24. Places in Between

If we are right now in the business of setting creation free together with our Father, how does the ministry of Christ through Christian Community work in practical terms?
How is Christian Community the only real and true witness of Christ?

You see, if loving one another is NOT in view for others to see, then neither is Christ. 
The pattern of home called "places in between" is the perfect layout for understanding how a Community interacts with the general public, both to make a living and as a witness of Christ, while at the same time, maintaining the necessary separation of family life.

And, of course, confidence is the verse of the aroma of the knowledge of God going out from us into every place.

Lesson 24.1 Practicing Christ first lays out the argument of the writer of Hebrews, which is written entirely to drive home what I have called the sixth and seventh most important verses of the Bible. Then the lesson brings in the points of the pattern of home, "places in between."

Lesson 24.2 Hospitality places the points of the verse of confidence into the setting of hospitality, of a Community of Christ welcoming all to come and drink. The lesson goes on to describe how a Christ Community wil make a living through hospitality.

Lesson 24.3 Give defines giving as the quality by which God exists and how "giving," then, defines how we relate with the public as well as one another.