26. Composing with Materials

Regardless of any lines drawn on a blueprint or ideas expressed regarding the design of a house, when the house is actually built, everything of that house is made out of specific physical materials.

In exactly the same way, regardless of any descirption we might have of God's House, of His Church, when the Church is actually gathered together into Christ, everything of that house is made out of specific human persons.

And so, just as the tenth most important verse, abiding in Christ, comes around full circle to stand beside the first, the intentions of God, symmorphosed together with Christ, in just the same way, the final pattern, composing with materials, comes around full circle to stand beside the first, inhabiting the site, as the two parts of the actual physical expression of Home.

Church is about people, you and me, as God made us, giving of ourselves to one another in joy. 

Lesson 26.1 Each by Name begins with the honor God gives to each one of us personally in making us as individuals to be part of His Heart and His Home. Then, the lesson draws in the points from the pattern of home called "composing with materials" as well as the points from our precious union with Jesus, Christ living as us.

Lesson 26.2 Place and Display describes each one of us in all of our individual qualities and persons as wondrous expressions of Father forever, and how we fit together as the revelation of Father in Community.

Lesson 26.3 Know God's Knowing of Us delves further into the Pro-Knowing of God, how you and I are coming out of Father's thoughts every moment. The lesson uses some of Annie Schissler's visions to illustrate our existence inside of God.

Additional Material


I Looked and I Saw Visions of God Edited by R. Edward Miller