8. The Jesus Secret

© Daniel Yordy – 2020

In this letter, I hope to define again, in a fresh and present way, the meaning and critical importance of homologia, speaking the same word that is Jesus, which I have also called, “Speaking Christ,” and titled “The Jesus Secret.”

In the Eucharist, Jesus commands us, “Bring Me into your mind.” Speaking the same word that is Jesus is how we do that.

Here is a diagram of the pathway by which the thoughts of the heart, those things that define who and what we are at the core of our beings, become first the thoughts of our mind and then the seeing or judgment of the eyes.

Word is not allowing me to add pictures right now, so until that is resolved, I am limited to these shapes.
From Heart to Eyes.jpg

The source of our human person is the heart. The thoughts of the heart control the voice box out from which the tongue speaks.

There are two options only for the heart, either Jesus lives in our hearts through faith OR our hearts are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. It’s all one or it’s all the other, the gospel does not allow for both at the same time.

Then, the tongue is speaking either blessing or cursing. James insists that both cannot happen out from the same mouth; nonetheless, it seems to us that we continue to speak both. Then, James also said that the tongue is the rudder of our ship. We go in the direction that we speak.

But in saying that, we are referencing the mind, for it is the mind that is the governor or director of our spirit/body functions. If James is correct, then we can say it this way. – The mind thinks what the tongue speaks.

There are two minds possible, the mind of Christ or the mind of the flesh, that is, a mind separated from Christ.

Then, finally, the thoughts of the mind control the eyes, how we see what is all around us. That seeing is our judgment, the outward action closest to our being created in the likeness of God. Let me explain that last statement. It is by the judgment of our eyes and the speaking of our tongue, going out from us, that we, synergeoing together with God, impact the things of creation all around us, causing them to turn towards goodness and life.

Accomplish your salvation to full completion in fear and trembling, for God is the present and active Energeoing inside of you, both to desire and to Energeo for the sake of good pleasure and satisfaction (Philippians 2:12-13).

And do not share the same outward pattern of expression with this age but be transformed, that is, metamorphosed, by the renewing of your mind, into proving out what is the desire of God, that which is good, well-pleasing, and complete (Romans 12:2).

Such that the fellowship and sharing of your faith might be energeoing inside of the acknowledgment of every good thing that is inside of us, inside of Christ (Philemon 1:6).

Look at that. I have never put these lines together before, but they are clearly dovetailed together. Go through these verses and give these thoughts time to merge together in your mind.

God is being God in our hearts. But the proof of God going out, accomplishing His good pleasure in creation, is the result of “the renewing of our mind.”

Then we have two opposing expressions – the outward expression of this age versus the acknowledgement of every good thing.

Here is the conclusion thus far. I think what I speak.

Speak what God says you are.

As we speak what God says, as He says it, we think like God thinks.

God is clearly doing mighty God-things inside our hearts. But God cannot get out from our hearts into our minds that we might prove all things good without the action of our voice box. The tongue determines the direction of everything.

God cannot go from our hearts to our minds except through the tongue. – The Word is in your mouth (Romans 10:8). – Bring Me into your mind.

Next, let’s bring this concept of the pathway of God through us back into the mighty and overwhelming reality that God, Himself in Person, is stepping out from our hearts to be seen and known by all inside of His creation.

God created us just like Himself so that He might be Himself through us.

Just as God first speaks and then sees, so we first speak and then see. And our human action of speaking and then seeing determines the flow of the river out, either to life or to death.

A critical question is – what kind of a God are we calling through us into the knowledge of others? Are we calling a God who is known through the human Jesus or are we calling a God who is known through the image of the serpent?

Before continuing, I want to set out exactly what I hope to convey by the title of this letter, “The Jesus Secret.”

You and I have a very specific task together out from God now, over these next several years. And towards those of you who have embraced this word I share, with joy, and have been faithful in speaking Christ made personal as you and in practicing in your own way the wondrous exercise of being the Mercy Seat of God, I see that you also share this task with me. This is something we are doing together, though we be scattered across the planet.

You and I stand between. On one side is God, the Father, God who is All WORD. On the other side is an individual, named human, a human whose every detail is coming out from their own set of words inside of God.

These two are alienated from each other, even hostile towards each other. The reason is that they are ‘frightened’ of each other.

Now, someone will say, “How on earth could God be ‘frightened’ of a human, Yordy?”

What, then, is this? – And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground (Luke 22:44).

Just four hours earlier, Jesus had asked the Father to bring all who belonged to Him into the Father inside of Himself. Now, Jesus is faced with millions of abusive humans entering into Him and the task of becoming their abuse over the next 2000 years. Now if that wouldn’t scare the tar out of you, I don’t know what would.

God gave all authority over creation to humans and we have used that authority to abuse God more than our abuse for one another combined. God love does not eliminate His pain; rather, His pain shows us the incredible magnitude of His love. You and I will never know the levels of pain God bears inside Himself as He has been attacked and mis-used by humans for six thousand years.

God through Jesus, that is, through Jesus’ tears in Gethsemane and through the willingness of Jesus’ heart, God is willing to enter into the knowledge of this single, named, individual. But God also knows that this Christian WILL continue to hurt Him on the one hand and on the other hand, this Christian WILL make use of God for his or her own dark and selfish purposes.

Then, this human KNOWS deep inside just how much they have offended God and are frightened that the entrance of God into their knowledge will expose all their vile and dishonest practice.

The entire problem on the human’s side of this equation is that none of it is true. All their fear and accusation against God is entirely imaginative mental fantasy.

Consider the absolute depths inside this one line. – God was inside of Christ reconciling and reconnecting the world or cosmos to Himself, not counting to them their false steps, that is, their disconnection from and abuse towards God (2 Corinthians 5:19).

Not counting any sin to them. –

Our job is to call this Personal God into the knowledge of this individual man or woman.
From the time of Constantine until now, Christians have used swords and clubs to beat the knowledge of God into non-Christians. Whole nations have been converted to Christianity at the point of the sword. Charlemagne, in himself a reasonably decent man and ruler, bloodied his sword with the slaughter of thousands of Saxons in order to convert them to Christ.

The preacher of “hellfire and brimstone” is no different. Yet even preachers of grace know neither the God they are calling in, nor the human into which they are calling God.

What a mess we have made of the gospel.

Here, then, of course, is our task – but in general.

God has already reconciled and reconnected us to Himself through Christ, and has given to us the ministry or service of reconciliation and reconnection, how that God was inside of Christ reconciling and reconnecting the world or cosmos to Himself, not counting to them their false steps, that is, their disconnection from and abuse towards God, and [this same God] has set forth and placed inside of us the Word of reconciliation and reconnection with God. For the sake of Christ, therefore, we are ambassadors as God Himself encouraging and inviting through us. We deeply desire for the sake of Christ: Be reconciled, connect yourself back [through faith] to God (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

I say “in general” because it is clear that this assignment has not been working well at all, not for anyone.

And so, regardless of what anyone else’s task might be throughout the Church, our task is a small subset of this larger picture of reconciliation. We do not have the job of calling people into the knowledge of God. Our job is to call God into the knowledge of people. – And that is something quite different.

Now, I am driving straight towards the CRITICAL importance of the Jesus Secret.

Let’s consider God first. God is Word; God is Spirit; God is Heart, that is, Love. And as an infinite number of infinite numbers of Words as His own story told inside of a Spirit self-awareness centered around a Heart of the deepest compassion, God sends forth those words through the speaking of a Spirit Word, Christ Jesus, to become the vast number of expressions inside the entire realms of creation.

And this God, in spite of all His creativity and sending forth, is a very Personal and very private Person. That’s what Heart means.

A big part of this whole series is for us to learn the vast number of nuances, of colors of light, of shades of aroma, of sounds and tastes and feelings, of earth, air, fire, and water, that are expressed by the Words that are this incredibly private and Personal God, coming forth into His creation, yes, but even more so into each individual particle and person.

We must know the Words that are God, not as ideas for our intellects, to be manipulated by us, but as the essence of Heart, of Person, and of meaning.

Then lets’ consider the human. First, let’s expand Jesus’ parable of the ninety-nine safe sheep versus the one lost lamb out in the wilderness. Jesus used the number of 100 as a metaphor. Consider one billion Christians on the earth today, as counted in the broadest definition of “Christian.” Jesus meant, one in one billion.

But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name (John 10:2-3).

Wow, the meanings found hidden in these simple words that are God simply increase without end. But – the point is this, that salvation is always One with one. To know the human, we must separate out all the noise caused by all the other one billion and hear the plaintive cry, the deepest longings inside the heart and voice that is this ONE person, a person we know by name.

Now, we know that everything this person IS, in every particle of their makeup, spirit, soul, and body (but not counting the imaginative nonsense in their mind), everything real is coming out from their own personal set of Words that are Father, being spoken by Christ Jesus and becoming all the nuances of their own person and expression.

And what this one person WANTS with all the passion and through all the fabric of their beings, is to know that all the details of their being ARE coming out of Father, that Father is with them utterly, that they are the good speaking of Christ, that they BELONG, that Somebody Big likes them as they are.

Remember this great clash that is every individual inside of creation, both heaven and earth. The very same individuals who are longing with eager anticipation and desire to know God coming in are also the ones who are fighting as hard as they can to keep God out. And the very same individuals who are fighting as hard as they can to keep God out, are longing with all the tears of their soul to know God in.

To consider this one human, however, I must present myself, for I am the only person I know on the inside. To do that, I want to bring in another pattern in my life, a pattern that I have come to know fully only as I am writing my life story.

My entire life is divided into two parts. The first part is from my conception in my mother’s womb until December of 2001, a time of nearly 46 years. The second part is from December 2001 until now, 19 years and counting.

And the brother who marked the enormous difference – beyond enormous, between these two periods of my life was John Eldredge, one of my dearest friends, though I have known him only through his books. And the words John Eldredge taught me to speak, the words that ended a season that could best be called a nightmare of unending horror and began the present season that is becoming all joy fulfilled were these. “My heart is good; my heart is filled with Jesus.”

Just to write those words onto this page brings such gasps of weeping that I knew through those years I walked with John Eldredge, gasps of the gentle healing that is Jesus coming upon such great and jagged wounds.

To better express the difference of these two seasons, let’s reduce the earlier period to start at the time I asked Jesus into my heart at age seven, making the first season to be 37+ years. You see, the reason I asked Jesus to come into my heart was because the Vacation Bible School teacher had told me that Jesus would make my black heart to be white by His Blood.

Yet for 37 years, from age 7, that is my becoming aware of myself and of the Lord Jesus with me, to age 45, 99% of every word that came into me from other Christians, words of theology, words of preaching, words of rebuke and correction, words of “just speaking the truth in love, brother,” almost every word spoken by faces and foreheads crowding against me, were words seeking to convince me that my heart was bad, that I was wicked in one way or another, and most of all that I was contrary to God and God was contrary to me.

And every single one of those abusive words acted as the strand of a whip in cutting open its own particular wound to remain unhealed inside of me. And every single one of those abusive words acted as the strand of a whip cutting open its own particular wound inside of Father.

The horrific abuse of God-Word. – Did God really say that!

I now realize that all the wounds God has healed me of were inflicted upon me entirely by the belief, both in me and in those speaking to me, that Jesus was not my life, that Jesus was not all the expression of my soul, that Jesus was not personal to me.

And all the healing that has come from December of 2001 until now has become my discovery, bit by bit, that I am the Jesus Secret. – My whole life is the Jesus Secret, flowing always out from God. – God desires to make known the riches of the glory of this Secret, which is Jesus inside of Daniel Yordy, my incredible and certain HOPE of glory (Colossians 1:27 – modified and made personal – put your own name in the blank).

And how do I know myself and how do I know my Father? – By speaking the same word that is Jesus, now made personal as me.

Speak the same word that is Jesus, now made personal as you.

Speak the same word that is Jesus, now made personal as you.

Two more things before I bring all this home again to the critical point – which is what I just said – Speak the same word that is Jesus, now made personal as you.

First, consider the great disconnect found in those whose job it was supposed to be to connect Father with me and me with Father, those who followed Constantine instead and turned the cross into a brutal instrument to hack people to pieces.

To speak of God to people is always a speaking of words through a Spirit anointing. It is a prophesying, a calling of God into the knowledge of the person towards whom those words are directed.

Everyone of these people who spoke into me about “God” as the voice of God to me, did not know Father at all and they did not know me at all. They spoke words of the Bible, yes, but words they knew only by the gospel of the serpent, the twisting caused by “Did God indeed say.”

They did not know Father because they never asked, “Let it be to me according to You Word.” They never knew Father as His words, as He actually says, now made Jesus personal inside of them.

And they did not know me because they never asked, neither did they ever consider the good-speaking of Jesus always sustaining me.

Second, let’s look at something more ghastly than anything I have ever considered.

I am going to name two names, ministers of the gospel. And I will reference these two men and this thing that they do four times through this series of letters. The first is here, in setting forth the CRITICAL importance of the Jesus Secret. The second will be in the upcoming letter “Keeping God Out.” The third will be in the letter, “Respect Dispels Contempt,” that we honor these two men as God Himself – “Touch not Mine anointed and do My prophets no harm.” And the fourth will be in a letter seeking to understand Justice as it enters this world out from our hearts.

I am saying all this very carefully, for we MUST KNOW the line and the joining between Justice and Respect if we are to call our Father into this world.

The two men I must reference are John Hagee and Benny Hinn. I am speaking of a YouTube video of these two recently, a video that was linked to in an article I read a few days ago outlining the extraordinary violence and wickedness of the government of the United States of America, something that all American Christians can know, but which most refuse to know. I will not watch the video, nor do I recommend that you watch it either. We do not need the words that ABUSE our Father anywhere near our minds.

In that video, these two men, born again and filled with the Spirit, ministries of Christ and anointed of God, are on a television presentation with heads bowed praying together.

These two men ARE prophets of God and by their words they are calling God into this world. The Spirit of God is upon their flesh, a gift God never thinks about removing, and the authority of God is in their mouth, for God has given His authority to human believers in Jesus.

John Hagee and Benny Hinn were commanding God to enter into this world through the violence of the United States military and burn to death millions of innocent people with fire from the sky at the behest of the sect of the Pharisees, people who worship Satan openly and whose sole drive right now is to eliminate the name of Jesus from off this earth.

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of …the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to – kill one another in war (Revelation 16:13-14 – modified).

Yet God has been abused in this same way by His prophets for 1900 years, commanding God to enter by committing unspeakable actions of SIN.


SO – here is your Father, longing with all His heart to enter into His creation to be the immediate life and joy of every created being. Here is an individual human, frightened out of his wits, longing to know Father with him and fighting against God with all his might.

Then, here is you, standing in-between, the caller, the prophet, the one who calls IN.

The critical question is – What kind of a God are we calling through us into the knowledge of His creation, of each individual person? And who is it, really, into whom we are calling God?

I am not finished with this letter, and so I must bring in two more things before I close it out.

As I came home from my trip to Tennessee this last October, I knew that God had removed from me some wrong directions of thinking regarding His word. One result was that I was in a bit of a dump for a couple of months. That’s never a problem, because a season of seeming lack always marks a soon-coming abundance, as God’s true understanding flows in.

I love writing The Jesus Secret II. I love the knowing of the Words my Father speaks now made personal as Jesus Sent into me as all that I am. The problem is that I need a clear mind to write those pieces, because they must be precise. Yet I have not been getting enough sleep. I was stuck just at the layout of Romans 8:18-30.

I got enough sleep Sunday night and early Monday morning, I whipped out six pages covering that short section of Scripture, the rule of Paul’s gospel over everything else God says. Just three more pages to go and Romans will be finished and I get to move on into the glory of Paul’s prison letters.

The reason I love writing The Jesus Secret II is just how beautiful the Words God speaks are becoming to me now, in all their shades and nuances of color and expression, aroma and sense. Every book of Paul’s thus far carries it’s own unique flavor, each different from the next. And this same knowing of such beauty very much includes my careful work on the Jesus Secret translation.

If I could impose, just a little bit. I would turn you, if you would be willing, towards downloading and printing out every portion of The Jesus Secret II as it comes out, and then speak through those words out loud over and over. Let the Words that are God become your entire MIND; they are already written as Jesus upon your heart.

Finally, before we arrive at the critical conclusion of this letter, I must share again one of the Annie visions. I will condense this here, but you can find all of it at the link.

The Wave of Pure Light
With tremendous strength and demonstration of purpose, the Lord talked to me about a great “now” when He would be gathering multitudes of souls. In contrast with His chosen in whom He had been performing a profound work, this new operation would be carried out in a completely exposed way and with great clarity.

God showed me a new and extraordinary wave of heavenly pure light and life that He is accumulating to prepare the manifestation of the Great Harvest that will develop underneath the storm of evil which is forming. He told me that He would not wait or retain this wave anymore, but that He would proceed to manifest it because His great “now” had come. While being released by Him, it would flow over the earth, returning multitudes of souls to the fold.

This new wave, full of powers and forces of light and life, was His instrument and had a double function: one opened as the incision of a sharp sword, and the other penetrated and went through beyond all defense and accomplished what God had proposed.

He showed me how this new wave operated: there were like gigantic arms that collected in an increasing scale countless multitudes of souls for Christ. In amazing operations of God, in great power and strength, thousands and millions were taken for Him.

However, there were differences between the levels and conditions of these souls that the wave of light had reaped regarding the elect ones who walked above the storm. The elect ones were obviously superior in development and light, but despite their inferior condition, the souls that gathered under the storm were more numerous and were equally precious to the Lord and He was especially interested in the harvest of this multitude. With great joy and power He was intensively working to fulfill this.

The inferior condition of the new ones was detectable not by their appearance, but by their relationship with God. Those who walked above the storm had a very intimate relationship with Him, characterized by a great intensity, as if they were linked with the same fires and torrents of the divine nature. When the new ones took abundant blessings from God, it was due to the fact that they rebounded from His chosen ones. The blessing of one had an impact as a blessing for another one.

Clearly the operation of God in this wave of light developed in the chosen ones through the purity and the holiness… Although He desired this wave to burst in this explosive force of purity, something was still missing for this to happen. The moment of the explosion would be precipitated and lit by the elect ones who were above the storm.

Each one of them individually had to open as if it were a door inside them, and they also had to enter an even higher place of communication with Christ, which at the same time, would open their inner doors to the manifestation in great power of this force of light.

While opening these doors, that great wave of light would pass through them and would start to accomplish its purposes and works over the land of the final harvest. …Those who were above the storm of darkness, that is, the elect ones could not be shaken as they were rooted and asserted in their relationship with Christ

He told me that these sons that would give way to this new wave, must be extremely purified. This purification is of fundamental importance, not only for themselves, but also for these new ones that will be gathered. This high, complete purification of the elect ones is equivalent to the opening of the doors inside them that will rebound in a force of great life and light to those thousands that are still in darkness.


Now, I want you to take everything in this vision, interpret it all in terms of what we are now seeing regarding God entering into His creation through the Portal of our hearts to be seen and known by all, and then place all of it into these words. – “My heart is the Entrance of God.” –

He who has this hope in Him purifies Himself JUST AS He is pure (1 John 3:3). – “These sons must be extremely purified.”

Here is the conclusion of this letter.

This is age-unfolding life, to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent (John 17:3).

This series is taking this statement of Jesus into a dimension of reality and experience we have never known or considered.

We now see this “age-unfolding life” as this wondrous unfolding of God our Father, as every facet of Word that He is, out through our hearts into the knowledge and ongoing joy of many.

Let me define purity.

Our purity as the callers of God is to KNOW intimately and personally, deep into the Heart of our Father, every Word that He is in every shadow and nuance of personal meaning and intimate application.

And our purity is to KNOW intimately and personally, Jesus Sent as every Word that He is having already become this one individual person in all that God made them as they are. To know this one’s heart, to know them for real.

And our purity is to KNOW the wondrous words, filled with utmost respect and honor for God and for this one, by which we call our Father into the knowing of their hearts.

These are the things I hope to write about as we go forward from here.