KNOW that the people of the Christ Community were there for them, in all that was balanced and proper, and not the other way around.

The Passage of Symmorphy. Three becomes three becomes three. The Ekenosis, the passage of Symmorphy.

Three inside God with each one of us becomes three in our sharing together as the Church becomes three in our showing of Father to all creation. Word – Spirit – Heart. God’s pattern is perfect and complete.

In the remainder of this lesson, let’s look at how the three things inside the Holiest, passing through our life together, become the ordering of all creation inside a universe of life. These are also the topics of the next three lessons.

A New Word. The words of Christ made personal as us, and especially the words of the Jesus Secret II, are becoming quite familiar to us. As we speak those words, so we think more and more like God thinks and we see things as He sees them.

Nonetheless this way of speaking and seeing is NOT known in this world, not even in the Church. The beginning of the river of life flowing into all is the words of our speaking together.

This is brand new, and, as we are seeing right now in A Highway for God, God-Words are beyond all wonder and beauty. Good-speaking will change everything.

A New Spirit. The change of our seeing and our judgment will create a new spirit resting upon the world, a new spirit of knowing in which everyone will walk.

In the night, I saw how profoundly my own mind has changed, with no consciousness of sins, and the result is a change in my seeing. It is as we see together, then, that a change will come within the consciousness of all.

Human knowledge will result only in blessing with no curse or sorrow added to it. – And obviously, this new spirit can come only out from a radical change of heart.

A New Heart. The morning sacrifice, then, as God’s frontal position forever, is a new heart towards all resulting in a new heart among all.

This is a true human heart that genuinely regards the things of others as being more important than the things of self without any self put-down mixed in it. This is a heart that carries all for all. A sweet-smelling sacrifice – the aroma of Christ in every place.

This new heart is found, then, in and as every human expression, delight, and concern.

God Made Visible. By the Door of our mouths, we call God into the knowledge of all. By the Door of our eyes, we judge with God all things good. By the Door of our smelling, we place the heart of God beneath of all, the aroma of Christ Sacrifice in every place.

And thus, upon our faces together, God is made visible.

I think it has become very clear to us that these three things MUST BE our full experience together continuously before they could ever flow out from us to transform the world. This is the way it is and has always been. – As is the Church, so also is the world. – Think on that statement!