27. With His Glorious Body

The third part of symmorphy, symmorphosed together with His glorious body, is a part of symmorphy we have hardly known. We ARE one body together, members of one another, all the fullness of Christ, Jesus energoing all in each one.

We together are the appearance of Jesus walking this earth.

But just as each one of us comes into the whole to fit together as one body, so each of the powerful verses of God come into a full picture of Christ, as the Word of our Design.
As we know the Words by which we exist, by which we live and move and have our being, out from that knowing, we utterly enjoy one another – forever.

Lesson 27.1 A Symmorphic Body expands on the meaning of our being symmorphosed together as the Wondrous Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, a Body that is already full and complete.

Lesson 27.2 The Anti-Design sets out, finally, exactly what the lie of the serpent really is and how it operates all through the thinking of this world and Christianity in this world.

Lesson 27.3 Designed by Word then goes through each of the most important verses and the wondeful action points from each verse as we have discovered in this course. From each verse we are able to extract different "rules" of Christian thinking by which we know Christ and ourselves. Then, when we see the great contrast between the true and the false, we are filled with confidence and joy all over again.

Lesson 27.4 Enjoying One Another sets before us the reality that our Home and God's Home is people, one another, and how wonderful each one of us is, coming entirely out from the unending thoughts in Father concerning us..