14. A Love Story

The Holy Spirit is also romance, and life together as the Body of Christ is a love story. In fact, if you were to describe the love romance between Christ and the individual believer, between Christ and His Church, and among us together, you would be describing the place and action of the Holy Spirit.

For that reason, we turn to the love stories of the Bible and of literature in order to understand what Church is really all about.

Lesson 14.1 Falling in Love describes what it means for us to fall in love with the Church and with one another inside of life together.

Lesson 14.2 Rebekah and Esther uses the love stories of Rebekah and Isaac and Esther and King Ahasuerus in the Old Testament in order to show us the nature of our love story together.

Lesson 14.3 Ruth and the Shulamite continues in that same description of romance using the love stories of Ruth and Boaz and the Shulamite and Solomon. These qualities of love are the very essence of our Father and of Christ in His Church.

Lesson 14.4 Placing Love then takes the romance of love, the qualities of the love stories of the Bible, and places them front and center as the real meaning of the revelation of Jesus Christ.