16. Parts in Proportion

Church as we have known it has never been right. The parts are out of proportion, things line up by an order that is not the Holy Spirit's. Things seem out of balance; the flow is man's order much more than God's. People show up, wanting to belong, but leave unfulfilled. 

The reason for this lack is a church defined by the tree of good and evil, a church defined by the curse God spoke in the garden.

But what is God's order for His Church? How do we know what governs the balances inside of life together that causes us to know that we are part of Father revealed?

The most wonderful thing happens as we use the patterns of home to understand God's building of His own House. We discover two powerful layouts that line everything up perfectly as God intends and as we are created to live. Those two patterns are the Cross and the Tabernacle.

Lesson 16.1 Out of Whack describes the sense the author carried for years inside of Christian Community that something was not right, something was "out of whack." The lesson then lays out the pattern of home called "parts in proportion." 

Lesson 16.2 The Axis Lines then brings in the points of Galatians 2:20, the verse of the cross, and defines the cross as the governing order God has given to HIs Church, one line connecting us with Father and the other line connecting us together.

Lesson 16.3 Extending Union discovers the importance and reality of extending the practice of union with Christ we enjoy as individuals out to include all other believers in Jesus, and especially, those believers with whom we walk daily.