20. The Door and the Outer Court

The Church of Christ, millions of Spirit-filled believers in Jesus walking together in and as the fullness of Christ, is the end goal of what Salvation is and means. The Spirit of God flows out from her midst, then, to set all creation free.

Before the resurrection of our bodies, as represented by the gate of the outer court, there is a revelation of Jesus Christ to His entire church. 

Moses indicated that the Door of the Holy Place was the face of God to the camp of Israel. As we together go forth into the larger church, we are the face of Jesus towards all who call upon His name.

Lesson 20.1 To the Ends of the Earth places the ministry of the Church as Jesus laid out in Acts Chapter One into our present understanding of the Covenant. The lesson explores the difference between the Veil and the Door as they are fulfilled in our going forth together as the revelation of Father.

Lesson 20.2 The Face of God draws from the author's personal experience to set forth a view of our role as Christ to His Church.

Lesson 20.3 The Near Outer then places the larger church, all who call upon Jesus in some way, as that part of our mission field as we together are the fulfillment of what God means by the Church.

Lesson 20.4 The Witness of Christ sets forth the assertion that life together, many walking together as one, Church as God means Church to be, is the real witness of the Lord Jesus Christ to all creation.