1. Perspectives and Layout

This introduction to the course, Symmorphy IV: Covenant, sets the tone for the important assumptions that will underlie all the lessons and assignments in the course.

The premise of this course is that another Person, God Almighty, lives inside of each one of us as ALL that He is, and that this Person connects together with us in our persons in specific and knowable ways. More than that, those specific and knowable ways by which God in Person connects together with our persons are found in the words of the Bible, are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, and come into us as Christ Jesus Himself.

1.1 The Purpose of this Course. The purpose of this course, Symmorphy IV: Covenant, is to seek out, to understand, and to live in the depths, the meaning, and the extent of the Covenant by which the Father is bound to us and we to the Father as one person together – as Jesus claimed in John 17 – that they may be one in Us.

1.2 Focus and Layout. The guiding idea of this course, then, is that the Lord Jesus Christ, in His own Person, utterly Human, existing in the form of a life-giving Spirit, is the entire connection between our persons and the Person of God Almighty. As we know Jesus connecting us with Father, so we know the Covenant.

1.3 Connections to Pro-Thesis. The ruling verse of the Bible is Romans 8:28-30. – God determined me conformed as one person together with Jesus as the revelation of the Father. Everything in the Bible and in all reality must come under and be known by the five HUGE words in this verse: Pro-Thesis; Pro-Knowing; Pro-Determined; Symmorphosed; and Image.

Read through the lessons studiously; jot down your thoughts as you study. When finished with the lessons, do the Self-Reflection Assignment. You will use this form for the same assignment after every chapter.