1. Perspectives & Layout

This introduction to the course, Symmorphy V: Life, sets the tone for the important assumptions that will underlie all the lessons and assignments in the course.

The premise of this course is that the Church, many brethren walking together IS the fullness of Christ. Christ is a many-membered man, and we together are His Body. God reveals Himself only through reciprocal and daily love among humans.

1.1 The Purpose of this Course. The purpose of this course, Symmorphy V: Life, is to set forth the conditions, the context, and the expression by which the Life of Father is made known through the Church, as we live life together as the family of God. This text, then, is meant to be a manual for Godly Christian Community now and through the Age of Tabernacles.

1.2 Focus and Layout. The guiding idea of this course, then, is that the Lord Jesus Christ reveals Father as He is in and through His many-membered Body, brothers and sisters, family, living life together, loving one another with a pure heart fervently. Thus at every point and in every circumstance, any local Community of Christ is, literally and substantially, the Body, the visible form of the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself in Person, in that place. By the continual fellowship of Jesus Sent, then, Father Himself is made known.

1.3 Connections to Pro-Thesis. The ruling verse of the Bible is Romans 8:28-30. – God determined me conformed as one person together with Jesus as the revelation of the Father. Everything in the Bible and in all reality must come under and be known by the five HUGE words in this verse: Pro-Thesis; Pro-Knowing; Pro-Determined; Symmorphosed; and Image. Life together is the full and completed expression in outward appearance, that is, image, of all these things inside of God.