29.3 Looking Forward

© 2018 Christ Revealed Bible Institute

I have already written part of what typically goes in this final lesson inside 29.1 Applying Life Together. But let’s look back over this course. What have I learned through penning these twenty-eight sessions? How has God changed my life in the knowing of Him. I hardly know where to begin. Every single time I have written out the action points for the pattern of home together with each of the most important verses, my understanding of the Bible has catapulted.  One would suppose that twenty years of thought and ten years of teaching the most important verses of the Bible would be sufficient to know them. I was wrong; I hardly knew them at all.

Increase in the Knowledge of God. In the past, in each book/series I have written, I have found an increase in two directions. First, in the knowledge of what God is and says, and second, in the demonstration of power in my life. Writing Symmorphy V: Life has been the same, only more so.

Let’s talk first about the increase in the knowledge of what God is and says that has come to me through this writing. The two lessons, 27.2 The Anti-Design and 27.3 Designed by Word, are a work in progress. I intend to continue working on them as a single document, with the action points of the most important verses included. Yet writing that layout has sealed the knowledge of what God says in the Bible inside of me.

Designed by Word. You see, knowing what God says happens only when we know what God does not say as well. That is, a dividing line must come that clearly separates the NOT from the IS. That single document, “The Rules of Christian Thinking,” is the full and clear dividing line between Anti and Christ.

Designed by Word, every Word God speaks as my DNA, the pattern by which I exist every moment – to know that Word, to know that Word as me, this is the greatest of all treasures. And this is the joy of Christ. Ten years from now, I will write again that back then when I first wrote “Designed by Word,” I had no idea what these most important verses really said.

My Honor. Christ, every Word that He is, increases forever; yet He is always the same Word. And forever, I get to teach the increase of that Word to God’s people. Forever, I get to show you what is already in your heart, this Father who already fills you full.

The power of an endless life.

Several years ago the Lord spoke a quiet word to me, “Because you have honored My Word, I will honor you.” Here is my honor. You, in all the joy of Christ fulfilled. You are my glory and my joy. If God fulfills His Word in you through my little bit, then I am honored above all.

The Demonstration of Power. But then, the demonstration of the power of God in my life has happened as well. Part of that demonstration of power has come through writing the clarity of Designed by Word along with knowing clearly the Anti-Word, and part of it has come through working with the Jesus Secret Version of many of the New Testament books.

I know inside, through all the fabric of my being, a certainty far deeper and stronger than I have ever known. The CERTAINTY of knowing God as He IS and as He speaks. I know that I know what God says. For forty-two years I have longed to know what the Bible says; for forty-two years, I have sought to know. Now, I know.

Certainty. And when I am challenged – “What makes you think you are the one who has it right?” – I have one simple answer to give. “My dear brother, my dear sister, when you discover that I am right, you will laugh with overflowing laughter as you have never known before. You will laugh in the joy of your Salvation, and your abundant delight will never end.”

You see, a BIG part of the power of my certainty is in my knowledge that you LOVE me, that all believers in Jesus overflow in love towards me, whether they know it or not. God’s Salvation, a Salvation no one has looked for, a Salvation ready now to be unveiled, is a goodness beyond what anyone has ever dreamed. It is the goodness of HOME.

Present Work. And so, we are looking forward from here, from this place of utter certainty in knowing the Word of our Design. Obviously, Jesus gathering us together into Christ Communities, life together, is the biggest thing before us.

But, for me right now, here is where things stand. I am looking forward with anxious anticipation to getting this course, Symmorphy V: Life in printed form in my hands so that I might read it from beginning to end. I have no idea what is in this book until I do so, and until I write the chapter questions and summaries. Covenant is almost ready and Life Together is well on its way.

CRBI. At the same time, I am working on the third course in the first module of the Christ Revealed Bible Institute Biblical Studies program – ChServ 102 Seeking to Know the Lord. This looks like a fun course to complete. When I have it ready, I can finally begin to advertise the Biblical Studies program. I did not want to take people’s money before I had all three of their first courses ready. The second module will be much simpler for me to complete since it includes Symmorphy I: Purpose, my own writing course, and The Feast of Tabernacles, which are partly done. And I would like to keep on going until all courses are completed, though I don’t know who or how many will access them. 

Knowing Jesus as He Is. While writing Symmorphy III: Kingdom, I committed myself to my part of writing this word of Christ Our Life in simple and clear forms. I could not do that until I had learned what on earth God says. And so the document “The Rules of Christian Thinking,” or “Designed by Word,” forms the basis of the next two books I hope to write. Those two books are first, Knowing Jesus as He Is and second, Let My people Go, as I wrote about in Bridge II. You should be receiving the first chapters of Knowing Jesus as He Is soon.

Please pray for me as I write this book. I am well aware that I am writing “heresy,” that is, Jesus through us, in the same vein as many who have been burned at the stake.

“Heresy.” The Cadfael mystery I am reading now contains the contention of “heresy.” The “heresy” presented is that of Origen, who read in the New Testament the same glory I read. But the worst heresy to them is Father sharing our sorrow. The religious man cannot tolerate God among us.

Part of why God keeps me small is to keep me from the winds of opposition that would blow if I were more widely known. It would be overwhelming to me should I be openly opposed, and my writing would become strained. God wants the revelation of Jesus Christ, that is, the clear teaching of the Bible, full and complete, and His own ones sealed inside of Jesus, before He makes this word of Christ our Life more widely known.

More Books. I have three other books in mind as well, then, including the Jesus Secret paraphrase of selected New Testament books. I also have the second half of The Jesus Secret to complete, a book that, while of similar approach, will be very different from the first half. And then I have started an autobiography titled Prepare a Path that I would like to get the chance to complete. But that makes a total of twenty-three books, a very odd number. I like even numbers, and so, I would not be surprised at all if one or two more books should appear in my heart. But then we have Solomon’s promise – of the writing of books there shall be no end. I have great hope. But I would far rather teach in my own classroom face to face with you.

A Most Wondrous Salvation. As we finish looking forward for now, let’s look again at this most wondrous Salvation about to be revealed, a Salvation that no one is looking for, a Salvation that will take everyone’s breath away with its joyous goodness.

The first wonder is that Salvation is complete, and all creation is saved. If one died for all, then all died. – And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not ours only, but of the entire cosmos. – Old things are passed away, behold all things are brand new. Now, all things are of God.

But – what is Salvation? Salvation is the fullness of Christ, which, by definition, is the Church, that is, the dwelling place, the Body of God, Father among us together, making Himself known through us.

Salvation Is Complete. So what is the problem? You see, no one is “getting saved.”

In Symmorphy IV: Covenant, we saw that God takes us through seven times of saying, “Yes, Lord,” from acknowledging that Jesus is our Savior all the way to our bodies being swallowed up by life. But that is for us, not for God. For God, Salvation, that is, Jesus Himself, is complete. When we say, “Yes, Lord,” we are not “contributing” anything to our Salvation. We are simply allowing God, who respects us, to reveal a bit more to us of what is already true.

Stand still and SEE the Salvation of God (Exodus 14).

Already Just Like God. So what’s the problem? Look back up at my definition of Salvation. Here is another way to say the exact same thing. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27). – Already just like God. Two options then. Either Adam and Eve could discover the meaning of their Salvation step by step by eating of life; or they could “try” to be what they already were, even though they had no idea what that was.
The problem is the human desire to contribute to becoming what God says we already are while being willfully ignorant of what God means.

Our Joy. But it is the preachers, then, who tell Christians that they are not saved, and that the only thing that will save them is death. Die – and then you will KNOW salvation.

Our joy, then, is to show people that they already ARE fully saved and that knowing what that means will come to them bit by bit as they partake of Christ in confidence. And what we mean is that they possess now in full reality everything the preacher claims is to be found “in heaven only.” You already possess an immortal physical body. Put that immortality upon yourself, that is, put on the Lord Jesus Christ. But people are blocked by knowing the reality of what is already true regarding them by their false effort to “contribute” to that Salvation or by their attachment to this present world.

Discovering What Is Already True. It is not until we turn around upon the Mercy Seat, that is, accept in all totality the Sacrifice of Christ as complete and now revealed through us, that we know how saved we really are.

Several months ago, the Lord took me through a direct and explicit experience with Him, then, in which I agreed to be as Jesus towards His Church, that is, to love God’s people in full commitment with the same love of Jesus for them. Coming out from my “Yes, Lord,” I have now discovered what has always been true, that all who believe in Jesus love me more than I can know because Love fills them full. That knowledge of being loved by all Christians has filled something inside of me that was never filled.

The Joys of Our Salvation. So what are the Joys of our Salvation that make us laugh and laugh and laugh?

We already share together the same form with the Lord Jesus and with one another as the Body of God; Father is already at Home in us together, revealing Himself as He is. We are already filled with all the fullness of God as one Body together, many rooms for God and for us, full and complete.

We are already, not just safe ourselves, but much more, we ARE already the safety and refuge for many fleeing out from hades and Gehenna into the joy of Christ. We are already the light of the cosmos; we already send forth the Holy Spirit as rivers across this earth.

Already Love. We are already one with the Lord Jesus Christ, in His death and, much more, in His life. Jesus already lives as us. We already dwell together boldly in all that is God and heavenly; we already seize for ourselves together everything we find inside of God.

We already love one another with all the Love that is our Father; we already think more highly of each other than we do of ourselves; we already lay down our lives for one another in tender compassion and respect. We already share heart with God. We are already seeing creation free, showing to all the joy of their Salvation, already full, already complete.

Laughing Together. We already walk in all confidence as if we are fully resurrected, swallowed up by LIFE. Jesus already walks this earth in His physical body, you and me together, the fulness and the proof of Christ. We already live entirely inside of Jesus and Jesus already lives entirely inside of us. We already put on all that is Jesus. We already know Father through Jesus Sent into us.

We already drink of the same Spirit together; we are already members of one another, utterly part of each other. And we know the extent of what is already complete entirely as we wish – one Word at a time.

Here is what we are looking forward to – laughing together in the absolute joy of Father always revealing Himself through us.