25. Led by the Spirit

Our confidence that we are part of Christ results in knowing that we are always led in triumph, in the overflowing victory of Christ. Yet this is not a performance word, but a faith word, knowing that, in spite of our limitations, which is Jesus sharing Himself with us, the Spirit of God is flowing forth from us causing the knowledge of God to spring up in every place.

And thus we see that being led by the Spirit fits here in our ministry as the witness of Christ, of loving one another, to all.

But we cannot define "led by the Spirit" as we once did, a place of performance and pretending and always falling short. Rather, we are always confident that, in every instance, it is the Spirit always leading us.

Lesson 25.1 Spirit Led places the source of knowing that we are always led by the Spirit as the condition of heart by which we never trust in ourselves or our "abilities" to "accomplish" the work of God. Yet, if I am confident that the Spirit is always leading me, then the evidence of that confidence is that I am also confident that the Spirit is always leading you.

Lesson 25.2 Community Work then describes the internal work of a Christian Community and how it should be ordered and governed. This is the third part of governance in the Church. As such, this topic very much fits inside of knowing that we are always led by the Spirit.

Lesson 25.3 For Father's Sake insists that there is only one reason for anything we do ever, only one foundation of life together, and that is "for Father's sake." Inside of this context, then, we place the moneys of the Community, how finance should be handled inside a Community of Christ.