17. Order by the Spirit

The Holy Spirit is "made" for the Church and the Church for the Holy Spirit. The two fit together in every living way. For that reason, we call the Holy Spirit "natural," meaning that which belongs, that which fits the whole.

This Holy Spirit, then, operating in full experience in the midst of the Church, brings a wonderful balance to everything. Order by the Spirit is never "controlled," always free-flowing, and yet, in the end, even through the mess, God's perfect order.

And by this same Holy Spirit, we are together the Body of Christ, the revelation of Father inside His creation.

Lesson 17.1 A Natural Spirit describes the Holy Spirit as the one who fits the Church. When we follow the Spirit, everything takes place, according to Paul, "by good design."

Lesson 17.2 A Balance of Wholeness goes through all the paring of things inside of life together that must be all and all. Wholeness is not 50/50, but all and all. When all the ins and outs of life find their balance of wholeness, life together becomes rich and full.

Lesson 17.3 Knowing One Another presents one of the most vital of all balances, knowing one another ~ respecting one another. Knowing one another is God's gift to us, whereas respecting one another is our gift to each other.