44. Joining Heart with Heart

© Daniel Yordy – 2021

I have no idea how to join the Heart of Father together with the heart of this individual person that I have brought with me to Him. I hardly know how to draw the hearts of both and I know nothing about how to join them together.

Yet that is our calling and joy.

Since I cannot share with you any experience in doing something as grand as this, I will limit myself only to that joining of Heart with heart that I have known, Father’s Heart with mine.

I do know myself, and I now understand my life story and this journey of knowing my Father that God has taken me through all the days of my life.

My journey began with the picture of a red heart placed upon a black heart, making it white.

And again, here is the word that we speak that causes this wondrous joining of God’s Heart together with the heart of this lost soul whom we bring to the Father. – Christ lives inside of your heart through faith.

Everything we would talk about in this letter is found inside that one line.

“Christ, the very Heart of the Father, lives inside of your human heart of flesh through your confidence that He does. Let me show you what that means.”

I was just nineteen years old the first time I heard the voice of my Father, that is, Christ Jesus, speaking to me in English inside my spirit. I heard two words, “My son.” And I was still nineteen when I heard the Spirit turning words on the pages of the Bible into words written upon my heart, made personally mine. – “The Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth.”

I realize now that in that moment the words of the gospel became beautiful to me.

This becomes, then, a very simple equation. We say to the human person with whom we are visiting, “This word, this wonderful word of the gospel belongs to you personally. Jesus has already written it upon your heart. He is talking about you and about Himself in you.” And we say to the Father in that same moment, “Father, look upon my brother or sister’s heart; I know that it is as beautiful to You as it is to me. Show this dear one Yourself inside his or her heart.”

You and Jesus together, then, are joining Heart with heart.

It is said that there are two things that touch the heart of the human, beauty and affliction. We could also say that beauty and affliction are the two things that touch the heart of God.

What do you see when you walk through Walmart pushing your cart? As you look at all the lonely people you pass, what do you see? As you see beauty and you see affliction, so you are just like Jesus, for that is what He also sees.

In the beauty is the desire and in the affliction is found the gentle kindness of God.

I don’t know that there is any Bible line that catches my heart more than, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.”

Here is the larger passage, Isaiah 53:2-5. Notice how this line places beauty and desire together. I wrote the above before I read this.

He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

When it says, “for our iniquities,” it means that Jesus enters into our awfulness and offers Himself to us that He might take that awfulness far away from us.

I want to show you a very roughly made line that demonstrates the increase of the beauty of the Words of the gospel to me and the increase of my desire to know them as my own.

Hockey Stick Graph.jpg

That’s meant to be a “hockey stick,” that is, that which grew very slowly for many years has shot up like a rocket steadily since I began writing these letters, discovering that the words of the gospel have always been more wondrous and more beautiful than we have ever known and have already and always been written upon our hearts.

My love of the Bible, that its words to me are so beautiful, and my desire to know God by those words now increases exponentially every day.

Yet at the same time, and in equal measure, this joining of my affliction with the affliction of Jesus, and His taking all my sorrow upon Himself and giving me joy and kindness in its place, this joining of affliction that I now turn and extend out towards others, Father with me for others, so also this knowing has grown in me.

Now, towards the Father, in drawing His Heart and joining Father’s Heart with this one human heart, we rest in the certainty that the Father’s Heart is Jesus. As we know Jesus, so we know Father’s Heart.

And one word describes this Heart of Father that is Jesus – Pro-Determination! God has seized you in His grip at every cost to Himself and He will never let you go.

Then, to the human, we join their hearts to Jesus by two means. Sometimes one comes first and sometimes the other comes first, back and forth, according to the seasons of this one’s life.

Those two things are the beauty of the Word written upon the heart, describing you as you are, and the love of this Man who shares your pain with you and comforts you, giving you His joy in its place.

As I think about it now, I realize that few Christians really know “Jesus with me.” Their hearts have been so blighted by fear and unbelief – a ‘Jesus’ faraway, and their minds have been so darkened by the intellectual knowledge of Bible words carrying serpent definitions, that they don’t really know, “Jesus with me.”

The Bible is not beautiful to so many, that’s why they stay away from it.

If I had been capable, here is what I should have said to the hard forehead filled with intellectual words. “Do you know Jesus with you? Do you really KNOW Jesus at home inside your heart?”

“This Word is Jesus, is it not? And this Word is Jesus living inside your heart, sharing Himself with you.”

I now know that I want to talk about these two things in this letter, the beauty of word and the comfort of shared affliction. I can assure you of this. It is these two things over many years that have won my heart and made it my Father’s only. Here is the joining of heart with Heart.

Now, the beauty of word written upon the heart is actually the work of the Spirit, for the form of that Word as it is written is Spirit ink. When God spoke to me, “The Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth,” He did not mean that the Spirit would give me all the correct ideas.

God meant that the Spirit would cause the words of the Bible to become Jesus written upon my heart, Jesus causing me to be, Jesus defining all that I am.

Then, the comfort of shared affliction is the work of the Son, that He shares our sorrows and griefs with us as His own. This is Gethsemane. – For us, for our sakes.

At the same time, as I look across my life, I realize that these two, the beauty of the Word written upon my heart and the comfort of shared affliction, are woven together in my experience all the way through.

Let’s talk first about the beauty of Word written upon the heart of this one human person whom we and Jesus together are drawing into union with the Father.

I want you to think about the one person who is closest to you in daily interaction, for me, it is Maureen, my wife. Of truth, this is the person who is most important for you to know in the way I will describe here.

First, think about yourself, your consciousness of yourself, all your hopes and dreams, all your thoughts and feelings, all your present life choices. Then, extend that same awareness of personal person to this one you are picturing by name. Again, for me, it is Maureen.

Thus, I envision her just like myself as a person inside of value and worth, I contemplate her, inside herself, completely separate from her “face” as I have known her. This is a first for me, I have never considered another person in this way. In fact, the definition of “face” in this way means my perception of her appearance to me. That means that what I “know” of her is little more than the thoughts and feelings of my own mind and not her at all.

But when I look at her person inside, as I am suggesting you do towards the one closest to you, I am astonished and disturbed, for I have never before considered the great weight of value that is Maureen inside her person, completely separate from my personal perception that I call, “Maureen.”

This is the first time I have ever thought in this way. Is this a lack of Asperger’s? Is everyone else fully perceptive of the personal person of great value and beauty, a person as real as they know themselves?

I don’t think so. I suspect that most everyone sees and knows only the perception of the other person they have created themselves in their own mind and emotions.

So, consider this person with whom you interact closely, consider his or her personal person inside, completely separate from your “perception” of them, not even considering their body, but only the person inside, the person that Jesus KNOWS.

This person is very different from you, though he or she is as real as you. This person also exists completely separate from your own perception.

This person is coming out from the good-speaking of Jesus every moment, out from the thoughts of Father God. This person is more beautiful inside and worth more than you have ever known or considered.

If you didn’t know better, you would fall on your knees and worship.

The words of the gospel, all the beautiful words of the gospel, are already written all through the pathways of this one’s heart. Think of the most beautiful music to you, think of the colors of the sunset, or of an English country garden. The beauty of those things cannot compare to the beauty of the words written upon this one’s heart.

BUT – those words take on a completely different hue and arrangement than what you know inside yourself. Yet they are as much value inside that person as they are inside of you.

Think of that person’s hopes and dreams, their frustrations and cares, what makes him or her happy or sad. It IS an entirely different arrangement of words and feelings than you know inside your own person.

And here’s the deal. Your value inside yourself is measured by the value by which you hold the inward personal things of this other person, a value that, at least I have never placed into my consideration before.

We are not talking about invading privacy; our knowing of one another is by permission only, by the sharing of fellowship. Yet if you were to walk inside that person’s mind and heart, you would know a VALUE equal to God.

The words of that person’s self-story are VERY DIFFERENT from the words of your own self-story. Words that mean something inside of you will not mean the same inside that person. Feelings that cause you to value yourself will not be the same inside of him or her. You are considering someone completely other, yet as personal and as valuable to themselves inside themselves as you are to you inside yourself.

I have never in my life considered what words would cause Maureen’s heart to sing with joy. And thinking about it now is quite overwhelming to me. This is going to take some time to process this new way of perceiving other people. It will take a transformation that is Christ alone.

If I am a son of God, so is Maureen, yet very different inside her own bubble of self.

Consider, in my own life story, the difference between the words Barbara James spoke into me versus the words John Eldredge spoke into me. Never once did the words Barbara James spoke “at” me ever mean anything to me personally inside. They never fit, they never spoke of me inside or of my heart relationship with Jesus. Nothing of life was ever stirred in me by those words, rather, in complete contrast, they brought only confusion because I trusted.

And when I watched others take such words into themselves in an attempt to form their persons by such words, I did not like what I saw, for it seemed to me only an increase in pretending, the wearing of an outward mask to fit a false perception of a false perception.

Then, when I first read John Eldredge’s words, my heart sang with such joy and such anticipation, such desire. Through page after page, John Eldredge’s words fitted me personally deep inside. Through those words, John shared his own person with me so that I might know the Jesus who already shared my life with me.

Other individuals may not be as affected by John Eldredge’s words as I was, or Joel Osteen’s. That is BECAUSE we are DIFFERENT. Every individual person IS a unique set of words coming out from God through the good-speaking of Jesus. Think of the great difference in the sounds coming out from the musical hearts of Ludwig Beethoven and Brian Wilson. Yet both brought forth brilliant symphonies of music, of melody and harmony and rhythm.

[Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys is Asperger’s like me, and the sounds of the songs all arise from within his heart, flowing onto the page in front of him in just the same way and with the same beauty as the words of Jesus flow out from my heart onto my computer screen.]

Different is GOOD. Different is of God.

And this is the whole point and purpose of what I have written thus far, from Chapter 25 “The Word of Our Hearts” until this chapter.

How can we call our God into our world if we do not know that He is an infinite number of Words inside Himself formed together in an infinite variety of arrangements? And how can we call this one human person into the knowledge of God with them if we have no idea of the specific and unique words that bring them joy, that cause their own heart to sing?

You don’t have to know a lot of words to speak Christ into someone. You just have to know those words that make that person sing. There is nothing brilliant in Bill Richey’s words to me, “Daniel, I’m so glad you are here.” But they sure did something important inside the heart of a confused and lonely twenty-one-year-old boy far away from home.

Now we want to look at Jesus sharing sorrow with this one, bringing comfort into their affliction and our role with Him in enabling them to know.

We speak well of the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort and encouragement; the One comforting and encouraging us in all our pressures of travail, inside and out, enabling us to comfort those inside every pressure through the comfort and encouragement with which we ourselves are comforted by God. Because, as the sufferings or passions of Christ abound into us, in just the same way, our comfort and encouragement also abound through Christ. More than that, if we are pressed with travail, it is for the sake of your comfort and salvation. If we are called to encouragement, it is for your comfort, energeoing inside the steadfastness of the same passions that we also suffer. And our hope for you is firm and certain, knowing that, as you share of the sufferings, so also you share of the comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).

Do you see just how Biblical my teaching of “God with you for the sake of others” really is?

The fellowship of Jesus’ suffering is NOT for self, but for others. We are sons of God; it is impossible to improve on our state or condition, for all the fullness of God fills us full and flows out from us into EVERY place as rivers of life. It’s not possible to have more than all.

To share in Jesus’ suffering is to share in His great work of bringing comfort to the hearts of those who are in distress.

As I look across my life, I see so many, many times, when the Lord Jesus arose inside of my distress and pain as great comfort and encouragement.

In fact, as I think now, the words Dan Kurtz spoke into me, “Christ is in you,” those were words of beauty written upon my heart. But when Bill Richey spoke to me, “Daniel, I am so glad you are here with us,” those words were deep comfort to me in my distress.

These two examples are the two different types of words in our ministry towards God and towards each Christian soul remaining in an unreal ‘lostness.’

One time, during our early years in Houston, I was feeling very discouraged and lonely. At my lowest point, the phone rang. It was Rick Annett, who then visited with me for an hour or so. When our conversation was over, all the discouragement and loneliness had vanished completely from my knowing and I was filled with joy.

Since I have known union with Christ, so many times, when I was inside great difficulty, the Lord Jesus just arose in my heart, spontaneously in my knowing, singing in joy, and sometimes just laughing.

This is why I am able to bring comfort into your own heart as well. – The One comforting and encouraging us in all our pressures of travail, inside and out, enabling us to comfort those inside every pressure through the comfort and encouragement with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

Here is what we must consider, however. Each person’s distress, each broken place in the heart of this one, is unique and different. Stock answers don’t work. Pronouncing “Christ” upon doesn’t work. They’ve never worked for me and they’ve never worked for you.

Go back into the soul of this one close to you, completely separate from the perception of them you hold in your mind. Consider their pain. It is different from the pain you have known in yourself. Yes, there are similarities, for we are all human. But the story of their pain is an entirely different story than yours.

How can you comfort that one if you do not know their inward pain? And how can you know their inward pain if you have not asked them and they have not shared from their hearts with you?

To presume that “God has told me what your pain is” is fakery that results only in increasing the pain. Much that is called “discernment” among Christians is nothing more than another unexpected blow carving another deep wound.

To draw out from someone, to ask, and to enable them with trust to share his or her deepest hurts with me, this is an ability I simply don’t have. I freeze up at the very thought, and no word comes near my mind that I could actually speak.

In recent years, I have said to other persons something similar to what Bill Ritchie said to me, but that was only because the situation was such that it was easy for me and did not take me into deep consideration of the inward personal person of each.

Nonetheless, this is a miracle of God that I have been able to speak such little words of comfort thus far, even though I still mostly can’t.

Yet this lack is very distressing to me, for I know how much value such words of comfort have been to me all my life, and I know that many of my readers also need me to speak good words of comfort personally into them, even from a distance. I have not been able to do it, for I just freeze up inside and can’t even look.

Yet this is not a demon, nor a lack of faith in Christ. This is the human me that God made for this season, and I rest inside of His wisdom.

I rest inside of God’s wisdom because I also see the great flow of understanding that God sends through all my distress. For how could I know these things I share with you any other way?

You see, my comfort and encouragement also abound through Christ to you. I don’t have to try to do what I cannot do, for my confidence is that, regardless, all the difficult things I pass through ARE becoming joy and life and encouragement inside of you. I know it, because Jesus is the One who encourages you.

The thing is, Jesus is not our ally, but we are His. All comfort is Jesus, our part is to believe in Him, even as we offer our little bit, as small as it might be. The little boy carried only the lunch his mother had packed for him, but Jesus turned it into sustenance for thousands.

I wonder now, looking back across the chapter titles “Word as” and “Sent as.” Would we find that the “Word as” side of things is the beauty of Word written uniquely inside each human soul of such great weight of value, and that the “Sent as” side of things is the comfort we bring to every lonely heart? Just thinking.

My purpose is this. It is my hope that both you and I would take this way of thinking seriously, that we would consider the specific and unique things that make each one person, precious beyond measure, to sing or to cry.

For you see, in all of this discussion, I have simply been exploring the practical meaning of – And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it, that is, sharing the same suffering; if one member is esteemed glorious, all the members rejoice with it, that is, sharing the same joy (1 Corinthians 12:26).

Sharing one another’s joy; sharing one another’s pain.

Why do I love Jesus with all my heart? I love Him because He sings the joy of my heart; I love Him because He shares the distress of all my pain. Heart with heart, joined utterly together.

Finally, let’s bring the drawing and the joining of Father’s Heart into the equation. Remember that there is one place only where God in Person will join together with any human, and that one place is the Mercy Seat. – And there I will meet with you.

Thus, it is simple and clear that the only way God would be willing and able to enter into union with this one human heart to whom we are speaking is that He find this person there, in our own hearts, carried by us to Him as His Mercy Seat, the throne of heaven.

This is what it’s all about. This is what God meant when He made us human, just like the Lord Jesus Christ.