22. The Highway Revisited

© Daniel Yordy – 2020

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken” (Isaiah 40:3-5).

A Highway for God. – This is the title and topic of this series. This is the final act of God in the swallowing up of this age of darkness inside of the arising of an age of knowing God.

Having come thus far, I want to set out anew the meaning of this incredible concept, a concept that few consider or know, that it is God who desires to come through a way placed before Him by humans.

And this is the Ekenosis, for the same way that God came through Jesus, so He comes now through His Church.

Let this same heart-gut-mind be inside of you that was also inside of Christ.
And indeed, I am now working on Philippians in The Jesus Secret II.

THE SAME WAY that God came through Jesus (Philippians 2:5-11) so HE COMES NOW through His Church.

Here is (almost) the final form of the Ekenosis in the JSV.

Let this exact same gut-level manner of thinking be inside of you that was inside of Christ Jesus, who existing continuously and actively inside of the form of God [that is, all here now and Personal in us], did not aggressively seize the gut assumption of being equal with God. Rather, having already willingly taken hold of the form of a slave, Himself ekenosen, that is, He Himself called an invisible God into visibility, becoming the same as humans. And having been found in outward appearance as a human, He humbled Himself, actively becoming hearing-under all the way to death, even the death of the cross.

Calling an invisible God into visibility – He humbled Himself.

This was the highway Jesus prepared for God. This is the same highway we also prepare.
And so I would assert that (1) “He humbled Himself,” (2) the proof of Christ in us faithful and true, (3) this line – “Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth,” and (4) the opening of the seven Doors in our lives, that is, (5) the removal of the seven seals keeping Christ from being known and read by all, that these things are all the same.

In the writing of my life story, I am approaching an experience that I have always counted most valuable to me, but that is now taking on a far greater meaning and importance in my present understanding, and that is the agreement I made with God in November of 1994.

Maureen and I were participating in a weekend Thanksgiving gathering with around 100 other Christians from throughout Oregon. As I met with God in a prayer hut overlooking the wooded valley below, I saw that gathering of people as representing to me God’s precious people all across the earth, His woman whom He would clothe with the Lord Jesus Christ.

I knew also that He had planted inside of me that word which she would need in her hour of travail. But even more, I realized that she could not hear that word at present because God was protecting her, to keep her from every shyster coming down the pike. She could not hear the word God had given me for her because I was not ready.

God’s people are unable to hear the word of Christ our life that He has given to us because we are not yet ready. And being “ready” is something completely different than anything we might imagine.

God prunes us, yes, but we must never imagine that we know what it is He is removing from our lives, because we will ALWAYS have it wrong. We will always be getting rid of something God wants to keep and we will be trying to keep the very thing God is removing, imagining that it is true.

I asked God to make me one through whom He would be free to give His word to His people.

I now know how profoundly God answered my prayer, for He answered me with FIRE, He answered me by taking me into the worst years of my life.

Indeed, it has been twenty-five years since that Thanksgiving request I asked God to do in me. As I looked at this last November of 2019, I saw that I was writing about the New Mexico community and Bowens Mill and that my seeing of everything was changing dramatically. It was also when I began the Tabernacle Teaching and A Highway for God, the clearest flow of understanding the gospel I have ever known.

Twenty-five years is a good length of time, for that was how long Abraham waited for the birthing of Isaac, the son God had promised him twenty-five years before.

You see, we are God’s highway; we are the channel through whom God seeks to enter into our world. But consider what we must be before God can do such a thing. – “Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth.”

The problem is not that they cannot hear us; the problem has been that we were not yet ready.

Being incapable of anything, before God has made us ready in the way He alone wants us to be, is the greatest gift from God we have received thus far as far as our human makeup is concerned, for had we been capable of such performance, we would have already polluted His precious Bride with our own folly.

I am about to start working on Philippians in The Jesus Secret II – and what are the first statements of faith from that little book? Indeed – the very line that was arising in my heart as I just wrote this last paragraph.

I am persuaded with confidence that Jesus completes and finishes His good work inside of me all the way through. I hold my brethren in my heart and pray for them with joy; we are fellow-partakers of grace. I yearn affectionately for all my brothers and sisters in Christ around the world inside of the deep emotions of Christ Jesus.

We are confident that Jesus makes us ready.

I now understand the simple difference between Colossians, the first Jesus Secret, and Ephesians, the second Jesus Secret. The first Jesus Secret in Colossians is Christ made known in each one of us. And the second Jesus Secret in Ephesians is God made known through us together. And these two distinctions are stated clearly in the text.

There must be a gathering together; there must be Christ Community. For that second Jesus Secret is clearly God’s meaning of a highway prepared for Him.

I now want to go through again the meaning of the seven virtues of being a Caller, of being that Highway through which our Father freely and joyfully rushes into His creation, that He might be seen and known by all.

And I want to consider those seven virtues as they are the seven Doors in us as they are flung wide open to God, as the preparing of that highway for God, and, most of all, as the Ekenosis, that incredible act of Jesus in CALLING an invisible God into being seen and known through His human appearance.

I will first place the longer form together from each of the seven overcoming’s, then the shorter form together, and finally I will look at all this in the light of the Ekenosis, what Christ has made us to be that we might call our Father into our world.

Virtue #1: The proof of Christ through me, that Jesus is my very and only life, that I am never other than He, that is, eating of the tree of LIFE. Inside of Jesus, I am inside of and part of everything that He is. Inside of Jesus, I connect with God in all ways that the Lord Jesus connects with God. Then, Jesus is inside of me in all that I am, both living as me and dwelling in my heart and fellowshipping with me in joyous friendship. Thus Jesus is inside of and part of everything that is me, including all my “less comely” parts. God connects with me, then, in all ways that the Lord Jesus connects with me.

Virtue #2: The proof of Christ through me, first, that I accept that, since Jesus lives as me, then He lives also as my fellow believers in Jesus regardless of anything outward. Second is my acceptance that God is meek and lowly of heart and that He sees others as better. Third is my acceptance that, since Jesus lives in my heart, His passion for His Church also lives there. This Door is an acceptance that I live only inside of God-Love and that I begin to allow Jesus to be Himself through me towards others as the One who carries all.

Virtue #3: The proof of Christ through me, the knowing that Jesus completed all in order to restore each created being back into full connection with God through His one UNLIMITED sacrifice for sins. The utter certainty that, regardless of any outward appearance, all things are brand new and all things are now out from God. This enlargement of the Atonement in our eyes and in all our definitions grows and grows until it swallows up into itself, in our knowing, all that exists, yet even that growth of knowing the meaning of the Atonement will increase forever.

Virtue #4: The proof of Christ through me, the certain knowing that God is my only source, that I am coming every moment out from the All-Carrying One through the good-speaking of Jesus sustaining me and carrying me in every moment. The certain knowing that God is Love, and that the driving intention behind all that I am is the passionate expression of that Love. This knowing, then, is demonstrated by the action of “turning around,” of no longer “seeking to find” God, but now being, in every moment, His expression through faith.

Virtue #5: The proof of Christ through me, that Jesus is the very Energeia of God energeoing and sustaining all that I am as my ONLY life force. This goes far deeper than we have known thus far, however, for this is Jesus written as every word God is speaking all through the pathways of our hearts. This is sharing Hheart with God. To share word with God is to share life with God is to share Jesus with God is to share Hheart with God. This proof is the absolute certainty in which we walk, our supreme confidence that we ARE part of Christ, part of Father revealed.

Virtue #6: The proof of Christ through me, that, since my only identity is all the good speaking that is Christ Jesus, the only face I need to present to anyone is my own human face, gentle and real. My face, then, reflects me as I am, in all my abilities and inabilities, joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures. I never have any need to pretend, for no shame exists in me and I have nothing to cover over. Yet my face is also quick to share joy or sorrow with others, in being part of their lives as well, and the gentle kindness of my brow and the delight in my eyes makes others feel welcome and needed.

Virtue #7: The proof of Christ through me, that I synergeo with God in my seeing and in my speaking, seeing all things good, and turning everything, good, bad, or indifferent, into the path of goodness. My continual judgment that all things are brand new, that all things come out from God through the good-speaking of Jesus. My extension of the Salvation of God upon every created entity. My going under with Father, carrying all things through the darkness and into joy. My judgment of my brothers and sisters in Christ, that they are my greatest treasure, that their hearts and persons dwelling in all Favor are more valuable to me than the universe.

Then the shorter versions together.
  • Virtue #1: My complete rest inside of Jesus inside of me – Symmorphy.
  • Virtue #2: My allowing the passion and desire of Jesus for His own ones to be the purpose of my life.
  • Virtue # 3: My definition of all things that exist become – One unlimited sacrifice for sins
  • Virtue #4: My active involvement with the Father as my immediate and only Source.
  • Virtue #5. My certainty, having turned around, that I share Hheart with God as my only life force.
  • Virtue #6: My own human face as the very face of God in tender compassion.
  • Virtue #7: My utter gratefulness for God with me as I synergeo with Father judging all to life.
I did not write these seven all out together to make sure that everything worked in harmony; rather, I just wrote them spontaneously inside the thinking of each different chapter. For that reason, I do expect to see some overlap, and I did find that I needed to re-word #2 and #3 to fit the wording of the others.

Let’s restate these even shorter, now. (1) Utter union with Christ, (2) receiving of others as Jesus, (3) defining all things by the Atonement, (4) having turned around, now coming only out from Father, (5) sharing Hheart with Father as life, (6) honesty of face in carrying others, (7) synergeoing with God in judgment to life.

Indeed we are looking at the very framework of the first Ekenosis, God Incarnate.

Synergeoing with God in judgment to life IS God coming through as FIRE, the God who answers by Fire.

It is an interesting thing that the first person towards whom my seeing changed as I was writing my life story, was my seeing of my father-in-law, Claude Mack, the most difficult person for me in my life. And that change of seeing happened during the season of Thanksgiving, 2019, twenty-five years after I had asked God to do such a thing inside of me.

My expectation of Community is now more certain than it has yet been in the twenty-two years since I left Blair Valley, waiting upon God ever since to restore His Community to me, for now I rest in utter peace and in the carrying of God. God does what He says He will do.

“Ekenosis” means “out from emptiness, out from not being known.”

The Ekenosis is an invisible God becoming seen and known through the human form. The first Ekenosis was the Lord Jesus, the One-Seed of God; the second Ekenosis is the Church together, the same One-Seed in the many, God manifest in the flesh.

The second Ekenosis is the Highway prepared for God.

Understand that Philippians 2:5 is one of the “Be just like God” verses. – Let this exact same gut-level manner of thinking be inside of you that was inside of Christ Jesus.

This is our true “obedience,” that is, our true hearing-under, that is, placing our hearing of God through us under with Father carrying all through death and into life.

The act of calling God to enter into the knowledge of all out from our hearts is the second Ekenosis, it is our true obedience, it is being just like Jesus.

Let’s create statements of faith regarding the Ekenosis of God through us in response to Paul’s injunction that we let this same heart-thinking be inside of us. These things will show up in The Jesus Secret II Philippians.

I possess the same heart-thinking that defined Jesus in His connection with God all the days of His time in the flesh. The same heart-thinking that filled Jesus fills me in all that I am, in full saturation.

I know that the Lord Jesus, the human Jesus, exists now again in the form of God, that is, all here now and utterly Personal and real inside of me, written all through the pathways of my heart as the very Seed of God.

I know that this same Jesus actively connects me utterly with God my Father and God with me in every continuous moment. I know that I exist as this same Jesus gives voice to God’s thoughts concerning me.

I know that I am equal with God, for He made me just like Himself by the pattern of the Lord Jesus. I am of His same kind; I am able to receive His Seed and bring forth His life into the world.

I stand heart to Heart with God, for I share His Determination and His Desire is poured out in my heart. I stand forehead to Forehead with God, for I will not rest until His intentions are all that I am.

Yet I do not hold onto that equality with God as if it should make me “superior” in any way. Rather, I place myself as a servant to God, that He might be free to reveal Himself through me as He wishes. I willingly give myself to Father for His sake, that He might win all His desire.

In my human weakness, in my confidence in God with me, I CALL God my Father to enter out from my heart and into my world. God, I call You to come and to be life to others through me. I am confident that God IS coming through me in every moment, just as He wishes, for the sake of others.

I know that my human frame is God’s appearance in all heaven-earth. I know that in my gathering together with other believers in Jesus, that God is seen and known by all as they see our tender compassion as we love one another in just the same way that Jesus loves us.

I call God my Father into our love as the Church together, that this invisible God who fills me with all that He is might be our deep love for one another in the highest regard and respect. I call every interaction we have together to be God-Love among us, regardless of our appearance of weakness.

Indeed, I know that as God my Father is revealed through my human weakness, He humbles Himself together with me and with us together, for the sake of others. I know that God shares my every moment as part of me and that He and I together embrace all the pressures of travail so that others might enter into the wondrous knowledge of God.

I hear the beating of my Father’s Heart as He places Himself beneath each one, seeing them as better. And in hearing my Father, I join myself utterly with Him and He with me, such that we together carry each one inside our shared Hheart.

I know that as I stumble forward in the path set for me, that Father carries me, that Father shares even my stumbling failure utterly with me. I know that Father and I together, and together with my brothers and sisters, are carrying the entire creation, each individual person, in our hearts all the way through the darkness and into life.

I know that Father revealed through us together is the life and joy of all creation.

I know that God exalts above all things this quality of Jesus in me, of sharing Hheart with Him in His care for all.

– The Ekenosis of God – calling our Father into our world, just like the Lord Jesus, as God instructs us to be and to do, walking in exactly the same way that Jesus walked (1 John 2).


Finally, let’s put the seven prayers together. Except – this time I want you to pray these prayers with all thirst together with your Father, in the earnest expectation that He WILL fulfill all these things in your life in all that He means.

Be by yourself, place yourself utterly with God and God with you in your whole consciousness. Then, speak these words out loud, knowing that this is first Jesus, and then Father with you, speaking these prayers together.

“Lord Jesus, come into me to be the only life I am, for I live only inside of You. Lord Jesus, I receive every Word God speaks as You in Person written upon my heart. Lord Jesus, You make me part of a Symmorphic God and You make God, my Father, part of me. Lord Jesus, I am just like You in all ways except honor. And Lord Jesus, I turn and speak the same thing into all who are inside of my daily world; I call You into their knowledge as well, that each one might know You as their life and sustainer. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.”

“Lord Jesus, I receive my brothers and sisters in just the same way that You receive me, with all regard and joy. Lord Jesus, I know that You fill my heart with Your overwhelming passion towards and tender regard for each individual person. I don’t have to “feel” that to know it is true. And so, Lord Jesus, I am willing to allow You to receive others through me. I am willing, Lord Jesus, to take all my fellow Christians with me into union with Christ, to see them as You, to see them complete and whole, with no consciousness of offense. Lord Jesus, I see and speak that, just as I enjoy union with You, so do all my brothers and sisters, that just as I know that You are living as me, so I know that You are living as them. I am aware of their ignorance of God, yes, and of their continued faltering, but it makes no difference, for I know that You are their life and You do all things well.”

“Lord Jesus, I place myself before You in complete silence, awestruck inside the absolute finality and the infinite breadth of the Atonement that You are inside of and towards all created beings, each one in their season. Lord Jesus, I place You as my utter connection with God, for You always live to make me part of my Father and He part of me. I allow You, Lord Jesus, to connect me with God All-Carrying as One who shares everything of life together with me. Out from Your UNLIMITED Sacrifice, then, Lord Jesus, I see all my brethren in Christ as already complete, already just like You in all ways, already the revelation of Father through them. I am aware that such completion does not appear outwardly, but I give outward appearance no heed, for I know that You are Faithful and True, that You are Savior and all-Salvation.”

“Father, I am coming out from You, from Your wondrously blessed thoughts concerning me, as Jesus speaks those thoughts and You become part of my every moment. And Father, my only view forward now is You among us believers together as all our connections together, God-Love always the only thing among us. For that reason, Father, as I look at the people around me in my world, I see that they also are coming only out from You, and that You carry them utterly inside Your stumbling Son, even including all their sin and shame. And Father, just as I see Christ as all their Completion, so I see You as their only Source. Oh, my Father, how I would share Hheart with You! I believe, and I know that I do.”

“Father, I know that as I receive the Lord Jesus into my heart as every Word that You speak, so I know that I am entering into You, to live only inside of You, and that You are entering into me to share life together with me. Father, Christ who is Your Heart, lives also inside of my heart because I am confident that He does. There, my Father, I know that I share Hheart with you, that our desire is one. Father, I know that Your Love is poured out and shed abroad in my heart through our precious Holy Spirit whom You have given so freely to me. And Father, I know that, in sharing Hheart with you, our Hheart goes out in deep yearning over every single person, first inside Your Church, and second, into all creation.”

“Father, I know that I am always coming out from Your thoughts concerning me, through the good-speaking of Jesus. I know that every aspect of my human person, as I find myself to be, is an expression of Your character and personality. Therefore, Father, I accept that my every circumstance and situation, my every stumbling step, is You with me, sharing my life with me and sharing Your travail with me for the sake of others, for each one who belongs to Jesus. Father, I receive You always into my soul, as part of me, no matter how awful I feel. And Father, I receive my brother or sister into my heart, no matter how offensive I imagine them to be. And here, inside our wide-open Hheart, Father, we set them free inside of You.”

“Father, I give You all thanks for my lowly frame, for You have made me to be filled with all that You are. Father, I gladly join with You in walking beneath of others, lifting them up, for Your sake, because I value Your Heart above all things, that I might live every moment of my life forever only there. Father, I see through Your eyes, I see through eyes of Fire, that Fire that changes everything into life and goodness. Therefore I judge all things into life, not flippantly, but in the full bearing of all cost as Christ Jesus now sharing Himself with and as me. I am a member of Your Body, my Father, reveal Yourself as the All-Carrying One through my brothers and sisters with me together. Father, be God-Love through me; it is so.”

Now believe, with all your heart, that you have received ALL that you asked. God is speeding down His HIGHWAY, moving out from your heart into your world.