20. Private Edges - Common Core

How does loving one another fit into the design and pattern of a "house" becoming a home?

Indeed, that is the central question of all "home" design, in contrast to just building boxes in which to house people (or God).

Of all the patterns of home, this pattern of "private edges - common core" seemed to me to be the least relevant when I first combined the patterns with the verses. Of course, I had not yet looked at the actual fine print inside Patterns of Home.   

How overwhelmed I was as I wrote out the points from the pattern, for I was looking a the very essence of designing for love, including that central concept for community, family life.

Lesson 20.1 Set It Free uses the familiar statement, "if you love something, set it free," as the starting point before bringing in the pattern of home called "private edges - common core," that is, the design of providing for both public gathering and personal outlook. Then the lesson brings in the points from "loving one another."

Lesson 20.2 The Well-Built Community describes the actual layout of the necessary buildings of a Christian Community, the primary considerations in their design and layout together in order to accomodate family life as well as personal privacy.

Lesson 20.3 Family Life introduces that dynamic quality that is found only in Christ Community, the life of the family together, a wonderful mix of frienship, fellowship, love, togetherness, and respect.