14. Humility Dispels Arrogance

© Daniel Yordy – 2020
Humility: The complete and joyous acceptance that I am, as I am, the likeness and similitude of a God who shows Himself through weakness; the full surrender to Jesus that He is the One actively entering into union with all that is me; the sweet fellowship of Father with me in all things; the acceptance of my present circumstances as all goodness. Arrogance: A profound sensation of self-identity best described as aggrieved superiority rooted in the accusation that God should have made me better; a profound lust for superiority, whether in earthly things or heavenly things; the imaginings that cast Jesus as “superior” and “faraway” in His Being (the “Trinity”) and “God” as one who knows evil.

This is the door of essence, being, identity, or likeness; that is, Door 1 is Being.

And this is why God placed the most important verse in the Bible as the ruling verse.

Pro-Determined Symmorphosed with.

Two types of being – a God who comes into union with human weakness to show Himself to all – or – a separated and aloof heavenly, but formed “creature,” high above, who despises and condemns human weakness – you are NOT Christ.

Which likeness are we? – What is the essence of our being and God’s being? – When God appears inside His creation, what form does He take?

The Door of Being, closed, is arrogance, but the Door of Being flung wide open is humility, the humility of Christ, that is, the Ekenosis, Jesus showing us God – He humbled Himself.

What does this Door of Being opened to God as the humility of Christ mean in our lives? And what is God free to be inside of and through us as He enters as that Door?

We are coming up with some really good questions here. The best questions always draw in the very best answers.

That moment when we accepted the Lord Jesus as the One who has already come into union with us as all that we are was far more profound than we have ever known. At first, it was all about the wondrous joy of our Salvation and the precious knowing of close and intimate fellowship. And that is a wonderful place to be.

Nonetheless, as time goes on, our understanding of this Word becoming us increases and there comes a moment when we realize that our whole being and identity changed from one thing to another – yet we remain the same person!

You see – is it Christ my life, or is it sin my life? In Romans 7, Paul eliminates the fantasy that it could be “I” not-Christ. He shows without question that the only other option to “Christ not-I” is “Sin not-I.”

What does union with Christ really mean? What do these words, “you inside of Me and I inside of you” really mean?

Although we are only just now beginning to grapple with the real meaning of our union with Christ, nonetheless, these were the issues at stake inside of our first receiving of that union.

If God and man are polar opposites, operating out from opposing substances, then no union with Christ could ever be, not now and not ever.

And thus, being like God, arrogance versus humility, and receiving our precious union with Christ, are all inside the same contention. No union with God through Christ can happen unless Jesus is the Bridge, the Connection, between God and a human.

More than that, one kind cannot come into union with a different kind. No frog can ever mate with a hippopotamus to bring forth a frog-hippo life. God cannot come into union with us unless we ARE of His same KIND! And thus the Greek word translated “many brothers and sisters” in Romans 8:29  is so very important, for it means “out from the same womb,” or, by extension, of the same kind.

Defining the Open Door:
Virtue #1: The proof of Christ through me, that Jesus is my very and only life, that I am never other than He, that is, eating of the tree of LIFE. Inside of Jesus, I am inside of and part of everything that He is. Inside of Jesus, I connect with God in all ways that the Lord Jesus connects with God. Then, Jesus is inside of me in all that I am, both living as me and dwelling in my heart and fellowshipping with me in joyous friendship. Thus Jesus is inside of and part of everything that is me, including all my “less comely” parts. God connects with me, then, in all ways that the Lord Jesus connects with me.

Virtue #1: My complete rest inside of Jesus inside of me – Symmorphy.

Yet this is what we were from the moment we asked Jesus to save us. Nonetheless, the moment when we surrendered to this reality, that we are the very likeness of God by the Lord Jesus Christ, is the moment our “emergency rescue” was behind us.

Surrendering to our complete union with Christ was our action of opening this first Door to God, that He might enter His creation through us. God made us just like Himself so that He could live inside of us and reveal Himself through us. God likes us because we are like Him.

God-in for Us:
Because God gave me no guide other than His Holy Spirit through what seemed to me a wandering back and forth in darkness and fog, this opening of Door 1, calling God in, took two years and three months, from the moment I heard the words, “Speak what God says you are,” and began to write The Jesus Secret, until I came free from all accusation into complete rest inside of knowing my full union with Christ.

This was, in essence, a calling of God into me, the first part of calling God into His creation. And, of course, you have done the same. Nonetheless, it was about two years after before I finally came to know what my precious union with Christ had to mean for God and for me.

You see, I knew this union with my heart, but in my head there remained some of the definitions of God and of man that I had held from before. The idea of “the Trinity” is a powerful demonic stronghold, one that vanishes from our minds only when we speak about God by ONLY what God Himself speaks.

I am the kind of person that requires the ideas of my head to line up with what I know to be true in my heart out from the actual words of the gospel. Although this process often takes years, I never stop until my head agrees with Jesus in my heart according to what God actually says.

And so my definition of “God” HAD TO change, for the received definition from Nicene Christianity cannot enter into union with me nor I with Him. And, of course, a change in one’s definition of “God” requires a simultaneous change in one’s definition of man, that is, of myself.

Union with Christ, then, includes a knowing that Jesus is like me and I am like Jesus, extended to that wondrous knowing of God as the All-Carrying One, a God who carries me all the way through death and into life. This change of knowing happened for me through the writing of The Kingdom Rising, finishing with that wonderful chapter on being filled with all the fullness of God, something we cannot know unless we first know that, because we are like God, God, then, can make Himself to be like us.

This is the meaning of God-Through the Door of Being and Likeness, calling God into me.

Defining the Door Closed
In complete contrast, holding that door tightly closed and locked is a simple thing. God is not like me and I am not like God. God is completely OTHER. God is HIGH; I am LOW.  – Except that argument is deceptive in being simple, for it is the essence of arrogance.

The thing that blocks people from accepting their union with Christ is that fact that, to do so, they have to give all of their sin and sinfulness to Jesus, something they do NOT want to do. They want to keep their own sins all for themselves; “this is me.”

I am a sinner” is a smokescreen for rejecting God. And so people stumble over “Christ as me.” “That’s blasphemy, to call my sinful self by Christ.”

Keeping God Out
The creation of the arrogant Christ, the high-above Christ, the “line yourself up with Me” Christ, in the Christian imagination, then, is the simple and effective way to refuse the Lord Jesus, to keep God far away “where He belongs.” The image of “Christ is perfect and you are NOT” is how a Christian maintains rebellion against God. It’s their lust to be “better” than the abysmal form by which God designed them.

And so, John Calvin, at the beginning of all that he wrote, placed the human and God in this way. – When you see God, you will KNOW how low, sinful, and vile you really are.

Of course, God says that when we see God we are just like Him, something that has seemed to have fallen out of favor in preference for the silky-sick words of the devil. And so yes, I remember all those instances when I set out the idea of our becoming like God to otherwise wonderful brethren, and watching the hardness of arrogant darkness fill their eyes and foreheads towards me. “If you want to be like God, you are following the devil, and you will become arrogant like the devil.”

Hello? When I see God, I see God doing what He says. I never understood what they see when they say, “God.” I think they mostly saw themselves by the devil.

The definition of God one holds IS ALWAYS identical to the definition of self that one holds.

The False Call
What, then, is the “God” who is called falsely through an otherwise closed Door 1 into the knowledge of Christians?

 Calling God in falsely through a closed Door 1 is the “total depravity” of the Christian, followed by the crucifix, an always dying Jesus, the whips of “what’s your problem, loser, you should be dead.”

This “total depravity” is the “T” in TULIP, the outline of Calvinist theology, which itself is a hyper-expansion of Nicene and Catholic theology, the insertion of an absolute barrier between God and man. Calvinist theology begins with the “total depravity of the Christian.” And yes, that same concept was the beginnings of every truth Buddy Cobb preached into my life – “God hates the way you are.” Of course, that statement was dishonest in hiding its real meaning. The real meaning is “I hate the way God made me.”

At the heart of the “total depravity of the Christian,” then, is the statement of Jeremiah, referring to humans empty of God – “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” False prophets use that line, then, to drive Ephesians 3:17 and 2 Corinthians 3:3 far away from any Christian knowledge with, “your heart is the essence and source of evil.”

The arrogant Christ who comes through that closed Door, then, comes through, as Jesus said, with whips, but as John saw in his vision, one riding on his own high and mighty self-rightness, shooting arrows of accusation and shame.

Here’s how it works, simple and easy, every time. God says you ARE? He means ‘positional truth,’ that is, you someday, maybe. But right now you are NOT. So get with the program, loser, and pretend to be what God says you are, knowing that you NEVER will be. – The whips of “die, brother, die,” a dying that cannot ever happen.

The false cross of Constantine RULES Nicene theology and stands as the first Door against every word of the gospel. You are still EVIL, and evil-you must DIE, even though evil-you cannot.

Just as the Roman church took outward pagan emblems and “Christianized” them, so Nicene theology takes the rebellion of Adam and the serpent and calls those things by New Testament, gospel terms. The so-called “repentance” of the arrogant Christ, then, becomes a life-long hatred of the way God made us couched in “Christian” garb.

The True Call
But look at the repentance of the gospel, something utterly different. In Romans 1-3 Paul establishes the human opposition to God out from several different types of argument. He concludes his successful argument with this statement.

That every mouth might be closed, and the entire cosmos brought under judgment before God. Therefore, no flesh will be justified in His sight out from works of law; indeed, through law is the personal knowledge of disconnection from God. Now, however, God’s just rightness has been made visible— …being justified, made pure and righteous, utterly without sin or any falling short of God, by His grace and favor through the redemption that is inside of Christ Jesus (Romans 3:19-24 – reduced – rough JSV).

Yet this is so overwhelming of a conclusion that Paul begins his argument again in order to come at the same conclusion through the personal experience of the two most important faith men of the Old Testament, David and Abraham. When Paul arrives at the same place after this second argument he says, The love of God has already been poured out and shed abroad inside of our hearts through Spirit Holy, the One having been given to us (Romans 5:5).

Here is the point. Three things happen to a believer in ONE BLINDING FLASH. First, “Oh my Father, I am GUILTY. – To – I am instantly connected back to God just and innocent through the Mercy Seat that is Jesus. – To – My heart is already and utterly filled with the outpoured love of God.” – The human heart now filled with God.

And the intention of the gospel, that is, true repentance, is that we never turn again to any sufficiency of ourselves, we never again “try to get right with God.” True repentance MEANS “no more consciousness of any disconnection from God.”

Comparing False with True
And so calling God in falsely through Door 1 is turning gospel repentance into the Christian rebellion against God, the same original rebellion of Adam – “I hate the way You made me.”

The true GUILT of the gospel is immediately followed by “My heart is good; my heart is filled with Jesus,” never to turn back to the other way of thinking ever again.

It is this false-prophet calling of God in, then, that creates for every believer in Jesus the very Christian HELL, the unending story-line, “I have a life not-Christ; I am always in trouble with God. I cannot ever be like Jesus, though God will punish me if I don’t pretend to try.”

I lived inside this hellish story-line for many years, frightened out of my wits. And I was frightened because I don’t have the gift of being able to pretend to try. And my inability to pretend to try, then, was called by others “not-Christ.”

Two types of calling God-IN. Any human who wants to be like God wants to be arrogant. You must be perfect first, something entirely contrary to your humanity, before any union with Christ – or – any human who wants to be like God wants to love, regardless, to go beneath to carry others. His strength is made perfect in union with our human weakness.

To a false prophet of Door 1, sin is everything, and Jesus is far away. Trying to connect with God becomes, then, a life-long task that cannot be completed.

To a true prophet of Door 1, Jesus is everything and no sin exists, no disconnection from God can ever happen again.

To a false prophet of Door 1, you are evil because God knows evil and God knows evil because you are evil. Inside of this “remarkable sameness,” then, “you” and “God” are opposed in every conceivable way, your ‘will’ and God’s ‘will’ are irreconcilable.

To a true prophet of Door 1, God knows only Christ and you know only Christ, thus you are sustained every moment by the good speaking of Jesus, and you know yourself only by acknowledging all the good things of Christ that you ARE.

To a false prophet of Door 1, the “perfect” Christ is always “above you,” requiring you to perform what you cannot do before He would ever deign to do His job of connecting you with God. This “Christ,” then, drives you with the whips of Constantine’s false cross.

To a true prophet of Door 1, Christ Jesus IS Savior and Salvation, having taken you upon Himself already, there, in Gethsemane. This same Jesus is the One who lines Himself up with you, becoming you in all that you are, and thus connecting you with Father utterly and always.

The True Dispels the False
How, then, does the true calling of God into ourselves through Door 1 dispel as a meaningless vapor that false calling of the arrogant Christ?

Here is something we have to understand. The first four Doors are an inward calling of God into ourselves. Only after we have fully opened Door 4 to the All-Carrying One can we even begin to think about God through us into His creation.

This, then, is confusing to us, for we do not understand why others are not rushing into this joy we have found that Christ Jesus is the only life we are. We do not understand why other Christians do not want to abandon their own failed self-efforts in order to live inside of Jesus.

The reason is simple. The citadels of false thinking in the Christian intellect, that is, Nicene theology, are too great.

The “trinity,” three BIG DUDES, sitting up there far away, completely distinct from each other and doing quite separate things towards us, each one of whom is “God,” and who are so high above me in their self-stories that they hold me in my lowly state with utter contempt. And when I see any of these three, I must grovel because I am so low and evil.

Eternal damnation, the supreme triumph of evil, the completion of God’s creation as unending injustice, unending accusation, unending human “gods,” that is, humans as their own evil source forever. And thus contempt for the human woven all through this so-called “gospel theology,” through defining Jesus’ appearance on this earth and through all the definitions of “redemption,” which is, in fact, an utter contempt for God.

Hating God by hating self; hating self by hating God.

You see, the answer to this horror is Paul’s gospel. Be absolutely GUILTY. Then, immediately see Jesus and never look to your own failed and pretending performance ever again.

Because this is a private entrance of God into each one of us, personally, the dissipation of the false call happens by the desire of our hearts.

I want Father with me. All my inability to pretend keeps Father far away from me. I hear a word that Jesus is my only life. There is no difficulty of choice for me. If I can run far away from “sin my only life” to “Jesus my only life,” I am gone from one to the other in an instant.

I spent decades in the imagination that Romans 7 was the “normal Christian life.” When I heard, with Paul, that all I had to do was say, “Thank you, Jesus,” to escape that false Christian hell, I was out of there – GONE!

And so we see that the dissipation of the false is DESIRE – what do I want?

Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone should hear My voice and open the door, I will go in towards him and will dine with him and he with Me (Revelation 3:20).

It is the simplest thing to open the Door; it is entirely your desire. Jesus takes care of the rest.

Let us Pray
“Lord Jesus, come into me to be the only life I am, for I live only inside of You. Lord Jesus, I receive every Word God speaks as You in Person written upon my heart. Lord Jesus, You make me part of a Symmorphic God and You make God, my Father, part of me. Lord Jesus, I am just like You in all ways except honor. And Lord Jesus, I turn and speak the same thing into all who are inside of my daily world; I call You into their knowledge as well, that each one might know You as their life and sustainer. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.”

The Meaning of God-Through
What does this wide open Door 1, the Door of Being and Likeness, mean, then, for God’s entrance into His creation through and then beyond us.

We are realizing now that the final entrance of God through us does not happen until Door 7 is standing wide open, sending Father Himself, with all joy, into the knowledge of His creation. Nonetheless, after all the Doors are flung wide open and God has rushed through into the knowledge of all, this open Door 1 will continue to have the single largest impact on the lives of every sentient being in heaven and earth.

It is the Shepherd leaving all behind to find that one lost and foolish human, “I like you. You belong to Me, and I take all that you are upon Myself. I carry you all the way through the darkness until you KNOW that you, just as you are, for real, ARE a wondrous expression of God, who is your Father just as He is mine; you are a vital expression to everyone of His personality. Your Father, your God, needs you, and He is not complete without you.”

It is the Jesus Secret. – The humility of a human Christ revealing Father to all wins, and all the fake arrogance vanishes away as a vapor that never was.